WP01 - KPI Quantification and ProgressThe objective of this WP is to collect and report on the progress of development activities within Shift2Rail PINTA2. The progress will be reported based on the KPIs listed in Roll2Rail and further defined in Shift2Rail PINTA phase 1. WP02 - Development of Traction lab prototypesThe main objective of this WP is the development of prototypes of innovative Traction components and/or sub-system, at TRL5 to TRL6 levels, prepare further validation in WP11 for a long term objective to prepare the future traction systems on trains testing (TRL7) on further work of S2R Traction TD.
Regarding the link to Shift2Rail, 7 KPIs are addressed, fully in line with S2R KPIs and PINTA project :
- LCC: Reduction of Traction capital cost, energy cost, maintenance cost
- Reliability/punctuality: improvement of Traction reliability and availability to finally improve train punctuality at reasonable maintenance cost.
- Train and Line capacity: reduction of weight, volume and noise of Traction to support train or line capacity improvements.
WP03 - Specifications and simulations to reduce Noise and EMI EmissionThe objective of this task is to develop methodologies and simulation tools able to predict the acoustic noise and EMI emissions during the development phases of the traction system and sub-systems in order to reduce, as a result, the acoustic noise and EMI emission of future traction systems. The methodologies and tools developed in WP3 will be used, as much as possible, in the design and development of traction systems in WP2. WP04 - Specifications and modelling for increased Reliability and Smart MaintenanceThe general objective of this work package is to increase reliability and availability of the traction system and the related traction components, especially SiC power modules, sensors and inductive components.
The main items to be improved and developed in this task are:
- Improve knowledge of: mission profiles, failure mechanisms of critical power (traction) components
- Improve existing methodologies for: life cycle estimation of critical power (traction) electronics, especially power modules, reliability stress test
- Improve models for reliability and lifetime prediction
- Develop concepts for : remote diagnostics , health monitoring, predictive maintenance
WP05 - Requirements and specifications for virtual validationThe main objective of this work package is to contribute to a reduction of Rolling Stock capital costs by developing methods and simulation tools/methodologies which would enable a significant reduction in the number of traction component and system validations and physical tests. WP06 - Pre-standardisation for key Technologies and key DeliverablesThe objective is to deliver pre- standardization for key components (like semiconductors) and key technologies (like predictive maintenance, virtual certification). Members will collaborate in this task to support standardization work identified during development work in Shift2Rail PINTA2 activities; update of existing standards as well as proposals for new standards. WP07 - ADHESION TEST AIMED TOWARDS NORMATIVE CHANGESOne objective of this work package WP7 is to set the basis for further collection of information on different adhesion conditions for the adhesion catalogue compiled within PINTA. The data collected later on will support the development of the adhesion related solutions. The main objective of this work package is to specify adhesion management solutions, based on the knowledge on adhesion from PINTA and the information gathered from the measurements therein. First feasibility studies of sub-functions will be done. WP08 - Business case, WSP test bench update and solution conceptsThe main objective of this WP is to specify new adhesion management prototypes. The first specification describes a WSP adaptive algorithm able to outperform current WSP devices in terms of extension of braking distances on a wide range of low adhesion conditions. This specification and the prototype produced in WP16 will lead to a demonstrator in PINTA3. From a performance point of view, it will reduce the braking distance extension from 25% to 15% and reduce the LCC due to a lower occurrence of wheel flats.
The second specification describes an adhesion improvement dispenser with the aim of minimizing the influence of the train speed on the number of particles reaching the contact point.
This WP will also propose new concepts for blending strategies, based on the communication between the TCU and BCU. proposed in order to use the Electrodynamic and Electropneumatic brakes without causing loss of performance or wheel flats. This will lead to a lower wear rate of the brakes and a higher efficiency of the braking sequence.
