Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Advanced Traffic Management And Control Systems

IP Coordinator:Antonella Trombetta - HITACHI RAIL STS


Total Project Value:
€ 33 890 375,44
from 01/12/2020 to 31/10/2023
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 14 844 166,93
Michael Meyer Zu Hoerste
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)


The “Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems” pillar (IP2) focuses on control, command and communication systems and tackles the high-level Shift2Rail objectives. These include evolving requirements for new functionalities and to expand the level of standardization in an increasingly challenging economic climate. 

The pillar (IP2) challenge is to increase functionalities of the existing signalling and automation systems and related design and validation processes providing a more competitive, flexible, real-time, intelligent traffic control management and decision support system, whilst addressing all four market segments and maintaining backward compatibility to the existing European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) and especially its European Train Control System component (ETCS). 

X2Rail-5 aims to bring to conclusion the research and development of some key technologies to foster innovations in the field of railway signalling, automation, telecommunication, testing methodologies and Cyber-Security, as part of a longer term Shift2Rail IP2 strategy towards a flexible, real-time, intelligent traffic control management and decision support system. The actions undertaken in the scope of X2Rail-5 are related to the following specific objectives: 
  • To improve line capacity and to achieve a significant reduction of the use of traditional train detection systems by means of the introduction of the Moving Block together with train positioning, train integrity and train length; 
  • To overcome the limitations of the existing communication system by adapting radio communication systems which establish the backbone for the next generation advanced rail automation systems; 
  • To achieve a significant reduction of the use of traditional train detection systems by means of the attainment of an absolute and safe train positioning system based on a multi-sensor concept, where GNSS is the preferred technology; 
  • To ensure security among all connected signalling and control systems by developing new cyber security systems dedicated to railways; 
  • To improve standardization and integration of the testing methodologies and formal methods application reducing time to market and improving effectiveness in the introduction of new signalling and supervision systems; 
  • To ensure the evolution and backward compatibility of ERMTS/ETCS technologies, notwithstanding of the required functional enrichment of the future signalling and control systems. 

The actions foreseen in X2Rail-5 will bring to the highest readiness level (TRL) taking the results of previous X2Rail-1, X2Rail-2, X2Rail-3 and X2Rail-4 projects. It is important to underline that X2Rail-5 includes Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITD) bringing together several S2R IP2 Technology Demonstrators. 

Project Structure

WP01 - Project Management

The objectives of this work package are to ensure efficient and effective:

  • Coordination of the project
  • Management of the consortium and contract management
  • Administrative and financial management
  • Quality management

WP02 - Technical Coordination & System Coherence

The objective of this WP is to coordinate the 10 technical work packages (WPs3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) and the dissemination work package (WP13) to create a single project that addresses the whole subject of research and innovations in X2Rail-5 in coherence with the ongoing and concurrent S2R IP2 research and development activities, as well as S2R Programme Board decisions, Linx4Rail and the action to be funded under topic S2R-CFM-IPX and CCA-02-2020 “Evolution of Railways System Architecture and Conceptual Data Model (CDM)”. WP2 will facilitate and foster synergies between the different technical work packages towards S2R objectives. Continuing the activities of WP2 of X2Rail-1, WP2 of X2Rail-2, WP2 of X2Rail-3 and WP2 of X2Rail-4 that are already acting together, this WP will enable seamless and effective technical coordination and system integration, by providing the leaders of all work packages with a platform for coherence checks and interface management.
The WP will act as the interface to Linx4Rail and to the action to be funded under topic S2R-CFM-IPX and CCA-02-2020 “Evolution of Railways System Architecture and Conceptual Data Model (CDM)” regarding the technical assessment of specification requests resulting from the analysis performed in that frame. The WP will also act as the interface to the S2R Programme Board for the integration of the decisions taken by the latter based on inputs from Linx4Rail and from the action to be funded under topic S2R-CFM-IPX and CCA-02-2020 “Evolution of Railways System Architecture and Conceptual Data Model (CDM)”.

WP03 - Adaptable Communication System for all Railways

The objectives of this work package are to cover the definition, development and field-test of prototypes and demonstrators for the adaptable communication system in response to ETCS and CBTC system requirements, cover operational voice services as well as supporting enhancements of the signalling system foreseen by other TDs and other railway communication needs (critical video, critical data). During the start-up activities for TD2.1 (X2Rail-1 & X2Rail-3), the communication requirements were analysed, collected and documented, the definition and specification of the adaptable communication system was done, and the prototype development activities were started.

In the second phase of TD2.1 (X2Rail-3) the finalisation of the prototype development and the testing and integration of prototypes into demonstrators, with the aim to validate in a lab the concepts and demonstrate the capabilities of the adaptable communication system for different railway environments were the main objectives. In detail the outcome of the prototype development activities were integrated into three demonstrators, mainline / high-speed-line, urban/suburban and regional/freight line, which were tested and validated with reference to the user & system requirements and communication system specification in different lab environments.

In the 3rd phase related to this project the main objective is to validate the demonstrators within field test environments. Herewith, the objective is to demonstrate the capacity of the selected architectures and the targeted technologies to answer the needs for communication of the different segments and to check its adaptability, in terms of scalability and bearers choice toward real field conditions. The field test will contribute to the evaluation of Adaptable Communication System (ACS) architecture potential to be standardized. Based on the results of the field test, the system specification including the choice of technology part of the ACS will be updated accordingly.

The work package will continue the collaboration with external organizations like UIC, ERA, ETSI, FRMCS, 3GPP as well as complementary actions represented by projects from Shift2Rail open calls and related projects from other Shift2Rail innovation programme projects (e.g CONNECTA).

WP04 - Moving Block Specifications

The overall objective of the Moving Block Technical Demonstrator is to define a high capacity, low cost, high reliability signalling system, based on Moving Block principles, which is applicable across all railway market segments. High Capacity is based on the use of Moving Block principles, which permits decoupling of the infrastructure from train performance parameters. Low Cost is achieved by the reduction in the use of trackside train detection and line-side signals. High Reliability is achieved as a consequence of the reduction in trackside equipment associated with trackside train detection and line-side signals. 

