Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Cost-efficient and reliable trains, including high-capacity trains and high-speed trains

IP Coordinator: Javier Goikoetxea - CAF


Total Project Value:
€ 9 687 622,39
from 01/10/2018 to 31/07/2021
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 4 305 179,39
Igor Lopez
Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles, S.A.
Complementary projects:
Previous Project:


CONNECTA-2 aims at contributing to the Shift2Rail’s next generation of TCMS architectures and components, combining the new drive-by-data concept for train control together with wireless information transmissions. This project envisions paving the way towards a 50% increase in the availability of trains related to the functioning of train control and monitoring, a 50% reduction in cost, time and effort in certification, commissioning and maintenance phases, while at the same time developing the ability to implement SIL4 functions in the TCMS and supporting the development of the “virtual coupling” concept, which can dramatically increase the capacity of lines.
The high level objective of the work is to continue the activities started in CONNECTA-1 to bring the technologies to TRL5 and deploying them in two laboratory demonstrators. The specific actions to be undertaken within the scope of CONNECTA-2 contributing to the above high level targets are: 
  • To continue the development of wireless technologies for the train communication networks, including the wireless ECN, the wireless ETB, the train-to-ground communication and the train-to-train communication.
  • To implement the new train-wide communication network (known as NG-TCN) for full TCMS support including the replacement of train lines, connecting safety functions up to SIL4 and support of “fail-safe” and “fail-tolerant” principles, to provide an optimal train network for TCMS and OMTS (Onboard Multimedia and Telematic Services) as well as communication mean for non-TCMS functions, as defined in CONNECTA-1.
  • To continue with the standardisation of functional interfaces of functions (application profiles).
  • To implement the Functional Open Coupling (FOC) concept to facilitate the coupling of two or more consists supplied by different manufacturers and which could have different train functions.
  • To develop the simulation framework, defined by CONNECTA-1, in which all subsystems of the train can be simulated, allowing remote and distributed testing including hardware in-the-loop through heterogeneous communication networks.
  • To implement the Functional Distribution Framework (FDF) to allow the new function-centric approach for the TCMS and the reduction of the number of onboard electronics and of complexity.
  • To integrate into the NG-TCN safety critical functions.
  • To validate non-railway standards and technologies for use in safety-related railway applications.

Project Structure

WP1 - General Specification and updated requirements definition

The main objective of this WP will be the specification of new technologies needed for the rest of technical WPs of the project. Theses specification will define the technologies to be implemented and integrated in the urban and/or regional demonstrators.
From these technologies, some of the non-railway specific ones are expected to be implemented and provided by the complementary action (S2R-OC-IP1-01-2018).
The specific objectives of WP1 to:

  • Specify the evolution of Wireless TCMS, including T2G, WLTB and WLCN.
  • Define new Application Profiles for TCMS functions using the methodology defined in Connecta-1.
  • Extend the FDF requirements defined in Connecta-1 with the experience obtained in the implementation phase within the WP3 of this project.
  • Definition of functions for DMI for standardisation.
  • Completion of Function Open Coupling regarding the input and output needed for DMI visualization.

WP2 - Deployment of transversal technologies and analysis of new technologies

The main goal of this WP is to implement the evolved T2G specify in WP1 and the Application Profiles which will run on top of the FDF deployed in demonstrators. For T2G implementation members of the project will implement new functions of the IEC 61375-2-6 not implemented in Connecta-1. Later on, members will be expected to participate together in interoperability tests to be carried out in the laboratory and the demonstrator. Additionally, in this WP, members will work together with the X2Rail-1 project in order to extend the IEC 61375-2-6 architecture to the “Adaptable Communication” concept coming from that project in order to allow reusing the radio carriers used by signalling applications by TCMS T2G applications.
The specific objective of WP2 are:
  • Implement the rest of the functions of the IEC 61375-2-6 which have not been tested in Connecta-1.
  • Implement the extended Network Selector function of IEC 61375-2-6 to be interoperable with the “Adaptable Communication” concept coming from the X2Rail-1 project (S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015).
  • Implement alone and together with the complementary action (S2R-OC-IP1-01-2018) different Application profiles to run on top of the FDFs deployed in WP3.

