Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

IT Solutions for Attractive Railway Services

IP Coordinator: Joao Mira - HITACHI RAIL STS


Total Project Value:
€ 7 906 243,00
from 01/09/2017 to 30/06/2023
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 3 513 534,00
Leyre Merle Carrera
Complementary projects:


CONNECTIVE project (“Connecting and Analysing the Digital Transport Ecosystem”) aims to be the technical backbone of S2R´s Innovation Programme 4 (IP4), which addresses the provision of “IT solutions for attractive Railway services”.

CONNECTIVE will provide other S2R-IP4 projects with a technical framework and a set of tools that will foster the digital transformation of rail and in general all the transport ecosystem, enabling an unprecedented multimodal travel experience and improving the fit between supply and demand. Its outcomes will provide new levels of interoperability and seamless access to all transport data and services in a multimodal and distributed environment, while offering a common business intelligence to extract insights of the ecosystem, valuable for both users and service providers.

The project addresses two of the Technology Demonstrators (TD) identified in the MAAP, namely:

  • TD4.1-Interoperability Framework: aims at allowing more efficient interconnection between heterogeneous systems. It will foster the digital transformation the transport ecosystem by enabling the creation of an open “Web of Transportation”, a shared distributed database of transportation data and services provided and consumed by information systems independently from their internal organization and representation.
  • TD4.6 - Business Analytics: aims at providing a common business intelligence foundation to monitor, analyse and generate data from the IP4 ecosystem. It will leverage the importance of the data managed and generated in the transport ecosystem, allowing to obtain valuable insights of the ecosystem from a multimodal, door-to-door trans-European Mobility approach.
Framework and tools developed by the project will be used by the other IP4 TDs in the provision of multimodal door-to-door experiences.

Project Structure

WP1 - Interoperability Framework

Interoperability Framework deals with the specification, design, and implementation of the Interoperability Framework that will provide seamless access to all transport data and services in a multimodal and distributed environment; resulting on a global services and data market place, liberated from technological barriers and where different systems can interoperate regardless data formats and communication protocols

WP2 - Business Analytics

Business Analytics aims to specify, design, and implement the required techniques; and tools to provide a common business intelligence and Business Analytics (for analytical, forecasting and visualisation purposes) foundation for all Shift²Rail transport product and service providers.

WP3 - Technical Coordination and System Coherence

Technical Coordination and System Coherence will assure the coordination inside the activities of the project, but also with the other TDs inside the IP4. It will be responsible for integrating and testing the WP1 and WP2 technical results.

WP4 - Dissemination and Communication

Dissemination and Communication will encompass all the activities related to the promotion of the project activities and results, and the exploitation and sustainability plans, including in the scientific domain, and their presentation at public events.

WP5 - Project Management

Project Management will be in charge of the overall administrative and financial aspects in compliance with the general conditions and provisions set forth within the Grant Agreement and the Horizon 2020 guidelines.




Results and Publications

* 3rd Report on dissemination and communication


A Deep Approach of Affluence Forecasting in Subway Networks


Adjust and Manage the Subway Service Level Depending on Passenger Density


CONNECTIVE Newsletter_#2_A-REL


CONNECTIVE-ExtenSive-IP4MaaS Final_Event Flyer


D1.1 -Architectural Principles and Design_ C-REL - v4


D1.2 -Architectural Principles and Design_ A-REL


D1.3-Architecture principles and design FREL


D1.4 IF Components C-REL


D1.5 - Interoperability Components AREL_v5


D1.5 - Interoperability Framework Components A-REL


D1.6 – Interoperability Framework Components F-REL


D2.1 Big Data Architecture


D2.2-Big Data Architecture AREL


* D2.3 - Big Data Architecture F-REL


D2.4 Needs and related features


D2.5-Needs and related features AREL


D2.7 - Data Management Analytics Visual Analytics C-REL


D2.8-Data Management Analytics Visual Analytics AREL


D4.1 - Web Site contents


D4.4 - 1st Report on dissemination and communication


D4.5 - 2nd Report on dissemination and communication


Newsletter #1


Newsletter #3


Project presentation December 2018


Seamless multimodal mobility across Europe- The Shift2Rail approach


Timetable and dwelling time optimization for automatic subway lines regarding the passenger demand


Transport Digitalization: Business Analytics results from Shift2Rail CONNECTIVE project (TRA2022)


* Please note that this/these deliverable(s) is/are undergoing S2R JU review and acceptance processes.

