Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Cost-Efficient and Reliable High-Capacity Infrastructure

IP Coordinator: Felicity Osborn - NR


Project title:

Total Project Value:
€ 26 689 979,00
from 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2023
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 11 811 671,00
Mattias Lagerberg
Complementary projects:


The European railway industry faces great challenges in need for increased network capacity as the result of higher customer demands. Ageing infrastructure assets require efficient and sustainable interventions to maintain and improve current levels of performance. To meet these demands and increase the operational performance of the railway infrastructure assets, innovation is needed to enable a step-change in reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) and also to optimise asset capital and Life Cycle Cost (LCC).

IN2TRACK3 addresses the topic of “Research into optimised and future railway Infrastructure” of the 2020 Horizon 2020 SHIFT2RAIL call for proposals for the Joint Undertaking Members. The project is a continuation of IN2TRACK and IN2TRACK2 and aims to further develop and demonstrate research results and innovations developed under the two previous projects. IN2TRACK3 will develop physical as well as digital technology and methodology demonstrators for the Track, Switches & Crossings and Bridge & Tunnel assets. The project is aligned to the SHIFT2RAIL overall aims to reduce lifecycle costs, improve reliability and punctuality, increase capacity, enhance interoperability and improve the customer experience.

The project structure is designed around five technical work packages, aiming at both improving the operational performance of existing infrastructure assets and providing radical new system solutions delivering a step-change in performance, improving methods and repair techniques, improve quality, reduce costs and extend the service life of assets and structures. The project is led by Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration Agency, the consortium consists of 27 expert partners originating from 11 European countries and the partners involved are infrastructure managers, research partners, technology developers and industry partners. IN2TRACK3 will further develop and demonstrate a number of innovative solutions based upon the two previous projects and the work will build upon already ongoing mutually beneficial collaboration, established communication paths and a considerable amount of mutual trust built upon years of collaboration in international project environments.

The overall IN2TRACK3 objective is to develop technology and technology demonstrators for the track, switches and crossings (S&C), bridge and tunnel assets. IN2TRACK3 presents the objectives and impacts of five Technology Demonstrators (TDs) of the Shift2Rail Innovation Programme 3 (IP3) and details the methodology/process that will be implemented to deliver those five TDs. The objectives are divided into enhancements to existing track, switches and crossings; next generation track, switches and crossings; and enhanced performance of tunnel and bridges. 

Project Structure

WP1 - Enhanced S&C system demonstrator

The main objective of WP1 is to bring the Technical Demonstrators within TD3.1: “Enhanced Switches and Crossings” to the next level of maturity. WP1 transits the results of the projects IN2TRACK and IN2TRACK2 to higher TRL (up to TRL7) in order to enhance the RAMS performance of the system S&C design but also its subcomponents. The overall aim is to develop more reliable components, extend their operational life, improve LCC while increasing the railway infrastructure availability. The project research goals are:

• Enhance the understanding of the performance of the components based by means of the whole-system modelling approach and empirical analysis based on data from real operations in field 

• Roll out hybrid testing and validation technologies to minimise in-situ testing 

• Validate the whole system modelling approach with measured data from operational environment (in-track full assessment) 

• Validation of performance of demonstrators in real operational environment o VARS Demonstrator 

• SNCF (optimised manganese frog) 

• Evaluate the developed condition monitoring methods and maintenance procedures: novel sensor systems and procedures assessing their impact on the maintenance strategies, maintenance of components

WP2 - Next Generation Switches & Crossings Demonstrator

The overall objective is to radically improve the performance of S&C by eliminating or reducing a significant number of existing failure modes. The challenge therefore is to develop technology and designs for S&C, targeting a time horizon of around forty years beyond current state-of-the-art, capable of providing a step-change in reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) performance improvement, with a significant reduction in life cycle costs. Next generation solutions will also implement technologies to minimise environmental impact and carbon footprint, with lower levels of noise and vibration and improve system resilience against climate change. WP2 will demonstrate, through a combination of both sub-system modelling and physical component/sub-system prototypes, how advances in design, manufacturing and materials will contribute to a future step-change in S&C performance. This step-change in performance will meet the overall project objectives; to reduce lifecycle costs, improve reliability and punctuality, whilst increasing capacity, enhancing interoperability and improving the customer experience.

WP3 - Enhanced Track

Optimised Track System: It is of paramount importance to explore how new construction can make use of modern design and materials to provide high levels of service in terms of sustainability, reliability, availability, capacity and LCC savings. To this end, innovative solutions in the form of products, processes (e.g. plan and carry out maintenance) and procedures (e.g. establishment of technical requirements) will be required for a holistic solution. 

The main objective of this TD is to challenge track construction assumptions, currently implicit in track design, and explore how innovative solutions in the form of products, processes and procedures can provide higher levels of reliability, availability, sustainability and LCC savings. This includes assessing safety factors such as ensuring lateral track stability, and also environmental factors such as noise and vibration. The aim is to derive medium-term solutions, which need to be harmonised with current solutions and regulations. The TD is organised around a gradual refinement in design/evaluation of solutions. 

The objective of WP3 is to significantly enhance the capabilities and performance of the track structure by building upon the work commenced within IN2RAIL, IN2TRACK and IN2TRACK2. It will thus contribute towards the overall concept of the TD. Precise track structure and its maintenance requirements will be established regarding improved design to reach these objectives in a cost efficient manner; means to verify performance through virtual and physical tests; cost efficient maintenance; improve the wheel/railsystem, and monitoring to assessthe current and future condition of the asset. These considerations are reflected in the proposed division of the WP into tasks. Complementary, a task will deal with maintenance of track system and track components. In addition, the track is strongly influenced by the operating vehicles and especially their running behaviour. To address this issue, a task is dedicated to wheel/rail interaction and related consequences. Demonstrators will be performed up to TRL7.

