Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Cross-Cutting Activities

IP Coordinator: Richard French - BT


Total Project Value:
€ 1 271 812,50
from 01/11/2016 to 31/10/2018
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 999 312,50
Jenny Böhm
Technische Universität Berlin
Complementary projects:


DESTINATE aims to develop tools and methodologies for railway noise simulation and cost-benefit analysis of mitigation actions of interior and exterior noise. For accurate noise prediction it is essential to characterize the structure-borne and airborne sound sources accurately in order to create valid input for sound prediction simulation models. The calculated interior and exterior noise can be auralised and visualised in a studio to evaluate the sound quality and sound comfort of potential mitigation measures in the vehicle design process.

Auralisation and visualisation of noise can be used to assess the annoyance reduction of a given measure. Thus human perception is adequately taken into account. For decision-making the cost of different design options is a very important parameter. DESTINATE aims to further develop cost effectiveness prediction and thus create the foundation for powerful tools to support decision-making on noise & vibration mitigation measures.

Results and Publications

D2.1 Review on the results of the requirement analysis and assessment


D3.1 Overview of the results of the development of tools_ models and methodologies


D3.2 Demonstration of railway noise auralisation in a multimedia studio


D4.1 Overview of the validation of the developed tools_ models and methodologies


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 730829