Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Technologies for Sustainable & Attractive European Rail Freight

IP Coordinator: Norbert Kahl - DB


Total Project Value:
€ 7 826 783,00
from 01/09/2016 to 31/08/2019
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 3 478 222,51
Jan Bergstrand
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The main aim of the FR8RAIL project is the development of functional requirements for sustainable and attractive European rail freight.

The objectives of the project are:

  • A 10 % reduction in the cost of freight transport measured by tonnes per Km,
  • A 20 % reduction in the time variations during dwelling, and
  • increase attractiveness of logistic chains by making available 100 % of the rail freight transport information to logistic chain information systems.

The objectives of the FR8RAIL project will be achieved by developing a number of vital areas within freight rail.

There are six main areas of work that form the backbone of this project’s approach;

  1. Business Analytics, KPIs, Top Level Requirements,
  2. Condition Based and Predictive Maintenance,
  3. Telematics & Electrification,
  4. Running Gear, Core and Extended Market Wagon,
  5. Automatic Coupling,
  6. High level System Architecture and Integration.

Project Structure

WP1 - Business analytics, KPIs, top level requirements

The objectives are as follows:

  • Identification of Market Segments and its requirements in the transport market to defend and expand the market share of freight rail business.
  • Development of high level technical specifications
  • Development of Key Performance Indicators for the whole IP 5 Programme

WP2 - Prediction based and predictive maintenance

The objective of this work package is to:
  • Develop an overall condition based and predictive maintenance strategy for rail freight rolling stock (locomotives and wagons) in alignment with all overall Shift2Rail targets.
  • Define new roles (e.g. reliability engineering) and responsibilities (e.g. technical support) in the interaction of the area asset, fleet and maintenance management.
  • Develop a condition based and predictive maintenance program based on specific locomotives and based on a number of components.

WP3 - Telematics & electrification

The objective of this work package is the development of telematics technologies (including hardware, software and algorithms), which will provide essential input information for different applications such as condition based and predictive maintenance, logistic services, traffic management, real time network management and intelligent gate terminals. The development comprises a wagon On-Board Unit, different modules of a wagon and cargo monitoring system for maintenance and logistic purposes, systems for on board and wayside communication.
The wOBU (Wagon On-board unit ) and referenced components focused at this stage will be the basis for being able to implement applications, such as automatic train set-up functionalities as well as a technical solution to provide information about the train (train integrity and end of train (EoT)) to the Traffic Management System (TMS).

WP4 - Running gear, core and extended market wagon

24This work package will create the framework and functional requirements for the development of a track friendly, low weight, low noise high speed Running Gear capable to run under standard wagon bodies and the freight wagons 2020 State of the art technologies and relevant research activities regarding all relevant aspects of freight transport will be compiled.
Initial investigations on vehicle-track interaction (vehicle dynamics, wheel-rail wear and damage, etc.) and strength will be carried out. Next, life cycle costs (LCC) will be assessed according to the KPIs developed in WP1 (interaction with Universal Cost Model from Roll2Rail) resulting in a prioritised concept.
In the final stage of the project this prioritized concept will be further developed as basis for the development of a technical demonstrator of the next generation Running Gear and Core Market Wagon.
A further focus of the project will be set on optimizing the acoustic and aerodynamic characteristics of the wagon design. .
Acoustic and aero acoustic noise sources will be identified and evaluated for potential reduction.

WP5 - Automatic coupling

Automatic coupling is one of the key technologies needed to meet the expectations of a sustainable and attractive European rail freight in the future by providing higher load capacity and intelligence in the operation.
The objectives of this WP are:
  • To define the technical requirements of the automatic coupler integrating all the requested functionalities in order to achieve a common basis for the development of an European-wise solution.
  • To define a migration strategy to introduce the automatic couplers in the freight market based on a cost benefit analysis.

WP6 - High level system architecture and integration

This work package is focused in two areas;
  1. the information system (which combines telematics applications and condition based and predictive maintenance), and
  2. The technical and process systems (which includes running gear, core and new market wagons, and automatic couplings).
The objective for this WP is the alignment and synchronization of the high level system architectures (information systems and technical and process systems) between each WP to ensure an overall picture and enable the future integration of the developed subsystems among them and with other systems in other projects within the Shift2Rail.

WP7 - Dissemination


WP8 - Management





Results and Publications

D1.1 Market Segments architecture


D1.2 Top level requirements


D1.3-Specifications Propulsion 1


D1.4 Key Performance Indicators for Rail Freight


D1.4 Specifications Propulsion 2


D2.1 Overall developed high-level architecture


D2.4_Determination of relevant variables for condition monitoring of components


D2.5 – Defined threshold


* D2.6 – Installed processes to release and execute new condition based and predictive maintenance pro


* D2.7 Continuous data transfer from the locomotive to the landsite


* D2.8 Modified IT system


D3.1 Requirement Analysis and Technologies Evaluation for Train’s Wireless Backbone


D3.2 Detailed Specification of train’s wireless backbone infrastructure


D3.3 Safety Analysis


D3.4 Algorithms for positioning rail freight


D3.5 Technologies for wagon monitoring systems


D3.5 Technologies for wagon monitoring systems


D3.6 Wayside Condition Monitoring Impact Analysis


D3.7 Specification of the data model for application interface of Cargo Monitoring System


D3.8 Specification of the data model for application interface of Wagon Monitoring System


D4.1 State of the Art


D4.2 Optimized acoustic and aerodynamic characteristics


D4.3 Running gear and wagon design concepts


D4.4 Detailed Running gear and wagon design concept


D5.1 State of the Art on Automatic Couplers


D5.2 Technical requirements for automatic couplers (preliminary version)


D5.3 Technical requirements for automatic couplers


D5.5 Cost Benefit Analysis for Automatic Couplers


D5.6 Migration Plan for Automatic Couplers


D6.1 Overall high-level architecture


D7.1 Plan for the Use and Dissemination


D7.2 Information activities


D7.3 Website


D8.1 Quality Plan


Final Results from FR8RAIL

This is an overview of the results from FR8RAIL.


TRA 2018 Vienna - Slides

A project summary from the mid-term conference at TRA in Vienna in 2018.


* Please note that this/these deliverable(s) is/are undergoing S2R JU review and acceptance processes.

All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project's News & Events


See the link

On 18th of April 2018 FR8RAIL will be present during the “Shift Freight to Rail” event by Shift2Rail in Vienna, Austria. This event is aimed at potential customers using rail. Please find the draft agenda below. To register for the event please follow this reservation link. Because of the catering and meeting rooms EVERYBODY has to register, including speakers and project members.


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Jan Bergstrand

Project Coordinator

In order to send a message to the coordinator, please fill in this form with your data:

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On 18th of April 2018 FR8RAIL will be present during the “Shift Freight to Rail” event by Shift2Rail in Vienna, Austria. This event is aimed at potential customers using rail. Please find the draft agenda below. To register for the event please follow this reservation link. Because of the catering and meeting rooms EVERYBODY has to register, including speakers and project members.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 730617