WP4 - Next Generation Track

The overall challenge is to develop technology and integrated technology demonstrators for next generation track systems, targeting a time horizon of around forty years beyond current state-of-the-art. The objective of WP4 is to identify and develop solutions that will deliver step changes in the performance of the current state-of-the-art track, building on the various work packages in IN2RAIL, IN2TRACK, IN2TRACK2 and IN2SMART. The design will be developed for the next generation track sub-systems and components, which will aim to reduce deterioration mechanisms and eradicate failure modes; thus improving the performance of the system. In addition, autonomous inspection and maintenance techniques will be developed to further improve the performance of the track asset. The development of materials and components, combined with more efficient and targeted maintenance processes, will support the project specific objectives of a step change in track system performance. This will be delivered by contribution towards the overall Shift2Rail KPIs through reduced LCC, lower maintenance, low noise, high RAMS performance and environmental sustainability. The work will demonstrate the expected benefits of the innovations through identified KPIs and contribute to Shift2Rail targets related to capacity, reliability and life cycle costs.

WP5 - Assessment and Improvement of Tunnels and Bridges

The WP aims at providing new solutions for monitoring and improvements to extend the economical service life of existing tunnel and bridge structures. Ongoing and potential deterioration shall be found earlier or with improved information in order to allow for remedial actions with reduced disturbances in train operations. In addition, the WP will work on finding relevant criteria, motivated requirements and representative behaviours for new bridges to be built for high speed traffic. Here the aim is to avoid unnecessary and expensive solutions not needed to achieve a uniform and decidable safety. Work will build upon the successful outcome of IN2TRACK2 and will demonstrate results up to TRL7.

WP6 - Project Management

The objectives of the WP 6 ids to ensure effective coordination of the project, to ensure efficient management of common consortium activities, to ensure effective overall administrative and financial management of the project and to manage the risks and propose mitigation strategies and contingency measures if needed.

WP7 - Technical Coordination and Scientific Quality Assurance

The role of WP7 is to ensure the high quality of the outcome of In2Track3. This includes direct quality assurance of the performed scientific and technical work. It also includes scientific and technical coordination WP7 interacts with all other WPs. In brief, the division of responsibilities in relation to WP7 is as follows:
  • Technical WPs, WP1-WP5, are responsible for defining research tasks, carrying out research and making initial quality assurance actions. As a support, WP7 acts in an advisory role in the planning and performance of the research (e.g. in early auditing of Deliverable skeletons) and carries out the final independent review of Deliverable reports.
  • Support dissemination and communication work in WP8 by the compilation of implemented results that is made in WP7.
  • WP7 also supports the project management in WP6. Note that the work in WP6 involves quality assurance and coordination of administrative and economic routines. This is in contrast to the scientific and technical quality assurance and coordination WP7.

WP8 - Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

The main objective is to disseminate key findings and outcomes of the project in a way that maximises project impact and its outreach to key stakeholders. This work package will seek to engage external and internal stakeholders to get the most exploitation possible for the project’s results, both within and outside of SHIFT2RAIL.
The specific objectives are
  • To ensure that the project objectives, contents and results are disseminated and communicated to their target groups
  • Develop a strategy on how to maximise dissemination of the project results




Results and Publications

D1.1 Enhanced S&C system midterm report


D6.1 Project Handbook


D8.1 Communication material about the project - presentation 1


D8.1 Communication material about the project - presentation 2


D8.2 Data Management Plan


D8.3 Dissemination and Exploitation plan


Presentation slides Final Event Introduction

Introduction at Final Event was made by Sébastien Denis, EU Rail JU and Pernilla Edlund, Project Coordinator.


Presentations Final Event Session 1: Control

Video of the presentation is available here: Topics and presenters: Integration of heterogeneous data into a bridge asset management platform, José Solís Hernandez Detection of rail level defects using the EMAT method, Quentin Mayolle Influence of wheel tread characteristics on operational lives of rail and running gear, Michele Maglio Sub-surface inspections, Andrew Brown Reliability-Based Improvement of Dynamic Design Methods of High-Speed Railway Bridges, Reza Allahvirdizadeh Risk management for track buckling, Anders Ekberg Monitoring of tunnel drainage systems, Tobias Schachinger


Presentations Final Event Session 2: Improve design

Video of presentations is available here: Laser cladding and heat treatment of rails Andreas Trausmuth Topics and presenters: Fatigue capability improvement, Alfredo García Farré Improved shear capacity of railway bridges, Alfredo García Farré Adaptable and tailored tunnel lining, Joaquim Barros Bridge damping and resonance, Pedro Montenegro Design of transition zones, Jens Nielsen Higher precision requirements for slab track structures, Jens Nielsen Radical new tramway crossing, Christian Ebner-Mürzl Shift2Rail turnout demonstrator, Christian Ebner-Mürzl Development of long-distance flushing systems, Tobias Schachinger


Presentations Final Event Session 3: Predict behavior

Video of presentation is available here: Topics and presenters: Impact of rail steel grade on rolling contact fatigue, Urs Schönholzer Anisotropy, thermal loads and crack growth in rails, Johan Ahlström Monitoring and prediction of S&C condition, Björn Pålsson Whole system modelling and hybrid testing methodology, Gerald Trummer Transition zone design and integration, Moncef Toumi


Presentations Final Event Session 4: Mitigation

Video of presentations is available here: Topics and presenters: Autonomous repair, Phil Winship Discrete defect repair of rail, Phil Winship Replacement of damaged lining, Andrew Brown Enhancement and demo of tamping parameters, Bernhard Anthony Large-scale prototype-test in operational environment, Alejandro Salanova Rail repair by cold spray additive manufacturing, Thibault Lesage Joint welding of bainite steel components, Dorine Chenier Improved welding techniques, Johan Ahlström


Presentations Final Event Session 5: Improved environment

Video of presentations is available here: Topics an presenters: Drainage management system Phil Winship Mitigation of noise and vibrations Phil Winship Mitigation of ground-borne vibrations Aires Colaꞔo Reduce noise after rail machining Urs Schönholzer Predict and mitigate curve squeal Astrid Pieringer


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Projects News & Events

Presentations from Internal Final event

The internal day on November 29th was for project participants. A small number of presentations were held, going more into depth of the work and results.