Within this Work Package, the objectives are as follows: 

  1. To develop the specification delivered from X2Rail-3 which define the Specifications for a Moving Block Signalling System: X2Rail-3 D4.2 Moving Block Specification. The work will take account of the L3 “Gamechanger” Change Requests to the ETCS specifications, which have already been raised. 

  2. To provide material to the railway industry to support the work on CCS TSI 2022. This work is started in X2Rail-3, and will continue in the first part of X2Rail-5. 

  3. To collaborate with TD2.7 Formal Methods and Open Call S2R-OC-IP2-01-2020, in order to facilitate formalisation and safety verification of the level 3 behaviour. 

  4. Implementation of Moving Block Technical Demonstrators supporting all options as defined below, and has been the case in X2Rail-1 and X2Rail-3. 

There are two implementation options for Moving Block systems, “Full Moving Block” and “Fixed Virtual Blocks”. In addition, systems may be with or without Trackside Train Detection. If Trackside Train Detection is present, it may not cover 100% of the track. 

WP05 - Fail-Safe Train Positioning Specification

The objective of this work package is the definition of an interoperable solution for the Fail-Safe Train Positioning, through the continuation of the work done in X2Rail-2 and previous projects. The Fail-Safe Train Positioning Specifications of WP5 will both:
  • Orientate the implementation of the Stream 1 and Stream 2 demonstrators, respectively in WP6 and WP7 (top-down approach, based on operational needs and functional requirements);
  • Take into account the feedback from the experimentations (bottom-up approach).

The final goal shall be to seek for possible commonalities or synergies between Stream 1 and Stream 2, with the aim to contribute, from a long-term perspective to the definition of a single standardized and interoperable solution for the Fail-Safe Train Positioning.

WP06 - “VB Fail-Safe Train Positioning” Development and Testing

The objective of WP6 is to finalize the activities carried out in previous projects concerning the development of VB Train Positioning System demonstrators. The activity shall define and develop VB Train Positioning system prototypes able to use different technology solutions. The proposed demonstrators will be developed to assess the feasibility of the solutions according to the agreed specifications in WP5 and previous projects.

The activities shall be carried out by using an “AGILE” approach, starting from available specifications and PoC, with the objective to demonstrate the feasibility and analyse the performances of proposed solutions, as well as to provide inputs to the specification tasks performed in WP5.

WP07 - “Stand-Alone Fail-Safe Train Positioning” Development and Testing

The objective of WP7 is to finalize the activities started in previous projects concerning the development of Stand-Alone Fail-Safe Train Positioning System demonstrators. The activity shall develop Stand Alone Fail-Safe Train Positioning system demonstrator. The proposed demonstrator will be developed to assess the feasibility of a solution according to the analysis of previous projects as well as the requirements defined in WP5 and shall support the definition of an interoperable solution for a stand-alone train positioning system.

The activities shall start from available specifications and PoC, with the objective to demonstrate the feasibility and analyse the performances of the proposed solution, as well as to provide inputs to the specification tasks performed in WP5.

WP08 - Zero On site Testing - Enhancing Test Environment Capabilities

  • Finalization of activities started with X2Rail-1 (WP6) and continued by X2Rail-3(WP5)
  • Identification and evaluation of the technical boundaries of a distributed lab, for example those relating to acceptable latency in the communication and the resulting impact on performance
  • Analysis to mitigate possible weaknesses in field-testing either prior to construction or after putting in operation in terms of maintenance activities leading to the final Zero On–Site Testing.
  • Set up and demonstrate an integrated test environment for running automated testing scenarios according to X2Rail-1/X2Rail-3 architecture; example used for demonstrator: Automated test environment for testing TMS and Public Information Services.

WP09 - Zero On site Testing- Demonstration of additional Test Environment Capabilities

The main objective of the work package is the finalization the prototypes defined and implemented in X2Rail-3 based on the requirements updated in WP8. The objectives followed with X2Rail-5 contain:
  • Completion of further features within the context of game changers i.e. moving block or ATO by providing additional simulation capabilities to the test environment focusing on interoperability tests between suppliers in a train handover scenario across borders with same supplier RBC or other supplier’s RBC
  • Enhancing the test capabilities and test environment to be installed in a distributed lab based on available achievements from previous X2Rail Projects and previous work package tasks

WP10 - Formal Methods for Functional Railway System Architecture

This WP has the following main objectives:
  • Apply Formal Methods (FMs) to provide a deep analysis of requirements for ERMTS L3 trackside supported by a process to formalize and verify requirements that, if fulfilled, ensure a safe and operational behaviour, while also including complementary verification methods based on simulation/testing, and requirements on configuration data.
  • Identify and apply suitable approaches to specify different types of behaviour to meet the needs of future Functional Railway System Architectures, to gain the benefits of FMs in definition and verification of requirements at system/subsystem level, and to support needs in tender requirements.
  • To propose and apply a methodology and toolchain to automate the transformation of semi-formal specification models into models for formal verification.

This WP will extend results of FMs applied at the subsystem level in X2Rail-2 TD2.7 to the System-of-Systems (SoS) level, targeting primarily formalization and verification of requirements to contribute to: refinement of the preliminary safety analysis for moving block for L3 trackside, to establish verifiable requirements for configuration data, and to evaluate test-based verification of non-safety requirements. Since track status is derived primarily from train position reports in L3, both the trackside system and data from onboard systems (e.g. train integrity) must be considered in safety hazards for L3 trackside. A moving block system alone cannot ensure safety, without assumptions on environment systems; this creates the need for a SoS perspective in safety-related analyses of L3 trackside.

The MBSE approach of specifying standardised interfaces for reactive systems that was one of the subjects in X2Rail-2 TD2.7 will need to be adjusted to meet the needs of future Functional Railway System Architectures. X2Rail-2 TD2.7 demonstrated that manual transformation of EULYNX specification models into formal models is feasible but is time-consuming and can be error-prone. Thus, in this WP, approaches to specify interfaces and system components e.g. RCA will be evaluated and assessed with respect to: technical needs and support of the automated transformation of specification models into formal models and formal verification of these models.

Main inputs to this WP will be specifications of moving block for L3 trackside (from X2Rail-3, including a preliminary safety analysis), and of Hybrid ERTMS L3, the architecture and modelling frameworks defined by Linx4Rail/RCA and results from FMs application in X2Rail-2 (including application on standard interface specifications). Overall, this WP will align with the work and directives of LinX4Rail.

