Table 1: Flex-Rail objectives description and verification means # | Measurable objectives and description | Verification* |
O1 |
Develop an in-depth overview of relevant state-of-the-art innovation and technology trends, transport sector innovations and blue-sky projects including:
- previous and on-going blue-skies project related to the rail sector;
- trends in automotive, air and waterborne industry;
- other technologies applicable for the railway sector.
O1 Develop an in-depth overview of relevant state-of-the-art innovation and technology trends, transport sector innovations and blue-sky projects including: • previous and on-going blue-skies project related to the rail sector; • trends in automotive, air and waterborne industry; • other technologies applicable for the railway sector. Stakeholders workshop and on-line accessible webpage with review of studies and trends (WP2: WS2.1 and D2.1) |
O2 |
Determine the gaps between future user needs, competitiveness requirements and technology potential with the status quo in the rail sector, including required paradigm shifts. |
Analysis of discrepancies between upcoming megatrends and innovative technologies on the one side and the rail current set-up on the other (WP4: D4.1) |
O3 |
Definition of rail system scenario addressing all future user needs, competitiveness requirements and technology potential and in specific covering all of the following work-streams and their interconnection:
- Concepts for the future autonomous railway vehicles “train-centric”
- Promising disruptive technologies impacting automation systems and maintenance concepts
- Railway 4.0
Design of a future rail scenario based on direct stakeholder participatory process. The future railway system scenario will address the improvement of existing gaps and will incorporate draft scenarios and evaluation risks opportunities (WP4: D4.1) |
04 |
Validate, refine and improve the defined rail system scenario by specification of:
- transition pathways toward the rail system scenario end-point considering the competitiveness and other requirements given the foreseen transitions of the transport sector and in specific of the road sector.
- governance of the required transition and the different pathways, considering interests and potential resistance of society and the market.
- business models required for achieving the targeted impacts
In depth analysis of the transition pathways, the potential business models and the governance processes needed to get to such future rail system scenario (WP5: |
O5 |
Define and develop a dedicated Impact Assessment framework and models and apply it to determine the impact of the rail system scenarios developed. The following impacts should be covered:
- Expected impacts from the call
- The specific Shift2Rail impacts
- The general impacts to which Shift2Rail should contribute
Ad-hoc instruments - impact assessment framework and impact assessment tool – will be designed (WP3: D3.1) and applied (WP5: D5.3) |
O6 |
Create involvement of the relevant rail and non-rail stakeholders in the process, to:
- receive their inputs, insights and opinions to complement the information collections
- get feedback on intermediate project results for validation and identification of required improvement
The rail future scenario will be created with an innovative process that will involve stakeholders through an open web platform and workshops (WP4: D4.1) |
O7 |
Define required adjustments and refinements to the Shift2Rail objectives and workplans, based on the concluded rails system scenario. |
A specific deliverable will include the proposal for change and it will structured by criteria derived from the structure of the S2R Multi annual action plan (MAAP) to guarantee easy understanding for all addressed recipients. (WP6: D6.1) |
O8 |
Align activities with relevant ongoing projects and initiatives including the following:
- Specific projects listed in the call text
- Relevant European Technology Platforms (ETPs)
A dedicated WP will take care of communication with sister projects and sector appropriate bodies, such as ETPs and JUs (WP7: D7.1 and D7.2). |
O9 |
Disseminate project results and optimise exploitation project of results. |
The communication WP will coordinate the dissemination with academy and general public (WP7: D7.1 and D7.2). |