All presentations put together can be found here:

Internal Final event, all presentations

Presentations from External final event November 30th

The Final Event took place at the end of November 2023. It was a two-day event that engaged around 175 participants in total.

Day 1 was on site in Stockholm with longer, more in-depth presentations on a few topics of high-TRL demonstrators ready for industrialisation. Day 2 was a hybrid event, giving brief 5-minute snapshots of a wider spectre of demonstrators from the project. The purpose was to give the viewers an image of what has been done in the project, and also where they can find more information or contacts.

Project Officer Sébastien Denis from EU Rail JU kicked off the event on day 2, presenting the Shift2Rail and EU Rail frameworks and where In2Track3 fits in. It was followed by In2Track3 Project Coordinator Pernilla Edlund from Trafikverket who gave an overview of the project demonstrators, before the technical presentations took over and continued throughout the day.

Watch the entire presentation below, or on Youtube directly for separate chapters.

The slides from presentations are available here:


Session 1: Control

Session 2: Improve design

Session 3: Predict behavior

Session 4: Mitigation

Session 5: Improved environment

Webinar on Digital solutions for the railway

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On October 18th, the third In2Track3 webinar was held. The theme for the day (or rather hour) was aspects of digital solutions for the railway industry.

Watch the webinar on the In2Track3 YouTube channel.

Webinar on Axle Box measurements for railway condition monitoring

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The webinar on Axle box measurements for railway condition monitoring was held on September 22nd. 122 participants from 22 countries worldwide got to hear about the work done in In2Track3.

Webinar on Vegetation Management in Railways

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In2Track3 hosted a webinar on the topic of vegetation management, with invited speakers from DB, CER, UIC, SNCF, and CropLife Europe.

The purpose of the webinar was to bring infrastructure managers closer to a mutual vision of vegetation management along the tracks, and to facilitate and enable procurement of the right kind of chemicals for handling vegetation and tools to minimize their use. 


  • Welcome by In2Track3 PM Pernilla Edlund, Swedish Transport Administration and moderator Mats Tiborn, Spinverse.
  • Ethem Pekin from CER – to give an overview on EU regulations on biodiversity & sustainable use of plant protection products.
  • Overview of the situation, the UIC project TRISTRAM (Transition strategy on vegetation management) by Michael Below, Strategy & Reporting Sustainability and Environment, Deutsche Bahn AG.
  • Baptiste Bonzon about the results from In2Track3 and how SNCF has chosen to work with weed management.
  • Pinar Yilmazer, UIC, and project manager of TRISTRAM & REVERSE, about strategies on how to realize sustainable habitat management in railways with a particular emphasis on vegetation control and biodiversity.
  • Pascal Day, Representative of CropLife Europe, about how they would like to see European railway infrastructure companies move forward to find a good solution.
  • Discussion with all participants about how to move forward.

Discrete Defect Repair method tested in UK railway

As part of Network Rail's work in In2Track3 and continuing work from In2Track2 with a low pre-heat process, an innovative automated solution for the Discrete Defect Repair (DDR) is taken forward. The goal was a TRL 7 demonstrator (system prototype demonstration in operational environment), which is now out in track in the heritage rail at Wirksworth, UK. After tests and adjustments, the machine is now fully automated, start to end, and is operated via a tablet.

Photo: Russell Licence, Network Rail

Network Rail are in the process of proving repairs on 220 and HP grade rails as 260 has been the typical default. They are also planning to perform repairs across 110, 113ib rails and 60kg rails, with various head wear and sidewear rates, to demonstrate the profiling on worn rails. A road rail vehicle delivery mechanism has been tested and will be further developed.

Next steps towards exploitation of the DDR are to implement extended track trial in Network Rail operational track, to demonstrate the performance benefits over Manual Metal Arc and aluminothermic head repairs. Network Rail will also design a version 2 machine and long term delivery systems to minimise lower sector gauge restrictions, and to optimise safety, cost, speed and reliability. Addressing all requirements for the process on the most common sections and grades of rail, including CSM-RA, design for reliability requirements, compare with other repair methods and make a proper business plan for the product.

The metallurgy is proven. The automation is proven. The delivery system is acceptable for the trials but need further optimisation. Long term track performance benefits have to be demonstrated.

Upgrading the regulations for bridge constructions

The regulatory criteria for how to construct bridges in Europe are limiting the possibilities that railway bridges may carry. In2Track3 is developing suggestions for how change these too conservative regulations.

Pedro Aires Montenegro, University of Porto.

The criteria for how European railway bridges must be built are out of date. Updating the regulations could lead to a more efficient railway system where both new and present bridges will become more cost efficient.

“Adapting the criteria with the knowledge on how to build safe bridges we have today will open up for making bridges a realistic alternative in much of future railway planning. Bridges are particular important on high-speed railways to guarantee longer straight railway lines. This can make a huge impact for both present and future bridges” says Pedro Aires Motenegro, research leader of Workpackage 5 at the In2Track3 partner University of Porto.