All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project's News & Events

CONNECTIVE Business Analytics video - Final Event

On June 6, the Final Events of CONNECTIVE, ExtenSive and IP4MaaS projects took place during the UITP Summit in Barcelona. Specifically, and as part of the activities carried out in CONNECTIVE, the different use cases addressed for the bottom-up approach in the field of Business Analytics were presented during the event, for which, in addition to the presentation and slides shown to the audience, an explanatory video of the work carried out during the previous years of the project was prepared.

This video is available for viewing at YouTube (CONNECTIVE project - Business Analytics - Innovation Programme 4 - YouTube) and vimeo:

CONNECTIVE / ExtenSive / IP4MaaS Final Events

This June 6th we had the pleasure of celebrating the Final Events of the CONNECTIVE, ExtenSive and IP4MaaS projects during the UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Barcelona, where we were able to show the main results obtained by CONNECTIVE in terms of the Interoperability Framework (IF) evolution and the Business Analytics (BA) works.

Regarding the IF, its approach, benefits, performance improvement obtained during the project and the integrations of the different transport service providers carried out were presented. On the other hand, BA's work shown there revolves around the development of different use cases, which seek to obtain key information to help promote the use of public transport.

CONNECTIVE Newsletter#2

See the link

The CONNECTIVE Newsletter#2 has recently been published. This version, which includes the main advances and developments made during the second project period known as Additional Release (A-REL), is available for download at the following link:

CONNECTIVE Review 2023

During the review of Reporting Period 5 of CONNECTIVE, held on the 28thMarch online, the main achievements obtained during the last year were presented by the CONNECTIVE partners, highlighting the main results and challenges in the Interoperability Framework and Business Analytics.

During the period, the third and final version of the Interoperability Framework was successfully implemented. This last version (F-REL) overcomes the limitations of the previous one (A-REL) by modifying both architecture and technologies. In addition to the implementation of the IF components, the CONNECTIVE team has worked on the integration of the services for the Open Call pilots of IP4MaaS and Ride2Rail, and on the support for the execution of the pilots carried out in Athens, Brno and Helsinki.

In Business Analytics, work has been focused on the development of predictive and prescriptive algorithms for minimising the impact of the maintenance activities to the end user by rerouting some lines, and finding great advances in the optimization of the use of bicycles and the visualisations of the data for the Smart Operational Control Center. In addition, the team has also worked on the Top-Down Use Cases approach where different stakeholders have been interviewed to identify the most interesting Use Cases where analytics could have a greater impact.

Interoperability Framework

See the link

The Interoperability Framework (IF) is the core of the IP4 ecosystem. This framework allows communication between IP4 components (orchestrators that are developed in other IP4 projects) and the TSP systems without needing to modify their interfaces. The Interoperability Framework is based on semantic interoperability that allows the automation of the conversion of the information among heterogeneous systems through data representations of common concepts of a given domain.

This framework, which is one of the main developments of the CONNECTIVE project, integrates the components of the different IP4 projects and the services provided by the OpenCall projects. By the end of IP4, it has integrated more than 50 different services from European TSPs.

This is an explanatory video: Interoperability Framework - YouTube

IP4 5th CONNECTIVE Advisory Board

The 5th Advisory Board of the CONNECTIVE project was held on 30 November to discuss the main developments of the latest works, such as the F-REL integration with the Interoperability Framework, among them Crowd-base TSP within Ride2Rail and covering Athens, Brno, Padua and Helsinki, or the integration of VBB in Berlin, OASA and Attiko for PTO in Athens, BrainBox and Taxiway also in Athens, or Helsinki and KORDIS, in Brno.

About Business Analytics, the enrichment of the use cases for the bottom-up approach based on the needs of the TSPs is note worthy.

CONNECTIVE at TRA Lisbon 2022

During the Transport Research Arena 2022, held from 14 to 17 November in Lisbon, we showed at the Europe's Rail JU stand demonstrations of the new version of the Interoperability Framework for Final Release, as in InnoTrans22, thanks to the use of a large touch screen where attendees were able to see the possibilities that this new version offered, particularly to theTravel Companion application, showing the results of the transport operators integrations carried out.