WP11 - Cybersecurity framework validation and incidence report

The first objective of this work package will be to complete and validate the work done by the TD2.11 during the projects X2Rail-1 and X2Rail-3 through the completions and assessment of the demonstrators started in X2Rail-3 (X2Rail-3 WP9 T9.5 and T9.6), and the validation of the proposed CSIRT/ISAC model (X2Rail-3 WP9 T9.7).

The second objective aims at assessing the protection profile approach developed in X2Rail-3 (X2Rail-3 WP8 T8.3).

Besides the assessment of the cybersecurity activities implemented in the previous X2Rail projects, the last objective of this work package will consist in analysing the cybersecurity resilience of the railway system. In order to achieve these objectives, the work package will be organised in 4 different tasks:
  1.  Completion of joint analysis’s and demonstrator with other TDs (objective 1);
  2.  Demonstrator for cybersecurity framework assessment (objective 2);
  3.  Validation of the CSIRT/ISAC prototype and model proposal (objective 1);
  4.  Analysis of the cybersecurity resilience within the railway (objective 3).

WP12 - Integrated Technology Demonstrator

The objective of this Work Package is to demonstrate the integration and operation of several technologies from: TD2.1 Communications; TD2.3 Moving Block; and TD2.5 Train Integrity on a railway test track, using one freight train and one passenger train. It is important to show individual capabilities working together, in harmony, in an operational scenario.
For TD2.1 the demonstration will include dynamic switching between at least two different communications bearers.
For TD2.3 the demonstration will include a moving block trackside system to separate trains
For TD2.5 the demonstration will show compatibility of the Train Integrity results with other ETCS components.

WP13 - Exploitation, Dissemination & Communication

This WP seeks to ensure proper dissemination and promotion of the project and its results, in a way which is consistent with the dissemination and promotion activities of the Shift2Rail JU and the already ongoing IP2 projects X2Rail-2, X2Rail-3 and X2Rail-4. It will ensure that the outputs of the project are delivered in a form which makes them immediately available for use by the IP2 within Shift2Rail. The WP13 will make use of the results stemming from all other work packages and foster the communication and transfer of these results. This means that results of all WP´s will be taken by WP13 and used for dissemination and communication activities. It will also ensure that all important actors in the European railway sector are consulted and informed about X2Rail-5, its objectives, input, content and results. Since X2Rail-5 will reach TRL6/7, significant project results like prototypes and demonstrators will be presented during public exhibitions and congresses. A further objective is to facilitate acceptance of the project outcomes by the standards and regulatory bodies, as well as by the main actors of the EU rail sector. The more detailed objectives of this work package are:
  • To establish the project as a reference among the end users stakeholders;
  • To develop and manage effective communication interfaces and dissemination with the outside world;
  • To disseminate on project results that evolve from the project during its course and to guarantee the proper exchange and diffusion of knowledge using a platform;
  • To foster the use and application of the results that will have to take place when the project has finished;
  • To create and spread a data management plan among the stakeholders inside and outside the project.

In addition, specific attention shall be given to the information exchange with:
  • Relevant authorities, and in particular the ERA;
  • Relevant representative bodies and organisations at the European and International levels.

WP14 - Work Package 14 new Tasks with Amendment No.1




Results and Publications

"Adaptable Communication Systems" Deliverable D3.1 Update of ACS Specification

The deliverable contains an update of the Adaptable Communication System Specification Deliverable D3.3 of X2Rail-1 taking into account the findings and results from the field tests done in X2Rail-5 including the ITD in WP12. It contains out of two parts: The main Deliverable and the Appendix B as separate Document.


"Adaptable Communication Systems" Deliverable D3.4 Field Test Report Summary

The deliverable contains the summary of the results and findings from the field tests done in X2Rail-5 including the ITD in WP12. It contains four test campaigns of three demonstrators: The Mainline High-Speed demonstrated in France between Paris and Marseille and in Germany in the Ore Mountains, the Regional and Freight demonstrator tested in Italy on the Novara -Rho Line and the Urban/Suburban demonstrator tested in UK on the ENIF north of London.


"Cyber Security" Deliverable D11.1 Cybersecurity assessment of other TD’s

This document constitutes Deliverable D11.1 of Task 11.2 of WP11 Cybersecurity Framework Validation in the project X2RAIL-5 entitled Completion of Joint Analysis’s and Demonstrator. This document presents the risk assessment on ATO GoA 2 and ATO GoA3/4 for both on-board and trackside. Additionally, the NG-TCN architecture designed by the S2R CONNECTA-3 Working Group, is also assessed for risk, taking all attack paths into account.


"Cyber Security" Deliverable D11.2 Cyber Security Demonstrator

The first part of deliverable D11.2. It describes the integrated cyber security demonstrator and validation. The objective of this demonstrator is to create a test environment for assessing the generic security architecture and protection profiles defined in X2Rail-3 delivery D8.2. Furthermore, it comprises the scope of ERA TSI CCS 2023. The second part of the Deliverable D11.2 and describes the Assessment and Validation of a subset of the X2Rail-3 Protection Profiles as described in D8.2 and D8.3. For this purpose the available information of test cases of the technical demonstrators of WP3 have been analysed and mapped to the security requirements of the Protection Profile where applicable. Additionally the security requirements are mapped to the mitigation and attack techniques of the MITRE Attack Framework for ICS.


* "Cyber Security" Deliverable D11.3 "ISAC prototype verification, validation and test Use-case"

The deliverable D11.3 describes the Rail-ISAC's objectives which are aligned with its mission to enhance the cybersecurity posture of the railways. The Rail-ISAC's objectives are designed to provide its members with the information and tools needed to address the cybersecurity threats and challenges facing the industry. The Rail-ISAC is committed to fulfilling its objectives and working collaboratively with its members to enhance the overall cybersecurity posture of the railway industry. This document is describing the following principles for ISAC implementation: Basic principles, Criteria for ISAC participating organizations, Criteria for ISAC participants, ISAC Participant guidelines for information exchange, Modification of ISAC participant guidelines and Regular ISAC Meetings


"Cyber Security" Deliverable D11.4 Summary Statement from the perspective of an operator(s)

This document summarises the results of Shift2Rail (X2Rail 1 to 5) from the perspective of the operators involved in the project. It considers how operators shall fulfil their legal responsibilities, and organisational and technical (incl. systems / components) security requirements.