Results from In2Track3 indicate that it is fully possible to update the criteria without jeopardizing safety. Knowledge on how to build bridges in a safe way has improved the recent years and have made the present criteria holding the development back.

A change in the criteria will have clear environmental impact, since the project’s research shows that safe and robust bridges can be achieved with much less material, such as steel and concrete, than the criteria of today demand.

“There is a great overuse of material due to the present criteria. Sometimes when a newly built bridge in fact is robust enough for use, even more concrete and steel must be added just to fulfil the criteria. Moreover, some existing bridges that were designed before the current codes do not comply with the current normative criteria and need, sometimes, to be reinforced just for fulfilling these conservative limits, which worries the European Infrastructure Managers”, says Pedro Aires Montenegro.

To upgrade these criteria would thus lead to less of a cost to build bridges. This is not only of great value for landscapes with much mountains and waters. Bridges can also be used to keep a straight line, which is of great value for high-speed trains. Cheaper bridges can also compete with the embankments that are standard in regular railways, which may open for more bridge-based railroad in general.

A goal for the project is now to reach regulatory b

Rail maintenance made easy with the EMAT

The rail monitoring trolley EMAT, developed in In2Track3, facilitates rail maintenance by detecting surface damages on the tracks.  “We believe Emat will be ready for the market within 3-4 years”, says Vincent Chartie, project manager at Railenium, the French railway research institute that is developing the EMAT technology for railway.

Detecting cracks on the surface of the rail is important to maintain the functionality of the railway and is cost efficient in the long run. Today’s rail surface damage control is made mainly by video or visual analysis of the track. But the process is slow and not as accurate as the Emat.

“The Emat (ElectroMagnetic Acoustic Transducers) can detect faults on the surface such as cracks, ripples, head checks and squats using an acoustic sensor and an algorithm that analyses the information from the sensor”, says Vincent Chartie. 

Rail with Head Check defects. Photo: Railenium.
Rail with Head Check defects. Photo: Railenium.

The sensor technology is already in use in other industries such as to detect damages on gas and oil pipelines. Within In2Track3, Railenium have put the sensor on a trolley and developed an algorithm that is able to analyse the data to detect damages to the rail. 

“We believe the EMAT will be ready for the market within 3-4 years, then the technology could be of great use for train maintenance companies”, says Vincent Chartie. 

If you are interested in how it operates, here is a video that Railenium have made to display the technology.

Demonstrator for the Turnout S&C design

See the link

Railway turnouts feature discontinuities in wheel-rail contact geometry and track stiffness. These discontinuities result in large dynamic contact forces causing degradation of the rail surfaces and track irregularities over time.
The analysis of the previous research activities in this field has shown that main research institutions have put their focus mostly on one damage mechanism at a time. However, the interplay and interconnection between those mechanisms have not yet been addressed.

The aim of the Shift2Rail Demonstrator and the Whole-System Model (WSM) framework being collaboratively developed within WP1 is therefore to develop, demonstrate and validate a novel methodology based on the interconnected submodules to make such holistic predictions for accumulated track damage in turnouts and account for the interplay and interaction between damage patterns such as the development of track irregularities due to ballast and subsoil settlement, and rail profile changes due to plastic deformation and wear.
Current project results reveal that at the beginning of the turnout service life the running surface of the rails in these areas changes significantly due to plastic deformation, which in turn increases the dynamic impact forces from passing vehicles.

After planned successful validation of the framework, it can be used for holistic assessment of turnouts for their design, performance and maintenance-costs optimisation.

Tunnel Substructure Investigation Radar (TSIR)

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Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that utilizes ultra-wideband radio frequency (RF) pulses with centre frequencies typically in the VHF/UHF spectrum, which is capable of limited subsurface imaging. It is used extensively in civil engineering to locate buried assets and structures, locating voids, geological and archaeological surveys as well as investigating areas of land for development and reclamation.

Although GPR is a capable geophysical method, traditionally it has not enjoyed widespread acceptance, due to timely data collection, operational challenges in areas of undulating terrain, lengthy data post processing and onerous data interpretation.

Following a lengthy research program which pushed the physical limits of what is possible with terrestrial based GPR systems, a unique data acquisition method was created that would lead to the successful granting of European (EP) Patent No: 3380873 currently under development in IN2TRACK3, the patent is set to eliminate many of the challenges that have previously prolonged the progression of GPR technology.

The project goal of TSIR, is a significant progression from the use of off the shelf components assembled and deployed in IN2TRACK2, featured in this short video. The TSIR system will be created using fully bespoke components designed during a 4 month, computationally intensive, simulation period carried out in 2022, yielding a novel focusing system for optimising data collection in rail tunnels.

Unlike current infrastructure investigation radar systems which must collect multiple 2D transects to form 3D subsurface datasets, TSIR will use helical scanning to natively collect 3D subsurface data from a single collection run.

The project recently transitioned from design to manufacture and will soon progress to testing of a fully bespoke, military grade, dual polarized, antenna assembly.

The deployment and Product Acceptance of TSIR is also a priority of ours as we understand possession time is extremely valuable, with this in mind we have designed the TSIR system to be fully modular and self-sufficient, eliminating the need for fixed integration with a certified Road Rail Vehicle.  Utilising the readily available Engcon Tiltrotator attachment we predict a trackside to track deployment time of sub 10 minutes.

The system is predicted to reach TRL level 7 (RIRL 7, initial deployment) in March 2023, with a series of trials leading up to TRL 7 planned to begin in September 2022.

