The main goal of Shift2MaaS is to support the uptake of the IP4 technology and overcome the technical and non-technical barriers for the adoption of new integrated mobility platforms. The ultimate goal of Shift2MaaS project is to contribute to the path exposed in the White Paper (2011)7 in line with the S2R Multi-Annual Action Plan (MAAP). In particular, it will provide a field operational testing environment to drive the future of European transportation by:
- Identifying and removing existing barriers to fully interoperable networks, in order to achieve a Single European Transport Area and Single European Railway Area (SERA), easing the process of integration;
- Supporting innovation as a crucial ingredient of the SERA and Single European Transport Area;
- Allowing access to key information for the customer – supporting a major shift to collective transport (rail and public transport) – and allowing a significant growth in demand.
The overall goal of Shift2MaaS is to enable and facilitate flagship demonstrations in real contexts of the added value of the global services and data transport market place created by the new IP4 ecosystem.
Shift2MaaS aims at supporting the introduction of Shift2Rail IP4 technology within the Mobility as a Service context, by analysing the needs in terms of technology enablers of the different stakeholders involved and demonstrating the benefits of IP4 through pilot demonstrators of shared mobility services and seamless passenger experience. To this end, Shift2MaaS will co-design and validate advanced use-cases for the deployment and implementation of COHESIVE solutions.
The Shift2MaaS
impact will be tested at
three sites, all strongly engaged in the intermodality and MaaS domain and setting specific
actions on
existing or new MaaS schemes.
The sites have been selected according to their
complementarity, where
success and failure factors for any specific measure and context will be investigated and evaluated. The resulting
knowledge and
lessons learned will be made available and shared with Shift2Rail IP4.