"Cyber Security" Deliverable D11.5 Recommendations on railway systems' cyber resilience

This report contains the recommendations on cyber security. The objective 1 was to introduce cyber resiliency: Analysis of railway applicable cyber resiliency standards. Beside NIST publications, EU Cyber Resilience Act Proposal and CER Directive were addressed.The objective 2 was to understand the new threat space: To analyse and translate selected Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks to the railway reference system. While it was shown that ATT&CK knowledge base provides huge value to railway business, and was already addressed by X2Rail-5 D11.1 and D11.2, it is hardly used by asset owners during OT risk assessments. But “Organizations cannot wait until they are compromised to figure out how to respond to an attack.” The objective 3 was to understand railway reference systems cyber resiliency: To analyse IEC 62443 requirements cyber resiliency capabilities. The selected use cases (UC) on initial risk assessment (UC1) and vulnerability handling (UC2) were linked to NIST strategic design principles and cyber resiliency techniques, both using ATT&CK framework, NIST controls and IEC security requirements.


"Dissemination" D13.3 Report on Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation activities

The aim of this document reporting on WP13 dissemination for the X2Rail-5 project and to describe the materials and approaches that have been used to facilitate the widespread distribution of information and knowledge of the results created by the project. The dissemination of X2Rail-5 is essential throughout the project duration and needs to be carried out with the cooperation of all work packages. Furthermore, the dissemination strategy of X2Rail-5 will be used also as guidance for future calls for members in Innovation Programme 2.


"Dissemination" Deliverable D13.1 Dissemination Plan

Within this document materials and documents for communicating and disseminating X2Rail-5 to railway stakeholders, the scientific community and the general public are presented.


"Extended Activities" Deliverable D14.1 Additional sections for the ACS specifications

D14.1 provides an overview, description, and evaluation of the two different systems defined for future railway communications in terms of scope: Adaptable Communication System (ACS) and Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS). Being FRMCS a set of specifications, 5G Rail has to be included in this overview as it is the ongoing project validating the first set of specifications (also called FRMCS V1) by developing and testing prototypes of the FRMCS ecosystem.The aim of this deliverable is twofold: 1. Evaluate the ACS Architecture: it is meant to contribute to the definition of the ACS including interfaces to/integration into FRMCS. 2. Analyse requirements for standardization: analysis of the on-board/track-side application interfaces with ACS.


"Extended Activities" Deliverable D14.2 Proposed Methodologies based on FMs Guidebook

The purpose of this document is to describe methodology for creating tender requirements that are unambiguous and amenable to automated processing by suppliers and other stakeholders, e.g., towards automated authorisation procedures. This document provides a recommended process using semi-formal and formal requirements and models, for two application areas: • Part 1: EULYNX specifications, and • Part 2: interlocking logic. This document describes challenges that are specific to Part 1 and Part 2, while many goals are shared: to meet demand for supply of modular, interoperable railway signalling systems, to increase reuse, achieve “plug and play” for software components, and reduce the time-to-market and life-cycle costs.


"Extended Activities" Deliverable D14.3 Support of the Europe’s Rail SP with Cyber Security Topics

The motivation of this Deliverable D14.3 was the absence of a publicly available ISA IEC 62443-3-2 compliant Risk Assessment EXCEL Tool for EU-Rail Innovation Pillar projects compatible with ISA IEC 62443-4-1. Without ISA IEC compliant Risk Assessment methodology for design projects (applying part 4-1) ISA IEC 62443 compliance is not realistic, serious Validation based on ISA IEC 62443 not possible. The intention of this Deliverable D14.3 (Part 1 and Part 2) is to provide guidance for EU-Rail Innovation Pillar projects for the implementation of cybersecurity according to ISA IEC 62443. For the support of projects in their first phase of implementation the following suggested documentation was prepared according to Shift2Rail X2R-5 Task 14.3 description: • This document: Description how to apply the re-engineered Risk Assessment EXCEL tool based on Shift2Rail X2R-5 D11.1 • EXCEL table: X2R5-D14.3-A-DB-001-00_EXCEL-RiskAssessment-Part1-finalTM


"Fail-safe Train Positioning Specication" Deliverable D5.4 Gap Analysis

The Deliverable D5.4 highlights the gaps but does not report the solutions to fill them, these will be analysed and possibly resolved in other tasks within the X2Rail-5 WP5, X2Rail-5 WP6 and X2Rail-5 WP7 projects. The starting state for this Gap Analysis is what has already been achieved during the development of the X2Rail-2 WP3 project in which two solutions were created (also identified with STREAM 1 and STREAM 2). Therefore, all documents produced during the X2Rail-2 WP3 project, and the specifications contained in the current TSI were considered as a starting point for the analysis carried out. Documents produced in other projects are also part of the state of the art, provided they are public and report objectively verifiable conclusions


"Fail-safe Train Positioning Specication" Deliverable D5.5 Roadmap and Migration Strategy

The deliverable D5.5 reports the activities carried out in the sub-task 5.3.2 of the X2Rail-5 WP5. Starting from the Gap Analysis (Subtask 5.3.1), closely following the results of standardization activities (Subtask 5.2.3) and taking into account the feedback from demonstrations (results of X2Rail-5 WP6 and X2Rail-5 WP7), the final target of this Subtask is to prepare an overall concept of how Satellite-Based Fail-Safe Train Positioning systems could be integrated in current and future CCS systems and to provide an analysis of range of impacts on ETCS specifications for presentation to ERA


"Fail-safe Train Positioning Specification" Deliverable D5.1 VB Train Positioning Specification

This document reports the activity related to subtask 5.2.1 “Fail-Safe Train Positioning based on Virtual Balise (VB) – Specification and Solution enhancement” as part of Task 5.2 “Train Positioning Specification” of WP5 “Fail-Safe Train Positioning Specification”.


"Fail-safe Train Positioning Specification" Deliverable D5.2 Stand Alone Train Positioning Spec.