For more information contact TSIR Operations Manager Andrew Wilson.

Digital flyer link:

WP1 team gathered in Göteborg

See the link

WP1 team has recently participated at the In2Track3 Consortium Meeting, which was held on 15-16th of June in Gothenburg, Sweden.

During the Consortium Meeting WP1 team members presented their latest developments of the Shift2Rail system demonstrators, turnout design optimisation methods as well as the turnout monitoring techniques within the work package (WP1) activities.

Core focus of the WP1 lies in achieving the overall better performance of the railway turnouts by enchansing the reliability of turnout components, extending the components lifetime and increasing the availability of the railway instrastructure. These important goals are planned to be achieved by validating the so-called Whole System Model (WSM) collaboratively developed within the previous In2Track2 Project using the real-world field measurement data of the voestlapine Rail Systems innovative Shift2Rail turnout installed in Wien-Liesing Nord, Austria.

WP1 team members showed current results of their extensive work in different subtask levels including the detailed structural models calibration methods, further WSM framework extension by using crossing nose material meta-modelling techniques to achieve overall better framework efficiency, enchanced crossing nose performance by using optimized design and innovative materials as well as the improved turnout data monitoring techiques.

Additionally, during the recent In2Track3 Consortium Meeting, the ViF project management of the WP1 was handed over from Eva Koinig to Michael Schmeja.

Overview of the consortium meeting June 15th-16th

Göteborg presented itself with the most beautiful June weather possible, and more than 50 participants gathered for two days packed with information on the technical progress from the project.
Have a quick view of the two days on the link:

ATMO rail grinding in test

The testing with the new ATMO rail grinding trailer (Automatic Track Machine Oscillator) for urban tramway networks is giving exciting results so far. Within the scope of In2Track3, Plasser & Theurer in collaboration with Wiener Linien, are working on analysing and improving the performance of the machine.

It combines the sliding and oscillating grinding methods, both being tested and compared at speeds up to 30 km/h. Equipped with 8 grinding stones, the ATMO provides a smooth rail head and also clean the rails of leaf litter. The result of rail grinding not only reduces noise levels but also actively prevents accidents by averting operational dangers.

Bryngeån the first bridge in the world equipped with dampers to lower train-induced vibrations

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– We have equipped the first bridge worldwide with dampers to lower vibrations from passing trains, says the professor at KTH Raid Karoumi.

He is the task leader for WP5 in KTH, and he is speaking about the installed dampers on the bridge at Bryngån, Sweden.

Raid Karoumi has been involved in In2Track since its beginning. Today he is the task leader of WP5 and the 7-8 people working with the project in the bridge division at KTH in Sweden.

They work with mainly three subtasks in T5.5. At Bryngeån in Sweden, close to Örnsköldsvik, they have installed 4 dampers in a railway bridge.

– I would say that this is a continuation from In2Track2. In 2 we developed the dampers and now in In2Track3 we have installed them permanently, says Raid Karoumi.

With the dampers the bridge will be less susceptible to vibrations from passing freight trains and passenger trains at high speed.

– Actually, this is the first bridge in the world equipped with these kind of dampers, says Raid Karoumi.

The win with the dampers on the bridge is that it will be possible to let future high speed trains (over 250 km/hour) to pass the bridge without introducing harmful vibrations to the bridge or to the trains.

– So there are many benefits with this. We can let the train pass without having them to lower the speed, the professor explains.
This way it will be possible to use the existing lines with the existing bridges without having to rebuild them.

– The major contribution with this project is that it will be possible for future trains to pass these older bridges at high speed. There will be no need to rebuild, at least from this perspective. It will save resources, money and time for the society, Raid Karoumi says.

The second subtask that the team at KTH is working on is on developing recommendations for dynamic analysis of bridges for high speed trains. For this more than 30 railway bridges have been dynamically tested in Sweden and in Portugal.

The third subtask will develop new design criteria and new high speed train models for the next generation of European bridge design codes.

– We build bridges that will last at least 120 years. So we have to consider possible future train geometries, loads and speeds that will come in 30, 50, or more years, Raid Karoumi says.

The work is mainly a cooperation between KTH in Sweden and the University of Porto in Portugal.

Goodbye Glyphosate?

Most people are familiar with some aspects of railway maintenance - replacing rails and sleepers, updating signaling systems and other technichal necessities. But what about keeping the side of the railway free from vegetation?
In2Track3 includes a part where this is being looked into as well.

The vegetation management on the tracks and their surroundings is essential to ensure the safety and regularity of traffic. Too much vegetation gives rise to several potential problems; poorer functionality of train detection systems, poorer visibility for signals and security equipment and also greater risk of fire hazards and people moving too close to the railway, thus putting themselves in danger, to name a few.

In2Track3 partner SNCF-Reseau looks deeper into the problem and potential solutions. Depending on part of the railway and landscape, SNCF-Reseau's vegetation management needs to be done in different ways; on the green outlands, the aim is to maintain a controlled shrub cover on the surroundings areas, with a grassland cover on the close strips. On the track and safety path which is the core of the infrastructure, the aim is to be as close as possible to the zero vegetation for the security reasons mentioned above.

Image: SNCF-Reseau

One way to reduce the vegetation is to use pesticides. However, with increasing environmental awareness, new rules come into place, and the pesticides that have traditionally been used need to be replaced with other methods. One way is to find other chemicals that can do the job just as well as the ones now to be forbidden but with less environmental impact, but another way is being investigated as well - The use of Electromagnetic waves.

The tests are just in their first phase, but will be followed up more upon during the project - for SNCF and a better future for us all.