This WP will furthermore allow to update the activities started in PINTA on the topic of the WSP test bench with the knowledge acquired from the implementation of the specifications. Furthermore, a business case will be defined in order to understand where on the rail network these enhanced performances can be most beneficial. WP09 - Project Management and Technical CoordinationWP10 - Dissemination, Communication and ExploitationWP11 - Validation of Traction lab prototypesThe main objective of this WP is the test and validation of prototypes of innovative Traction components developed in WP2.
The 7 Traction KPIs progress achievements will be updated thanks to high maturity components final validation on test bench before being mounted on train for TRL7 demos (expected on Metro, Regional and HST) in a final Traction TD future project of S2R. Validation of predictive maintenance algorithms is also targeted within WP11. WP12 - Validation of noise and EMI simulation toolsThe objective of this task is to validate methodologies and simulation tools able to predict the acoustic noise and EMI emissions during the development phases of the traction system and sub-systems in order to reduce, as a result, the acoustic noise and EMI emission of future traction systems. The result of the work will reach TRL4-5.
The methodologies and tools developed in WP12 will be used, as much as possible, in the design and development of traction systems in WP11. WP13 - Validation of reliability and smart maintenance improvementsThe general objective of this work package is to increase reliability and availability of the traction system and the related traction components, especially SiC power modules, sensors and inductive components.
The specific objectives of WP13 tasks are:
- Analysis of reliability data of traction components
- Analysis of failure mechanisms of critical power (traction) components
- Improve existing methodologies for life cycle estimation of critical power (traction) electronics, especially power modules
- Development of lifetime models for aging and failure mechanisms of SiC semiconductor devices
- Implementation of smart maintenance solutions (health monitoring and condition based maintenance)
The work in this task will focus on (but it is not limited to) main power critical components, e.g. SiC power modules, sensors and inductive components. The results, which will be delivered and fixed in the related deliverables, will have TRL 3. The results will be used as much as possible in WP2 and WP11 work. WP14 - Development and acceptance of virtual validation conceptsThe main objective of this work package is to anticipate and justify the insertion of virtual technical proof at norms and standard level and prepare guidelines for virtual validation. In continuity with the WP5, a technical justification of the simulation methodologies will be done. This would lead to important costs and time savings by a significant reduction of tests for validation. WP15 - Solutions for Elimination of negative Adhesion EffectsOne objective of this work package WP15 is to collect information on different adhesion conditions for the adhesion catalogue compiled within PINTA based on the available scenarios defined within WP7. The information gathered should further support the development of the adhesion related solutions. Beyond, based on this data the WSP test bench models defined within PINTA will be confirmed or updated (WP16). The generation of data might be done using test rigs, e.g. roller rigs, or if available trains on a test track. Based on the availability it is improbable to do measurement of data on public tracks during service.
The main objective of this WP15 is to develop adhesion management solutions up to TRL3-4 (technology validated in lab) based on the specifications made in WP7.
The requirements specified for adhesion related products and the proposals for normative changes will be detailed. Necessary changes/ updates will be made in order to prepare input for WP6 which is collecting all inputs for normative changes from the PINTA work packages. WP16 - Blending, WSP, sanding dispenser and efficient force transmission solutionsThe main objective of this WP is to develop and test new adhesion management prototypes according to the specifications created in WP8.
The assessment of the performance of the Adhesion improving dispenser and the Adaptive WSP prototype is made and related to the previously defined specifications. The WSP prototype will then lead to a demonstrator in PINTA3.
The assessment of the performance of a system for optimized adhesion utilization is also part of the scope of this WP. based on the knowledge on adhesion gathered within the previous PINTA phase, a SW prototype will be developed up to TRL3-4 in order to realise an optimised adhesion utilisation and efficient force transmission in low adhesion conditions. The prototype renders the possibility to use additional information in order to improve the performance compared to current solutions.
The evaluation of blending concepts proposed in WP8 will also take place, based on SW and simulations.
The follow up of the activities started in PINTA will continue concerning the Adhesion model. This allows an update of the specification with the knowledge acquired from the measurements and their analysis, and if necessary modify the structure to take into account a new phenomenon.