Deliverable D5.2 contains the updates of the Stream2 Fail-Safe Train Position specification as part of the task 5.2.2 from X2RAIL-5:WP5. The objective of the document is to incorporate the new findings coming from standardisation activities on X2RAIL-5:WP5 as well as the results from X2RAIL5:WP7 demonstrators. D5.2 presents a major step towards the convergence possibilities of Stream2 and Stream1 with an updated architecture enabling the usage of reference locations based on a new functionality defined as Balise Telegram Reporter. The updated architecture is the convergence of large discussions and problem statements which combined with the results obtained in the demonstrators has concluded in an architecture that it is expected not to change completely the current legacy of ETCS but to allow the integration of enhanced positioning algorithms for the future.


"Fail-safe Train Positioning Specification" Deliverable D5.3 Contribution to the standardisation

This document reports the activity related to subtask 5.2.3 “Contribution to the standardisation activities – Application definition and Specifications” as part of Task 5.2 “Train Positioning Specification” of WP5 “Fail-Safe Train Positioning Specification”. Starting from ERTMS Change Request CR1368, the deliverable focuses on the interoperability relevant elements of the GNSS-based Fail Safe Train Positioning -FSTP- that need of a standardisation effort, including Digital Map (DM) and GNSS Augmentation (GA).


"Formal Methods" Deliverable D10.1 Requirement analysis and scope

This document describes the stepwise process for using Formal Methods (FMs) to model and analyse the moving block requirements. This is based on the system inception purpose described in Formal Methods Guidebook, when a new (type of) system, such as L3 trackside with moving block, is to be defined. This aims to establish an ontology and properties as basis for system requirements that are clear with respect to how they shall be implemented and verified.


"Formal Methods" Deliverable D10.2 "Specification approach to meet RCA needs

This document is deliverable D10.2, describing extensions of the MBSE specification approach to needs of future Functional Railway System Architectures within Task 10.3 of work package WP10 Formal Methods for Functional Railway System Architecture, within the X2Rail-5 project. This deliverable is concerned with a specification approach meeting the needs in ongoing and future developments of ERTMS, and the European initiatives RCA and EULYNX. This is a rather large scope, whose general high-level goal may be formulated as: Determine a suitable approach to specify, verify, and validate system requirements, that can meet the needs of initiatives and projects RCA and EULYNX that define a future system architecture.


"Formal Methods" Deliverable D10.3 Requirements on Configuration Data

The report illustrates a process with development of Moving Block configuration data following several steps: - Specification of requirements on configuration data. - Architecture and design: formalization of Moving Block configuration data requirements. - Production: production of configuration data for specific Moving Block application examples. - Verification: verification of configuration data of specific Moving Block application examples. The document concludes with the summary of contributions of Task 10.4 to the definition of requirements on Moving Block configuration data. As regarding formal methods, and based on the achievements of Task 10.4, the document concludes that they already are a mature and worthwhile alternative for the development and verification of configuration data of railway signalling systems.


"Formal Methods" Deliverable D10.4 Verification Report

The main input for this deliverable was the Moving Block Specification (Deliverable D4.1, X2Rail-5), defining an ETCS L3 trackside system with moving block (“L3 trackside”). This document describes safety requirements for L3 trackside, in terms of a fault tree-based approach applied at the system of systems (SoS) level, evaluation and refinement of safety hazards for L3 trackside, and results from Formal Methods (FMs) application for V&V of requirements.Safety requirements for L3 trackside implementations should, if fulfilled, ensure that all relevant safety hazards are mitigated. In principle, this should be possible to achieve by: 1. Using a systematic approach to determine the safety hazards at the system of systems level, and apportion the relevant hazards to the L3 trackside subsystem, and 2. Defining safety requirements that are configurable for the different types of L3 trackside systems, and other static configuration data.


"Formal Methods" Deliverable D10.5 Automated Transformation and Verification

This document represents deliverable D10.5, Automated Transformation and Verification, within the task 10.8 of work package WP10 Formal Methods for Functional Railway System Architecture. It describes two toolchains for the automated transformation of EULYNX SysML (Systems Modelling Language) models into formal models. This deliverable is the continuation and improvement of the Validation and Verification (V&V) approach described in deliverable D5.5 from the X2Rail-2 project. The main aim of the approach described in this deliverable is to automate the transformation of EULYNX semi-formal models to formal models by eliminating the manual encoding step of the previous approach. The objective of this transformation is to close the gap between semiformal SysML specifications and the applicability of formal methods to ensure the highest possible error detection already in the early development phases and thus enable more efficient and reliable system development.


"Formal Methods" Deliverable D10.7 Formal Methods (FMs) Guidebook

This document is the Formal Methods Guidebook by Shift2Rail TD2.7, which studies formal methods (FMs) and standardisation for railway signalling systems. This guidebook aims to meet growing demand for FMs, in relation to ongoing projects and initiatives such as Shift2Rail and Europe’s Rail (specifying the ETCS “game changer technologies”), RCA/EULYNX and Europe’s Rail System Pillar. FMs have been used for a long time in railway signalling, and there is considerable expertise and know-how about FMs in the railway signalling domain. However, this know-how may not be generally available or widespread, and there is a lack of recommendations for FMs use by the railway signalling industry. This guidebook aims to document know-how, experience, and recommendations, to pave the way for wider use of FMs in the railway signalling industry. The structure of this guidebook is based on an abstract process with four life cycles phases, which are mapped to the widely known phases of applicable CENELEC standards. Based on the abstract process, this guidebook provides recommendations for FMs use, describes the benefits that can be achieved, and exemplifies FMs use in different “recipes". D10.7 is the first internal issue and will be obsolete as soon as D10.8 and D10.9 are published.


"Formal Methods" Deliverable D10.9 FMs Guidebook

The scope of this Formal Methods guidebook includes current and future railway signalling systems; its view on FMs is geared towards typical properties and conditions of these, such as high demands on RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) and configurability. Its view also considers current praxis and challenges in delivery of railway signalling systems, and customer demand for modularity (interchangeability) in system architectures. The target audience includes infrastructure managers, suppliers, railway engineers, railway signalling initiatives and projects.