Ground-based photogrammetry on bridges

Ground-based photogrammetry is being used at the Department of Fire and Structural Engineering of Luleå University of Technology to develop 3D Digital models of five railway bridges located in northern Sweden.

Information collected during a survey carried out last October is being analyzed now and three additional surveys are planned to take place this year.
In this way, the results obtained during the different surveys will be compared and the repeatability of the applied procedures to detect damage and changes over time under different weather conditions and equipment specifications will be evaluated.

The work is being conducted by Ali Mirzazade, sub-task coordinator Jaime Gonzalez, and the group at LTU.

WP5 will extend the economical service life of existing structures

Madelene Sandbom is the leader for Work package 5 (WP5) in In2Track3, which deals with tunnels and bridges.
- Most of the projects in WP5 started off already in In2Track1 and now we are beginning to see results, she says.

WP5 is organized in 5 tasks with 3 subtasks each, making a total of 15 tasks. 10 partners are working with the project, where Trafikverket in Sweden is taking a leading role.

2 of the main tasks are researching monitoring and improvement of tunnels. 2 of the tasks are researching monitoring and improvement of bridges. And 1 task works with bridge dynamics and high-speed low-cost bridges.

Madelene Sandbom who is the WP5 leader is confident that the project holds the time schedule.
- We have already delivered the mid-term report and we are keeping the time schedule for the project, Madelene Sandbom says.

The biggest win with the project for Europe is that the railway system will be more effective, safer and cheaper, according to Madelene Sandbom.
- WP5 provides new solutions for monitoring and improvements of tunnels and bridges which will contribute to a more effective maintenance of the railway system with less disturbance in traffic. This will also be more cost efficient because there will be less need to build new, but rather maintain the existing system of tunnels of bridges, she says.

WP5 includes many interesting topics such as new methods to replace damaged lining in railway tunnels, systems for maintaining the drainage system in long tunnels and improvement of bridge service capability, all with minimal impact on traffic.

Image: Luleå Technical University

One specific project that is very interesting are the so called digital twins, ie virtual models that reflects the real life tracks and bridges. In the work package, optical monitoring methods like photogrammetry are used to create visual models of existing structures to be studied and updated over time. This will provide objective information of visible changes in the structure. Also, PORTO and IP in Portugal and KTH in Sweden develop a global framework for a digital twin model integrated with a developed fatigue capability system. This will provide a visualization of a bridge’s state in terms of fatigue damage.

- Now we are reaching the final in the projects in WP5 and we are performing tests in operational tracks, Madelene Sandbom says.

Whole System Model for evaluation of S&C designs

One of the tasks in WP1 in In2Track3 is the development of a so-called Whole System Model (WSM) for switches and crossings (S&C). The WSM is a simulation tool for holistic evaluation of S&C designs.

The purpose of the WSM is to allow for design optimization of S&C to obtain good and durable designs that give low life cycle costs. The WSM is based on physical modelling of the S&C system. Dynamic interaction between S&C and passing vehicles is considered along with loading and deterioration of S&C components over time.

The animation above shows the simulation of dynamic interaction between a bogie and a crossing panel that constitutes a part of the WSM. The red force arrows illustrate the wheel-rail contact forces between the rails and the leading wheels. It can be noted that the wheel that passes over the crossing in the middle of the crossing panel experiences a much more dynamic excitation compared to the outer wheel. This is because of the rail irregularity created by the crossing transition.

Successful collaboration a win-win for all parties

In2Track3 benefits from successful collaboration, Dr. Björn Pålsson at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, states. Together with project partners in Austria  and other colleagues at Chalmers he is developing a simulation framework for simulation-based evaluation of switch and crossing designs, a so-called Whole System Model.

Björn Pålsson is active in Work Package 1 (WP1) in In2Track3 . One of his tasks is the development of a so-called Whole System Model (WSM). It is a simulation tool for the evaluation of switch and crossing (S&C) designs.

Björn Pålsson

- The purpose of the WSM is to allow for design optimization of S&C that can result in good and durable designs that give low life cycle costs before they are built and installed in track, he says.

The WSM is based on physical modelling of the mechanical aspects of the S&C system. Dynamic interaction between S&C and passing vehicles is considered along with loading and deterioration of S&C components over time.

- As it is not feasible for one single model to capture all relevant effects to evaluate the LCC performance of a full S&C, the WSM is a framework that integrates state-of-the-art simulation tools and technique, says Björn Pålsson.

In this project a successful collaboration has formed between three partners in the project: Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and two partners in Austria; Materials Center Leoben (MCL) and Virtual Vehicle (ViF). It is the complexity of the WSM and the expertise required in different areas such as dynamic vehicle-track interaction, track settlement and material modeling that calls for collaboration between project partners.

- While there has been a long-standing collaboration between these partners in EU-projects and other settings, a closer collaboration was initiated in 2020 during In2Track2, Björn Pålsson says.

The project partners are now working on a common WSM and each partner contributes with different models and data.

- Joined together we can develop a more advanced and capable simulation model than any of us would be capable of doing on our own, says Björn Pålsson.

His recipe for a successful collaboration is to have a valuable objective that can best be reached via the integration of complementary skills. The collaboration will then be a natural win-win for all parties as everyone can see that the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.

Easy enough to shift out worn-down rail?

How can we renew worn-out rail withouth changing the entire rail? By milling down the worn rail and snapping on a rail cap. In2Track3 is now testing ReRail in operative track, and results are promising!

A new rail system perform a test in real operational environmental in cooperation with In2Track3. The new rail, named ReRail, is approved for test operation by the Swedish Transport Agency. The test started at the end of 2020 at Luleå in track 21 in a curve with a radius of 600 m. ReRail has been installed on both rails. Both ReRail have the worn Iron ore profile (MB1 profile). Connecting standard rail are R350LHT with 60E1 profile on the low rail and MB1 profile on the high rail. The track is operated by iron ore traffic with an axle load of 31 tonnes. The site has been exposed by 20 million gross tonnes.