WP3 - Technical specification and implementation of components for lab demonstrators

This WP shall specify the laboratory demonstrators for an urban and a regional train application based on technologies developed in Connecta-1 and Roll2Rail. These specifications shall consider:
  • CTA1-WP2-Wireless TCMS, Train-to-ground communication and WLTB interoperability
  • CTA1-WP3-Drive-by-Data, proof-of-concept for safe train inauguration with consists from two different partners (interoperability test)
  • CTA1-WP3-Drive-by-Data, interconnecting safety functions (e.g. onboard signalling components and/or brake-by-wire) and non-safety functions with unique train communication network using the network technologies defined in CTA1.
  • CTA1-WP4-Functional Distribution Architecture, functional interoperability based on a functional distribution framework and application profiles
  • CTA1-WP4-Functional Open Coupling, deploying application profiles in train wide communication
  • CTA1-WP6-Simulation Framework and Train Virtualization, use of virtualization and validation of tools and architectures

WP4 - Test definition for lab demonstrators

The main objective of this WP is the specification of test scenarios and test cases for demonstrating the correctness integration of technologies and architectures defined in Connecta-1and Roll2Rail. These test specifications will be done for both, the urban and the regional demonstrators.
The specific objectives of WP4 are:
  • The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Wireless TCMS, including train-to-ground, WLTB and WLCN.
  • The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Drive-by-data defined in Connecta-1.
  • The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Functional Distributed Framework.
  • The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Application profiles for HVAC, BMS and/or Doors running on top of the Functional Distributed Framework.
  • The definition of test cases and test scenarios for Functional Open Coupling functionality.
  • The definition of test cases and test scenarios for Virtual Homologation Framework.

WP5 - Implementation and test execution in urban lab demonstrator

The WP will aim at integrating technologies developed in Connecta-1 and Roll2Rail in the urban demonstrator. This demonstrator should be the basis for the future validation and later deployment on real vehicles. It will ensure technical and functional interoperability of technologies and architectures from different suppliers defined in the following Connecta-1 work packages:
  • Wireless Train Backbone and Train-to-Ground communications Drive-by-data
  • Functional Distribution Framework
  • Application Profiles
  • Virtual Homologation Framework

WP6 - Implementation and test execution in regional lab demonstrator

This WP seeks to integrate technologies developed in Connecta-1 and Roll2Rail in a regional lab environment. This demonstrator should be the basis for the future validation and later deployment on real vehicles. It will ensure technical and functional interoperability of technologies and architectures from different suppliers defined in the following Connecta-1 work packages:
  • Train-to-Ground communication
  • Drive-by-data + integration of onboard signalling components and/or brake-by-wire
  • Functional Distribution Framework + integration of 3rd party function (OC)
  • Functional Open Coupling (optional)
  • Application Profiles
  • Wireless TCMS (regional with support of OC)
  • Virtual Homologation Framework

WP7 - Dissemination and Exploitation

This WP seeks to ensure proper dissemination and promotion of the project results, in a way which is consistent with the wider dissemination and promotion activities of Shift2Rail. It will ensure that the outputs of the project are delivered in a form which makes them immediately available for use by the complementary action (S2R-OC-IP1-01-2018) and further activities within the initiative.
It will also ensure that all important actors in the European railway sector are informed about the results. In that sense, an additional and crucial objective is to facilitate acceptance of the project outcomes through the standards and regulatory bodies, as well as by the main actors of the European railway sector.

WP8 - Project Management and Technical Coordination




Results and Publications



CONNECTA-2 first newsletter


CONNECTA-2 second newsletter


D1.1 - Specification of evolved Wireless TCMS


D1.2 - Definition of new FDF requirements and new Application Profiles


D1.3 - Definition of functions for DMI standardisation and Functional Open...


D2.2 - Validation Plan and Report for T2G functions


D7.1 - Dissemination & Exploitation Plan


D7.2 – Innotrans 2020 Demonstrator


D7.3 – Report on Communication


D8.1 – Quality Plan


D8.2 – Data Management Plan


D8.3 KPI Assessment


D8.4 - Final report on the contribution of CONNECTA-2 to Shift2Rail


D8.6 - CONNECTA-1 specification updates


Presentations of CONNECTA-2's & Safe4Rail-2's Final event


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Projects News & Events

CONNECTA-2 & Safe4Rail-2 Dissemination video

Register now for CONNECTA-2 & Safe4Rail-2 final conference

CONNECTA-2 and Safe4RAIL-2  Final Conference

30th June 2021 - Online event

We are delighted to invite you to the Final Conference of CONNECTA-2 and its complementary action Safe4RAIL-2. The event offers a great opportunity to receive an insight into NG-TCMS solutions, establish a proactive and instructive dialogue with both projects partners and participate in the demonstrators.

This second edition of CONNECTA and Safe4RAIL initiatives continued the specification activities started in previous projects, covering the implementation of key technologies for NG-TCMS, such as Drive-by-Data, Functional Distribution Framework, and Wireless TCMS to achieve TRL-5. Technologies were also deployed in relevant urban and regional laboratory scenarios.