"Integrated Technical Demonstration" Deliverable D12.1 Final Report

The aim of this deliverable is to capture and present the results from the Integrated Technical Demonstrator (ITD) which took place at the ERTMS National Integration Facility in the UK. The ITD took the outputs from three X2Rail areas; Train Integrity Monitoring System (TIMS) from X2Rail-4, Adaptable Communication System (ACS) from WP3 and Moving Block from WP4, which had all produced specifications and prototypes for their individual demonstrators. The ITD integrated these capabilities to validate the specifications and show them working together in an operational railway environment.


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.1 Moving Block Specification - Part 1 Introduction

The Deliverable 4.1 contains Requirements, Operational Rules, Engineering Rules and Hazard Analysis for an ETCS L3 Moving Block System, in accordance with the X2Rail-5 Grant Agreement. This is Part 1 of Deliverable D4.1 and contains the introduction.


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.1 Moving Block Specification - Part 2 System Definition

The Deliverable 4.1 contains Requirements, Operational Rules, Engineering Rules and Hazard Analysis for an ETCS L3 Moving Block System, in accordance with the X2Rail-5 Grant Agreement. This is Part 2 of Deliverable D4.1 and contains the Systems Definition.


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.1 Moving Block Specification - Part 3 System Specification

The Deliverable 4.1 contains Requirements, Operational Rules, Engineering Rules and Hazard Analysis for an ETCS L3 Moving Block System, in accordance with the X2Rail-5 Grant Agreement. This is Part 3 of Deliverable D4.1 and contains the Systems Specification.


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.1 Moving Block Specification - Part 4 Operational Rules

The Deliverable 4.1 contains Requirements, Operational Rules, Engineering Rules and Hazard Analysis for an ETCS L3 Moving Block System, in accordance with the X2Rail-5 Grant Agreement. This is Part 4 of Deliverable D4.1 and contains the Operational Rules.


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.1 Moving Block Specification - Part 5 Engineering Rules

The Deliverable 4.1 contains Requirements, Operational Rules, Engineering Rules and Hazard Analysis for an ETCS L3 Moving Block System, in accordance with the X2Rail-5 Grant Agreement. This is Part 1 of Deliverable D4.1 and contains the Engineering Rules.


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.1 Moving Block Specification - Part 6 Safety Analysis

The Deliverable 4.1 contains Requirements, Operational Rules, Engineering Rules and Hazard Analysis for an ETCS L3 Moving Block System, in accordance with the X2Rail-5 Grant Agreement. This is Part 6 of Deliverable D4.1 and contains the Safety Analysis.


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.2 Moving Block Enhancements

This report contains further enhancements which could be included in further updates of the specification. The document examines several proposed enhancements to the current conception of ETCS Level 3, and assesses the impact these enhancements could have on the main deliverable from X2Rail-5 WP4, which is Deliverable D4.1 Moving Block Specification. It has been written for ETCS Level 3 based on the baseline 3 Release 2 [BL3 R2] + CR940 [CR940]. The proposed enhancements examined are: Mobile Object Locator; Always Connected, Always Reporting (CR1350); Cab Anywhere (CR1367); Merge of L2 and L3 to create LR (CR1342); Standstill Reporting (CR1363), Mode “AD” for ATO (CR1238).


"Moving Block" Deliverable D4.3 Report for Moving Block Technical Demonstrators

In addition to the work on the Moving Block Specification, three separate Moving Block Technical Demonstrators have been developed. This deliverable is a report the three Moving Block Technical Demonstrators. The three Moving Block Technical Demonstrators were developed by different suppliers: High Speed Line Thales (TD), Low Traffic Hitachi (STS) and Urban / Suburban Siemens (SMO). The Moving Block Technical Demonstrators were developed based on the Moving Block Specification from X2Rail-3 [X2R3D42]. There is a separate section for each of the Moving Block Technical Demonstrators, giving descriptions of the architectures, lists of the scenarios tested, and description of results. The descriptions of results include problems detected, and proposed solutions. The results have been used to improve companion deliverable, D4.1, which is the updated Moving Block Specification from X2Rail-5. Finally, this deliverable contains an overall Conclusions section, which concludes that is has been possible to realise the L3 Trackside system specified within the Moving Block Specification from X2Rail-3 [X2R3D42], albeit with some detailed issues to be resolved, as might be expected when implementing such a system.


"Stand-alone fail-safe Train Positioning" Deliverable D7.3 Prototypes Developments Report

Deliverable D7.3 contains the overall positioning results of the demonstrators carried out in the frame of WP7 of X2RAIL-5. The document provides an overall analysis and data interpretation of each of the demonstrators whose detailed studies are part of the annexes of this document too. The objective of this work is to demonstrate by different levels of dissemination the feasibility usage of GNSS based algorithms for safety applications. Each partner has led its demonstrator with the system requirement specification [1] in mind. The WP7 has work on a methodology whereby standardised interface is defined to disclose the results for both Algorithm Output (AO) and Ground truth (GT). It has also developed common scripts to be able to present the work result in a harmonised manner. Finally, both speed and absolute position has been analysed in detail under different circumstances. The document present preliminary results with promising performance from all demonstrators where Confidence Interval for 3σ values vary from 20 m to below 5 m whenever the conditions are appropriate. The interesting part though is the high diversity on sensors proposed by each partner which leave the room open for improvements and more cost/effective solutions. In conclusion, WP7 has fulfilled all its objectives and contributes with its results to the railway community in the hunt of the system requirements definition of the future localisation system. However, despite the results presented here, some limitations on the number of analysed trips is considered and it is advisable to perform further research increasing the number of trips and scenarios.


"Stand-alone fail-safe Train Positioning" Deliverable D7.4 Broader Statistical Evaluation

Deliverable D7.4 contains the large-scale analysis of multiple train runs over the same two journeys carried out on CAF demonstrator. The objective of this work is to understand the error repeatability patterns that may occur on a large-scale analysis in a positioning algorithm. The research carried out in this document has followed the same methodology as the one used in D7.3, where over 20 trips with more than 900km are analysed. The results show that large-scale analysis can be beneficial for debugging and maintenance purposes where systematic errors could be encountered. In addition, the proposed algorithm by CAF presented a predictive behaviour as its dependencies on GNSS events are very limited. In conclusion, a large-scale type analysis has been found to be a recommended analysis to be done in future projects.


