Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Cost-Efficient and Reliable High-Capacity Infrastructure

IP Coordinator: Felicity Osborn - NR


Total Project Value:
€ 4 999 771,25
from 01/11/2016 to 31/10/2019
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 4 999 771,25
Clive R.
The University of Birmingham
Complementary projects:
Project website:


The overall aim of the S-CODE project is to investigate, develop, validate and initially integrate radically new concepts for switches and crossings that have the potential to lead to increases in capacity, reliability and safety while reducing investment and operating costs.

The S-CODE project will build on existing European and national research projects (in particular, the lighthouse project In2Rail, Capacity4Rail and Innotrack) to identify radically different technology concepts that can be integrated together to achieve significantly improved performance for S&C based around new operating concepts (e.g. super-fast switching, self-healing switch).

The project is divided into three phases:

  • Phase 1: Requirements and initial design – focusing on understanding constraints and critical requirements, and developing a radically different architecture and operation that makes use of technologies from other domains;
  • Phase 2: Technical development – undertaking detailed modelling and simulation to identify an optimal configuration to maximise performance;
  • Phase 3: Validation and evaluation – testing (to TRL4) the design concepts and formally evaluating their performance in order that an integrated design can be presented for further development.

Results and Publications

D1.1 Review of definitions standard operating parameters


D2.1 High level architecture design document


D3.1 Next generation control monitoring and sensor systems


D4.1 Novel materials and additive manufacturing processes


D4.2 Integration and optimisation of switch and substructure technologies


D5.1 Next generation kinematic systems actuators and mechatronics


D6.1 Summary of validation exercises


D7.1 Evaluation


D9.1 Quality assurance report


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 730849