WP01 - KPI QUANTIFICATION AND PROGRESSThe objective of this WP is to collect and report on the progress of development activities within Shift2Rail PINTA3. The progress will be reported based on the KPIs listed in Roll2Rail and further defined in Shift2Rail PINTA phase 1. In line with previous work in S2R PINTA & S2R PINTA2, the traction applications covering tramway, metro, sub-urban, regional and high-speed will be tracked individually. The tasks in this work package are closely linked to WP2/WP11, with a majority of the development in area of traction.
For the topic of HVAC (WP7 & WP8), the progress will be reported based on the KPIs developed in the Shift2Rail project PIVOT-2.
The topic of BEMU (WP 3) were previously not part of the S2R programme and no target setting nor KPI definition has thus far not been done. The definitions of targets and KPI’s will thus be included in WP3 and not part of WP1.
The activities will include an alignment and exchange of information with the Cross-Cutting Activities Standardisation in Shift2Rail.
WP02 - FIRST TRACTION ON TRAIN DEMONTRATIONSThe main objective of this WP is the on trains demonstrations innovative Traction prototypes components and/or sub-system, at TRL7 especially on Metro, Regional train. Regarding the link to Shift2Rail, 7 KPIs quantified by simulation or on test benches in previous project like PINTA and PINTA2 will be updated by experimentation or by experts’ estimations. These KPIs, fully in line with S2R KPIs and PINTA2 project are globally:
- LCC: Reduction of Traction capital cost, energy cost, maintenance cost
- Reliability/punctuality: improvement of Traction reliability and availability to finally improve train punctuality at reasonable maintenance cost.
- Train and line capacity: reduction of weight, volume and noise of Traction to support train or line capacity improvements.
In more details, the objectives to be attained in this work package are:
- Continue and extend previous developments done in PINTA2 on Traction systems for tramways, metro, sub-urban, regional and HST taking into account the different respective markets and technical constraints and needs of each segment.
WP03 - ROAD MAP FOR CARBON FREE MOBILITYThe general objective of this work package is:
- Pave the way for future Shift2Rail2 work required to fully replace Diesel & fossil fuel Traction in line with the EC’s Green Deal.
- To study concepts for a railway system (including Rolling Stock and infrastructure) using an alternative hybrid propulsion system, such as a hydrogen fuel cell (HMU) or an on-board traction battery traction (BEMU).
- Propose a development roadmap for S2R2 in order to offer alternative solutions for both refurbishment and new trains by 2027. This will mainly target Regional trains, but will also constitute a basic paper study on freight locomotives (in synergy with S2R IP5).
It is proposed that this work package is developed in advance of “Horizon Europe”, the next research and innovation framework programme (2021-2027). Horizon Europe will be a roadmap describing: market needs, changes to operations, performance of infrastructure and rolling stock and the creation of a standardised European homologation process. The ultimate aim of Horizon Europe is to explain how to retire diesel rolling stock in Europe before the end of 2027.
WP04 - SPECIFICATIONS AND MODELLING FOR INCREASED RELIABILITY AND SMART MAINTENANCEThe general objective of this work package is to increase reliability and availability of the traction system and the related traction components, especially SiC power modules, sensors and inductive components. Increasing reliability will not only reduce Life Cycle Cost but also boost safety approvals, simplify verification and validation activities and allow operators to run trains according to their schedule and therefore increase availability.
The main items to be improved and developed in this task are:
- Improve knowledge of: mission profiles, failure mechanisms of critical power (traction) components
- Improve existing methodologies for: life cycle estimation and reliability stress test of critical power (traction) electronics, especially power modules
- Improve models for reliability and lifetime prediction
- Develop concepts for: remote diagnostics, health monitoring, predictive maintenance
The work in this task will focus on (but not limited to) main power critical components, e.g. SiC power modules, sensors and inductive components.