"Stand-alone fail-safe Train Positioning" Deliverable D7.5 Stand Alone Test Report

The purpose of this document is to describe the demonstrator developed by Siemens Mobility with support from Airbus as part of the X2Rail-5, WP7 project, as well as results from the testing of the demonstrator on an Re450 locomotive in Switzerland. It should be noted that the demonstrator from SMO has been proposed with a very small budget, compared to other demonstrators in X2Rail-5, WP7 project, and therefore also with a reduced scope. The main aim was to port the sensor fusion algorithm developed in the CLUG project (limited to along track position and speed) from the laboratory simulation, where output data was produced in offline processing onto a life demonstrator onboard a train, where it would operate in real time, and to analyse along track and speed outputs for possible comparison with the other demonstrators of X2Rail-5, WP7. Due to the above-described budget constraints, the demonstrator was only tested on a train being prepared for the CLUG 2 project. No laboratory tests were performed beyond what was needed during the development, as the testing of the actual algorithm was already done in the frame of the CLUG project. Also, several interfaces defined in X2R-5 were not implemented, as the exclusion of the SMO demonstrator from common testing using common tools and test scenarios was clear from the start of the project. Instead, tools developed within the CLUG project (funded by Horizon 2020) were improved and used for the analysis of the demonstrator's performance. The X2Rail-5, WP7 demonstrator will be developed further in the frame of the CLUG 2 project, where additional functionality (initial position after startup, track selectivity while running across points) is being developed, which shall then also be demonstrated in real time onboard a train in both CLUG 2 and R2DATO, WP22. Note that this document already contains analysis of some additional outputs of the demonstrator, which will however only be fully developed and tested in CLUG 2 and R2DATO, WP22.


"Virtual Balise Fail-Safe Train Positioning" Deliverable D6.2 Updated Test Scenarios

In the frame of TD2.4, i.e. the Fail-Safe Train Positioning, the WP6 within the X2Rail-5 project is aimed at developing technological demonstrators which are able to prove the feasibility of the Virtual Balise detection by consolidating state-of-the-art technologies for satellite positioning, augmentation network and kinematic sensor technologies. In total WP6 will produce three different demonstrators with related testbeds in order to test the virtual Balise (VB) concept. This deliverable contains the updated test scenarios.


"Zero on-site Testing" Deliverable D8.2 Description of Automated Test Procedures

This document (Deliverable 8.2) presents the main results of the activities carried out in Task 8.3, WP8 (Zero on site testing-enhancing test environment capabilities) of X2Rail-5. iT has been prepared to cover the FFFIS standard to be used and the required automated test procedures for testing the connection of TMS and PIS based on the relevant (selected) test cases.


"Zero on-site Testing" Deliverable D9.1 Demonstrator Validation Report

The key objective of Zero On Site Testing is to perform functional and non-functional tests in the laboratory instead of testing on-site. This will save time and cost but must not compromise safety. The objective of Zero on Site Testing in X2Rail-5 is to continue the work started in X2Rail-1 and X2Rail-3, and to reach a simulation and testing environment able to support automated laboratory testing, which will dramatically reduce the need to perform tests in the field on the operational railway. The activity will finalise the general architecture, the communication model and will also perform validation of the testing environment. In order to reach these goals, several activities have been performed in this task. The existing testing architecture has been rigorously analysed, to confirm that it is flexible enough to cover all the Zero On Site Testing requirements. All of the new subsystems to be included in the testing architecture have been identified, according to the prototype development activities foreseen in WP9, together with the needs of other selected technical demonstrators. A series of open calls with all the representatives of the technical demonstrators were held to share with them the requirements of ZOST, the architecture and the testing model, and to consider the suggestions and possible changes emerging from the current state of their work packages. Finally, activities have been included based on the Zero On Site Testing architecture to support demonstrator development and testing (other WPs), with the definition of the new interfaces and related specification(s). This was done as an update of the existing FFFIS (X2Rail3), Subset 111-2/ 111-3 and by the creation of new documents.


“Stand-Alone Fail-Safe Train Positioning” Deliverable D7.1 Laboratory Description

This document (Deliverable D7.1) contains the description of the test environment for the technological demonstrators of the stand-alone fail-safe train positioning.


“Stand-Alone Fail-Safe Train Positioning” Deliverable D7.2 Demonstrator Definition & Test Scenarios

In the context of X2RAIL-5 Work Package (WP) 7, a demonstrator for Stand Alone Fail-Safe Train Positioning is planned. In [1] and [2] the system requirements specification (SRS) and the common architecture is defined respectively, which leads to the next step of definition of demonstrator and test scenarios presented in this document. The objective of this document is to present the demonstrators and the intended operational scenarios under which the system shall work.


“Virtual Balise Fail-Safe Train Positioning" Deliverable D6.1 Prototypes test bench

This document (Deliverable D6.1) contains the descripition of the technological demonstrators for Virtual Balise fail-safe train positioning which are able to evaluate the detection by mixing the state-of-the-art technologies for the satellite positioning, augmentation network and kinematic sensor technologies. In total WP6 will produce three different demonstrators with related testbeds used to foster the development of it.


“Virtual Balise Fail-Safe Train Positioning" Deliverable D6.3 Demonstrators Analysis and Test Report

In the frame of TD2.4, i.e., the Fail-Safe Train Positioning, the X2Rail-5 project within the WP6 is aimed at developing technological demonstrators which are able to proof the feasibility of the Virtual Balise detection by mixing the state-of-the-art technologies for the satellite positioning, augmentation network and kinematic sensor technologies. In total WP6 will produce three different demonstrators (by AZD, HSTS, MERMEC) with related testbeds used to foster the development of it.


D10.8 Formal Methods Guidebook

FORMAL METHODS" D10.8 Formal Methods Guidebook. The scope of this guidebook includes current and future railway signalling systems; its view on FMs is geared towards typical properties and conditions of these, such as high demands on RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) and configurability. Its view also considers current praxis and challenges in delivery of railway signalling systems, and customer demand for modularity (interchangeability) in system architectures. The target audience includes infrastructure managers, suppliers, railway engineers, railway signalling initiatives and projects. D10.8 is the second interím version and obsolete as soon as D10.9 is published.