So far, ReRail has not shown any noticeable wear or crack growth, which has been observed on connecting standard rails.

The idea with ReRail is to replace 10 mm of the rail head with a high-tensile steel rail-cap, by milling the head on the worn-out or new rail and assemble a new rail-cap of high-tensile steel on the old re-milled rail. The rail-cap is “snapped” on and is provided with a tight joint between the two components, see picture. The solution will give opportunity to create more life length and renew worn-out rails on the spot. The rail-cap surface has considerable improved characteristics regarding wear and resistant toward fatigue cracks, than the standard rail. Tests show that the expected life length ought to be doubling.

By using the ReRail system a large amount of rail can be saved. To replace all worn out rail in Europe today gives a carbon dioxide discharge of 4 million tons/year. Recycling the rail with ReRail reduces the discharge to 0.6 million tons/year (-85%). Considering the useful life of ReRail, the discharge is reduced to 0.3 million tons/year (-92%). This means that corresponding amount carbon dioxide can be saved. For the global world market it means a saving of 4 million tons carbon dioxide every year. Even the steel is a finite resource that should be handled with care. Few believe that we can economize the steel the same way in the future.

Sensor sleepers being tried in Vienna

More work done within In2Track3 project, now from our partner Getzner in Austria on a new elastomer solution. Newly implemented elastomer solutions from Getzner lower the ballast degradation in the installed next-generation demonstrator turnouts near Vienna.

Photo credit: Harald Loy, Getzner

The elastic component solutions made from Sylomer® and Sylodyn® are expected to significantly improve the long-term behavior of the turnouts compared to the present state-of-the-art. The Sensor Sleepers from Getzner Werkstoffe allow the load distribution between the ballast and sleeper to be measured directly on the underside of the sleeper.

Thin sensors measure the loads and contact pressure as the trains pass over; the valuable data can then be processed and stored in the cloud. Getzner Werkstoffe has set itself the task of adding the emerging technical developments in the digitalization field regarding measurement and monitoring innovations to its capabilities.

This is done with regard to their elastomer solutions in order to maximize the benefit of track responsibilities and railway operators – on the track and in turnouts.

In2Track3 is absolutely necessary

Meet Anders Ekberg, the technical scientific coordinator in In2Track3. He is deeply engaged in the project and is looking forward to disseminating more results from it. 
- The results from In2Track3 are absolutely necessary in order to be able to accomplish a functional railway in Europe in the future, he says.

Anders Ekberg is the technical and scientific coordinator for Trafikverket in In2Track3. His workplace on a daily basis is at Chalmers university in Göteborg, Sweden, where he works as professor. His specialty is wheelsets and tracks. The role of Anders Ekberg in the project is scientific and technical coordinator for the whole European project In2Track3.

- My role is very clear in the project In2Track3. Everything that concerns technical issues goes to me. Whilst all issues concerning economics, administration, contracts et cetera goes to Pernilla Edlund, who is Coordinator, he says.

Anders has been involved in previous projects in Shift2Rail, and has been involved in the specific project In2Track3 since it started in January 2021.

- My assignment now is to keep in contact with the partners, the technical management team, and managers of the WPs. I also have the overall responsibility to check that work is not duplicated in different parts of the project, and that the quality level of project reports et cetera has the same high level throughout the project. 

How would you describe the project In2Track3?
-It’s about how to improve the railway in all of Europe. Technically, it deals with switches and crossings, tracks, and tunnels and bridges. The plan is to use results from the project in railways throughout Europe. We will present new products and new processes during the coming years. 

Is there something new in this project compared to railway projects during the previous years?
- I would say that today there is a greater focus on environmental issues. If we go back to 1970, 80, 90 there was a mentality of wear and tear, tear down and build new. But today there is more life cycle thinking, and we talk much more about recycling, reusing, and maintenance to prolong operational life. I see it also when it comes to financing of maintenance of railways. The budget for this has increased in many countries. 

What is the status of the In2Track3-project right now?
- Now, after one year in operation, the first deliverables are beginning to come. This is also the case for the first demonstrators. We look very much forward to this.

What would you say is the big win from In2Track3 in 5 years time?
- Now, after the pandemic, people are going back to travel and the traffic volumes increase on railways again. This means that we have to put more trains on tracks that in many cases are crowded and heavily loaded already. The results from In2Track3 will be absolutely necessary to be able to accomplish this, says Anders Ekberg.

Turnout that addresses several challenges

A turnout demonstrator in the In2Track3 project, that addresses more than one challenge;
- Rolling Contact Fatigue
- Ballast destruction
- Wear
- Load distribution
and more, is installed in Liesing, Vienna. Several innovations are included in the turnouts, and measurements are being compared to reference turnouts.

Photo credits: Christian Ebner, voestalpine Railway Systems

What innovations are in the demo you may ask? And here is the answer:
• Enhanced cast crossing design
• Enhanced S&C bearer design
• Enhanced fastening system ERL NG
• Enhanced stock- & switch rails
• Self-detecting switch rail
• Bearer coupling system
• Point machine ECOSTAR
• Polygon setting device
• Locking device SPHEROLOCK NG
• Hollow bearer
• Monitoring and Diagnostic system RML 4.0

Photo credits: Christian Ebner, voestalpine Railway Systems

Measurements are done over long and short campaigns as well as permanent measures to validate the design.
Want more info? Contact voestalpine Railway Systems, the project partner working with this.