Also, a Business Analytics Poster on the results obtained in the CONNECTIVE project was presented at the fair.

CONNECTIVE at InnoTrans Berlin 2022

From 20 to 23 September, we attended InnoTrans2022 in Berlin, together with the other partners involved in CONNECTIVE and other Shift2Rail projects, currently continuing in Europe's Rail. There, we showed the public our developments on the new version of the Interoperability Framework for Final Release thanks to the use of a large touch screen where the public could see the possibilities that this new version offered, in particular, to the Travel Companion application, showing an example of a travel itinerary searchon the integration done for VBB. 

On the other hand, we also show the different analyses carried out in the field of Business Analytics focused on data management for bike sharing services, displaying 3D graphics with the flow of passenger movements between stations or fillingand emptying events, among others.

IP4 CONNECTIVE 4th Advisory Board

On 31 May, the 4th Advisory Board meeting of the Shift2Rail projects was held as part of Innovation Program 4. Indra, as leader of the CONNECTIVE project, was able to present the progress made in recent months, such as the implementation of the F-REL Architecture, making the Interoperability Framework more flexible and scalable, and the start of the first services integrationin the F-REL.

For Business Analytics, the Operator Portal has been enriched with the launch of different dashboards and a new interface, as well as the different use cases interms of algorithms, visualisations, and integration in processing chains, among other developments.

CONNECTIVE Project Review 2022

During the CONNECTIVE Project Review 2022, held online on 29 April, the work done over the last year was presented, highlighting the results achieved for the IF and BA.

For the new version of the Interoperability Framework, the improvement achieved in terms of performance was particularly highlighted, as well as the enabling of seamless integration of the services deployed in MaaSive.

With regard to the Business Analytics, the enrichment obtained in the analysis of the different use cases for the Final Release has been shown, highlighting the advances in theBig Data architecture and the management and visualisation of the data. 

CONNECTIVE's Newsletter #1 is already available

The first Newsletter of CONNECTIVE is already available online

Download it from Results and Publications section

CONNECTIVE in The Future of Transportation 2019 in Vienna

On 11th December 2019, our colleagues Indra presented CONNECTIVE during the Mobility-as-a-Service Stream during the The Future of Transportation 2019 in Vienna, Austria
Indra presented the developments related to the Interoperability Framework and the Business Analytics techniques that allow performing useful analysis

Connective in 51èmes Journées de Statistique (JDS) in Nancy, France.

Next  Thrusday 06/06 our colleagues from @ThalesTransport will present the results achieved so far in CONNECTIVE  related to privacy and GDPR with the presentation of Differential Privacy algorithms applied for a Public Transport Network at the in 51èmes Journées de Statistique (JDS) in Nancy, France.


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Leyre Merle Carrera

Project Coordinator

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CONNECTIVE Business Analytics video - Final Event

On June 6, the Final Events of CONNECTIVE, ExtenSive and IP4MaaS projects took place during the UITP Summit in Barcelona. Specifically, and as part of the activities carried out in CONNECTIVE, the different use cases addressed for the bottom-up approach in the field of Business Analytics were presented during the event, for which, in addition to the presentation and slides shown to the audience, an explanatory video of the work carried out during the previous years of the project was prepared.

This video is available for viewing at YouTube (CONNECTIVE project - Business Analytics - Innovation Programme 4 - YouTube) and vimeo:

CONNECTIVE / ExtenSive / IP4MaaS Final Events

This June 6th we had the pleasure of celebrating the Final Events of the CONNECTIVE, ExtenSive and IP4MaaS projects during the UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Barcelona, where we were able to show the main results obtained by CONNECTIVE in terms of the Interoperability Framework (IF) evolution and the Business Analytics (BA) works.

Regarding the IF, its approach, benefits, performance improvement obtained during the project and the integrations of the different transport service providers carried out were presented. On the other hand, BA's work shown there revolves around the development of different use cases, which seek to obtain key information to help promote the use of public transport.

CONNECTIVE Newsletter#2

The CONNECTIVE Newsletter#2 has recently been published. This version, which includes the main advances and developments made during the second project period known as Additional Release (A-REL), is available for download at the following link:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777522