* Please note that this/these deliverable(s) is/are undergoing S2R JU review and acceptance processes.

All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project News & Events

Impressions from the Rolling Final Event of the Shift2Rail Projects TAURO, X2Rail-4 and X2Rail-5

Great potential lies in the automation and digitalisation of rail operation. Both can enhance the railway operational performance by increasing various aspects like reliability, security, maintainability, capacity, speed and comfort of trains, as well as the safety of operation. For this reason, research was conducted within the scope of the three European projects TAURO, X2Rail-4 and X2Rail-5 into technologies that could even enable highly automated up to driverless rail operation in the future and make it significantly more efficient through digitalised processes. In line with the topic, the final event of these three projects took place on-board a train, for an exciting trip from Berlin to Dresden and back. The passengers of this epic journey were able to inform themselves about the results of the projects and discuss current rail research. With the support of very didactic presentations, discussions between experts and attendees took place in small groups all the trip long allowing optimal interactions. It was the place to be to meet and interact with the experts from these three projects.

The scope of X2Rail-4 and X2Rail-5 formed the conclusion of the X2Rail series of projects from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and demonstrated the research results from recent years in practical implementation in the innovation program IP2 on innovations for advanced traffic management and control systems.

The specific focus of 22 Partners in X2Rail-5 coordinated by the German Aerospace Center DLR was on innovations for advanced traffic management and control systems with their challenges relating to test adaptable telecommunication systems, fail-safe train positioning using virtual Balises or stand-alone solutions, development methods for checking cyber security, specifying and testing moving block, formal methods for specification as well as architecture development and demonstrating of zero on-site testing. Finally, an integrated technical demonstration (ITD) concluded the X2Rail-series of projects. Results and knowledge were transferred and the research continued after the finalisation of X2Rail-5 to Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking’s projects.

Thanks to its original and very interactive format, this event was the optimal way to disseminate the major results achieved by these 3 projects.

It was alsothe perfect way to transfer the knowledge and results from these projects forthe continuation of the work in Europe’s Rail.

Videos with impressions:


SmartRaCon Scientific Seminar

The Smart Rail Control Consortium honours three scientists for outstanding contributions: Dr. Nerea Fernández Berrueta (CEIT Research Center), Dr. Insaf Sassi, PhD (Institut de Recherche Technologique RAILENIUM) and Dr. Gorka De Miguel Aramburu (CEITResearch Center).  All three have published special scientific contributions in the SmartRaCon Scientific Seminars and contributed significant findings to improving the railways in Europe. At the five Seminars in France, Germany and Spain more than 50 scientific contributions in relation to the Projects X2Rail-1 to X2Rail-5 were presented and new and on-going rail research were discussed. It was organized by the Smart Rail Control Consortium consisting of Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V., GMV-NSL, Institut de Recherche Technologique RAILENIUM and CEIT Research Center.

Full article can be found here: 

Article in the Horizon Magazine

WP4 Moving Block leader Simon Chadwick was interviewed by the Horizon Magazine concerning the topic “Technology that will allow increased train capacity (e.g. developing ‘moving block’ signalling)”.

You can read the full article in the link below:

The social media posts with the video:


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Michael Meyer Zu Hoerste

Project Coordinator

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SmartRaCon Scientific Seminar

The Smart Rail Control Consortium honours three scientists for outstanding contributions: Dr. Nerea Fernández Berrueta (CEIT Research Center), Dr. Insaf Sassi, PhD (Institut de Recherche Technologique RAILENIUM) and Dr. Gorka De Miguel Aramburu (CEITResearch Center).  All three have published special scientific contributions in the SmartRaCon Scientific Seminars and contributed significant findings to improving the railways in Europe. At the five Seminars in France, Germany and Spain more than 50 scientific contributions in relation to the Projects X2Rail-1 to X2Rail-5 were presented and new and on-going rail research were discussed. It was organized by the Smart Rail Control Consortium consisting of Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V., GMV-NSL, Institut de Recherche Technologique RAILENIUM and CEIT Research Center.

Full article can be found here: 

Article in the Horizon Magazine

WP4 Moving Block leader Simon Chadwick was interviewed by the Horizon Magazine concerning the topic “Technology that will allow increased train capacity (e.g. developing ‘moving block’ signalling)”.

You can read the full article in the link below:

The social media posts with the video:

Impressions from the Rolling Final Event of the Shift2Rail Projects TAURO, X2Rail-4 and X2Rail-5

Great potential lies in the automation and digitalisation of rail operation. Both can enhance the railway operational performance by increasing various aspects like reliability, security, maintainability, capacity, speed and comfort of trains, as well as the safety of operation. For this reason, research was conducted within the scope of the three European projects TAURO, X2Rail-4 and X2Rail-5 into technologies that could even enable highly automated up to driverless rail operation in the future and make it significantly more efficient through digitalised processes. In line with the topic, the final event of these three projects took place on-board a train, for an exciting trip from Berlin to Dresden and back. The passengers of this epic journey were able to inform themselves about the results of the projects and discuss current rail research. With the support of very didactic presentations, discussions between experts and attendees took place in small groups all the trip long allowing optimal interactions. It was the place to be to meet and interact with the experts from these three projects.

The scope of X2Rail-4 and X2Rail-5 formed the conclusion of the X2Rail series of projects from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and demonstrated the research results from recent years in practical implementation in the innovation program IP2 on innovations for advanced traffic management and control systems.

The specific focus of 22 Partners in X2Rail-5 coordinated by the German Aerospace Center DLR was on innovations for advanced traffic management and control systems with their challenges relating to test adaptable telecommunication systems, fail-safe train positioning using virtual Balises or stand-alone solutions, development methods for checking cyber security, specifying and testing moving block, formal methods for specification as well as architecture development and demonstrating of zero on-site testing. Finally, an integrated technical demonstration (ITD) concluded the X2Rail-series of projects. Results and knowledge were transferred and the research continued after the finalisation of X2Rail-5 to Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking’s projects.

Thanks to its original and very interactive format, this event was the optimal way to disseminate the major results achieved by these 3 projects.

It was alsothe perfect way to transfer the knowledge and results from these projects forthe continuation of the work in Europe’s Rail.

Videos with impressions:


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 101014520