During the event project partners will present an overview on the Next-Generation TCMS (NG-TCMS) solutions developed by both projects and also demonstrators that will show key technologies test cases. 

The Final Conference welcomes participants from railway undertakings, technology suppliers and manufacturers, safety experts, and authorities as well as academic participants in the domain of train control and communication systems.

Come and join us for this virtual event on Wednesday, 30th June held through a conference call platform. Don’t miss out on this important event and register now below. Agenda and practical information will be available in due time.


For any question about this event, please send an email to Igor Lopez at or Aitor Arriola at

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Technical Seminar on Advanced Architectures and Components for Next-Generation TCMS in Brussels

CONNECTA-2 partners wish to warmly invite you to attend the Technical Seminar on Advanced Architectures and Components for Next-Generation TCMS (, which is executed as a joined collaboration between CONNECTA-2 project and its complementary action project Safe4RAIL-2.

The aim of this technical seminar is to provide a detailed overview on the Next-Generation TCMS (NG-TCMS) solutions that are being developed in Safe4RAIL-2 and CONNECTA-2 projects. The results obtained in the 1st year of these projects will be presented, including first prototypes of NG-TCMS equipment. Technical presentations and talks will be centralized around key technologies for NG-TCMS, such as Drive-by-Data, Functional Distribution Framework, and Wireless TCMS. The validation of these technologies in Urban and Regional trains as well as Simulation Frameworks will also be detailed.

The technical seminar will take place on Tuesday, 21st of January, 2020 (from 9:00 till approximately 15:45 CET).

Participation to the event is free of charge, but registration is obligatory.

See for registration.

CONNECTA-2 & Safe4RAIL-2 joint TSN interoperability tests

CONNECTA-2 project and its complementary action Safe4Rail-2 met in Beasain on 27th, 28th and 29th May 2019 for the first TSN interoperability tests. Within these joint tests two different TSN IP cores to be used in Urban and Regional demonstrator of CONNECTA-2 project have been tested. These tests have validated the full interoperability of IP core deployed by TTTech, to be used in consist and train switches of the demonstrators, and the IP core from SoC-e to be used in the TSN controller deployed by CAF.


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Igor Lopez

Project Coordinator

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CONNECTA-2 & Safe4Rail-2 Dissemination video

Register now for CONNECTA-2 & Safe4Rail-2 final conference

CONNECTA-2 and Safe4RAIL-2  Final Conference

30th June 2021 - Online event

We are delighted to invite you to the Final Conference of CONNECTA-2 and its complementary action Safe4RAIL-2. The event offers a great opportunity to receive an insight into NG-TCMS solutions, establish a proactive and instructive dialogue with both projects partners and participate in the demonstrators.

This second edition of CONNECTA and Safe4RAIL initiatives continued the specification activities started in previous projects, covering the implementation of key technologies for NG-TCMS, such as Drive-by-Data, Functional Distribution Framework, and Wireless TCMS to achieve TRL-5. Technologies were also deployed in relevant urban and regional laboratory scenarios.

During the event project partners will present an overview on the Next-Generation TCMS (NG-TCMS) solutions developed by both projects and also demonstrators that will show key technologies test cases. 

The Final Conference welcomes participants from railway undertakings, technology suppliers and manufacturers, safety experts, and authorities as well as academic participants in the domain of train control and communication systems.

Come and join us for this virtual event on Wednesday, 30th June held through a conference call platform. Don’t miss out on this important event and register now below. Agenda and practical information will be available in due time.


For any question about this event, please send an email to Igor Lopez at or Aitor Arriola at

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Technical Seminar on Advanced Architectures and Components for Next-Generation TCMS in Brussels

CONNECTA-2 partners wish to warmly invite you to attend the Technical Seminar on Advanced Architectures and Components for Next-Generation TCMS (, which is executed as a joined collaboration between CONNECTA-2 project and its complementary action project Safe4RAIL-2.

The aim of this technical seminar is to provide a detailed overview on the Next-Generation TCMS (NG-TCMS) solutions that are being developed in Safe4RAIL-2 and CONNECTA-2 projects. The results obtained in the 1st year of these projects will be presented, including first prototypes of NG-TCMS equipment. Technical presentations and talks will be centralized around key technologies for NG-TCMS, such as Drive-by-Data, Functional Distribution Framework, and Wireless TCMS. The validation of these technologies in Urban and Regional trains as well as Simulation Frameworks will also be detailed.

The technical seminar will take place on Tuesday, 21st of January, 2020 (from 9:00 till approximately 15:45 CET).

Participation to the event is free of charge, but registration is obligatory.

See for registration.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 826098