RailEye - optical measurement of the rail

What is RailEye? It is an optical sensor system for defining and categorising the friction level on the rail surface out in the field. It is a technology developed in part within the In2Track3 project and is expected to reach a TRL level of 7 (tested in operational environment).

Photo credit: Johan Casselgren, Luleå University of Technology

Successful field test have been carried out, with the aim to investigate the possibility of real time monitoring of contaminants on the rail with an optical sensor mounted on train. The tests were carried out by Luleå university of technology for Trafikverket with the help of Malmbanansvänner.
Credits: Johan Casselgren, Luleå University of Technology

Detection and monitoring of scour

A new approach is being developed for detection and monitoring of scour, based on excitation from moving loads, by measuring the structural responses which is affected by the boundary condition of the structure. Data from accelerometers placed in the train will be collected over several passes and analysed in order to identify scour problems.

Swedish article on Vehicle Dynamics results from the project

See the link

In the Swedish railway online magazine, an article was published based on the work done in In2Track2 and In2Track3 regarding Vehicle dynamics in the aspect of riding comfort.

The article describes the identified problems with the wheel-rail interface and the results from research made by infrastructure owners and train operators in collaboration.

The article is only available in Swedish.


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Pernilla Edlund

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Rail maintenance made easy with the EMAT

The rail monitoring trolley EMAT, developed in In2Track3, facilitates rail maintenance by detecting surface damages on the tracks.  “We believe Emat will be ready for the market within 3-4 years”, says Vincent Chartie, project manager at Railenium, the French railway research institute that is developing the EMAT technology for railway.

Detecting cracks on the surface of the rail is important to maintain the functionality of the railway and is cost efficient in the long run. Today’s rail surface damage control is made mainly by video or visual analysis of the track. But the process is slow and not as accurate as the Emat.

“The Emat (ElectroMagnetic Acoustic Transducers) can detect faults on the surface such as cracks, ripples, head checks and squats using an acoustic sensor and an algorithm that analyses the information from the sensor”, says Vincent Chartie. 

Rail with Head Check defects. Photo: Railenium.
Rail with Head Check defects. Photo: Railenium.

The sensor technology is already in use in other industries such as to detect damages on gas and oil pipelines. Within In2Track3, Railenium have put the sensor on a trolley and developed an algorithm that is able to analyse the data to detect damages to the rail. 

“We believe the EMAT will be ready for the market within 3-4 years, then the technology could be of great use for train maintenance companies”, says Vincent Chartie. 

If you are interested in how it operates, here is a video that Railenium have made to display the technology.

Upgrading the regulations for bridge constructions

The regulatory criteria for how to construct bridges in Europe are limiting the possibilities that railway bridges may carry. In2Track3 is developing suggestions for how change these too conservative regulations.

Pedro Aires Montenegro, University of Porto.

The criteria for how European railway bridges must be built are out of date. Updating the regulations could lead to a more efficient railway system where both new and present bridges will become more cost efficient.

“Adapting the criteria with the knowledge on how to build safe bridges we have today will open up for making bridges a realistic alternative in much of future railway planning. Bridges are particular important on high-speed railways to guarantee longer straight railway lines. This can make a huge impact for both present and future bridges” says Pedro Aires Motenegro, research leader of Workpackage 5 at the In2Track3 partner University of Porto.

Results from In2Track3 indicate that it is fully possible to update the criteria without jeopardizing safety. Knowledge on how to build bridges in a safe way has improved the recent years and have made the present criteria holding the development back.

A change in the criteria will have clear environmental impact, since the project’s research shows that safe and robust bridges can be achieved with much less material, such as steel and concrete, than the criteria of today demand.

“There is a great overuse of material due to the present criteria. Sometimes when a newly built bridge in fact is robust enough for use, even more concrete and steel must be added just to fulfil the criteria. Moreover, some existing bridges that were designed before the current codes do not comply with the current normative criteria and need, sometimes, to be reinforced just for fulfilling these conservative limits, which worries the European Infrastructure Managers”, says Pedro Aires Montenegro.

To upgrade these criteria would thus lead to less of a cost to build bridges. This is not only of great value for landscapes with much mountains and waters. Bridges can also be used to keep a straight line, which is of great value for high-speed trains. Cheaper bridges can also compete with the embankments that are standard in regular railways, which may open for more bridge-based railroad in general.

A goal for the project is now to reach regulatory b

Presentations from External final event November 30th

The Final Event took place at the end of November 2023. It was a two-day event that engaged around 175 participants in total.

Day 1 was on site in Stockholm with longer, more in-depth presentations on a few topics of high-TRL demonstrators ready for industrialisation. Day 2 was a hybrid event, giving brief 5-minute snapshots of a wider spectre of demonstrators from the project. The purpose was to give the viewers an image of what has been done in the project, and also where they can find more information or contacts.

Project Officer Sébastien Denis from EU Rail JU kicked off the event on day 2, presenting the Shift2Rail and EU Rail frameworks and where In2Track3 fits in. It was followed by In2Track3 Project Coordinator Pernilla Edlund from Trafikverket who gave an overview of the project demonstrators, before the technical presentations took over and continued throughout the day.

Watch the entire presentation below, or on Youtube directly for separate chapters.

The slides from presentations are available here:


Session 1: Control

Session 2: Improve design

Session 3: Predict behavior

Session 4: Mitigation

Session 5: Improved environment

The preliminary information displayed on this website is for indicative purposes only. Displayed information on this website does not pre-determine the outcome of the Grant Agreement Preparation Phase nor the eventual conclusion or rejection of a Grant Agreement. Nothing stated here shall create rights or obligations towards the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 101012456