Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Technologies for Sustainable & Attractive European Rail Freight

IP Coordinator: Norbert Kahl - DB


Total Project Value:
€ 1 708 737,50
from 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2022
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 1 499 528,75
Danijela Ristic-durrant
Complementary projects:
Previous Project:


SMART2 project will build on the results achieved in project SMART by advancement, innovation and implementation of SMART2 on-board long-range all-weather obstacle detection (OD) and track intrusion detection (TID) system. Two new systems will be also researched, innovate and developed: advanced SMART2 trackside (TS) /airborne OD&TID system. All three systems will be integrated into a holistic OD&TDI system via interfaces to central Decision Support System (DSS). A holistic approach to autonomous obstacle detection for railways would enable increased detection area including areas behind a curve, slope, tunnels and other elements blocking the train’s view on the rail tracks, in addition to a long-range straight rail-tracks OD. The data recorded will be processed to inform DSS about possible obstacles and track intrusions in their fields of view. DSS will integrate information coming from three OD&TID sub-systems and will make final decision on OD&TID and will suggest possible actions for the train control. SMART2 platform will be flexible and open for interfacing additional OD&TDI modules based on future technologies.

SMART2 project aims at developing a working prototype of the foreseen holistic OD&TDI that will be evaluated in different real-world railway use-case scenarios. The SMART2 vision of holistic approach to the obstacle and track intrusion detection in railways is illustrated below.

By development of advanced innovative solution for obstacle and track intrusion detection system, SMART2 will contribute to competitiveness, efficiency and operational reliability of railway traffic through the OD and TID automation necessary for GoA 3/4 operation. SMART2 will deliver the following measurable objectives:

  • Definition of requirements and specifications for the long-range all-weather conditions on-board OD&TID system, as well as for its interfaces to other possible OD&TID systems such as airborne-based systems, in line with the achievement of SIL 4 for the entire GoA 3/4 system;
  • Development of TRL 6/7 prototype of on-board OD&TID system to detect potentially dangerous objects on the train’s path in long-range of up to 2000 m and on “collision” paths with the train;
  • Development of two TRL 6/7 prototype systems for OD&TID based on trackside (TS)/airborne systems;
  • Development of TRL6/7 prototype of holistic OD&TID for the railway consisting of on-board and TS/airborne OD&TID subsystems together with decision support and self-diagnostics subsystems.

Results and Publications

D1.1 Freight specific use cases for obstacle detection and track intrusion systems


D1.2 Analysis of requirements and definition of specifications for obst detection & track intrusion


D1.3 Recommendation for new set of lower


D2.2 Algorithms for vision-based obstacle and track intrusion


D4.1 Algorithms for decision making


D5.1 Report on sub-systems conformance testing


D5.2 Report on functional testing of fully integrated


D6.1Datasets for obstacle detection in railways


D6.2 Report on evaluation of SMART2 prototype


D7.1 SMART2 public website and communication plan


D8.2 - Final project progress report


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 881784