WP05 - DEVELOPMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF VIRTUAL VALIDATION CONCEPTS FOR TRACTION SYSTEMThemain objective of this work package is to contribute to a reduction of RollingStock capital costs by developing methods and simulation tools/methodologieswhich would enable a significant reduction in the number of traction componentand system validations and physical tests. The list of tests to be virtualizedproposed in PINTA will be updated and the technical maturity presented. Thisstatus will be an input to WP13 to finalize ROI analysis.
WP06 - PRE-STANDARDISATION FOR KEY TECHNOLOGIES AND KEY DELIVERABLESThe objective is to deliver pre-standardization for key components (like semiconductors) and key technologies (like predictive maintenance, virtual certification). Members will collaborate in this task to support standardization work identified during development work in Shift2Rail PINTA3 activities; update of existing standards as well as proposals for new standards.
This work package is a continuation of tasks T6.1 from Shift2Rail PINTA2; WP6 Pre-standardisation for key Technologies and key Deliverables.
- Test of eco-friendly HVAC systems with natural refrigerants in real operation
- Overcome the limitation of artificial refrigerants within the European Union
- Gain a margin for European HVAC-suppliers in relation to developments outside of Europe
- Finalise the test of eco-friendly HVAC systems with natural refrigerants in order to increase the TRL to 7 so they are ready for application for new vehicles and retrofitting of existing vehicles
- Compare the behaviour of eco-friendly HVAC systems with conventional systems with artificial refrigerants
WP09 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL COORDINATIONThe following main objectives are targeted in this Work Package:
- Carry out administrative and financial management of the project;
- Internal coordination of work across all WPs of the project, via quarterly TMT and SC meetings;
- Interface with Shift2Rail IP1 Steering Committee, other IPs and CCA activities;
- Close properly the Tractions TD1.1 work of S2R in line with the JU S2R requests
WP10 - DISSEMINATION, COMMUNICATION AND EXPLOITATIONThe main objective of this work package is to ensure that the project results & outputs are disseminated widely and effectively exploited by their target groups (including Shift2Rail).
The specific objectives are:
- To use the Shift2Rail web platform to facilitate wide-spread public information transfer beyond the members of the consortium;
- To ensure that the project outputs reach targeted stakeholders (railways community).
WP11 - FINAL TRACTION ON TRAINS DEMONTRATIONSThe main objective of this WP is the test and validation of prototypes of innovative Traction components developed in WP2.
The 7 Traction KPIs progress achievements will be updated thanks to high maturity components final validation on test bench before being mounted on train for TRL7 demos (expected on Metro, and HST) in this WP.
Validation of predictive maintenance algorithms is also targeted within WP11.
WP12 - VALIDATION OF RELIABILITY AND SMART MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENTSThe general objective of this work package is to increase reliability and availability of the traction system and the related traction components, especially SiC power modules, sensors and inductive components.
Increasing reliability will not only reduce Life Cycle Cost but also boost safety approvals, simplify verification and validation activities and allow operators to run trains according to their schedule and therefore increase availability.
WP12 is the continuation of WP4; basic activities for reliability and smart maintenance improvements are done in WP4.
The specific objectives of WP12 tasks are:
- Analysis of reliability data of traction components
- Analysis of failure mechanisms of critical power (traction) components
- Improve existing methodologies for life cycle estimation of critical power (traction) electronics, especially power modules
- Development of lifetime models for aging and failure mechanisms of SiC semiconductor devices
- Implementation of smart maintenance solutions (health monitoring and condition-based maintenance)
The work in this task will focus on (but it is not limited to) main power critical components, e.g. SiC power modules, sensors and inductive components.
The main objective of this work package is to anticipate and justify the insertion of virtual technical proof at norms and standard level and prepare guidelines for virtual validation. In continuity with the WP5, a technical justification of the simulation methodologies will be done. This would lead to important costs and time savings by a significant reduction of tests for validation. Return On Investment (ROI) analysis and a comparison with initial target will be done to build a final status of this activity within PINTA3/S2R.