Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Cross-Cutting Activities

IP Coordinator: Richard French - BT


Total Project Value:
€ 7 096 427,80
from 01/09/2017 to 31/12/2022
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 3 153 652,50
Jan Bergstrand
Complementary projects:
Previous Project:


The comprehensive objective of IMPACT-2 is to help maximising the impact of Shift2Rail by preparing the socio-economic framework. It contains analysing the socio-economic impact of the S2R developments, assess the impact of the Shift2Rail development by using key performance indicators and System Platform Demonstrators (SPD) as well as starting the standardisation of the S2R technologies. Another objective is to integrate the different rail service operations via a common ICT structure. This Integration Layer provide a seamless exchange of involved Traffic Operations and Assets covered under the scope of this program with a specified data structure to enable legacy and new applications to unambiguously use the available information as input to optimize their service offer. Finally the transversal aspects of smart maintenance and human capital are covered.

Specific objectives of IMPACT-2 are:

  • Assess the effects for mobility, society and environment induced by new technology solutions and developments
  • Introducing relevant targets and needs to create a more attractive, a more competitive and more sustainable rail system,
  • Defining System Platform Demonstrators (SPD) that represent future application use cases
  • Defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that enable the monitoring and assessment of the Shift2Rail overall target achievement,
  • Smart Maintenance
  • Prepare an efficient process for bringing Shift2Rail results into standardisation
  • Develop a common platform for the intelligent mobility management
  • Human resources The project IMPACT-2 is planned to fulfil all respective topics of the Shift2Rail Annual Work Plan 2017.

Project Structure

WP1 - Project management

The objectives of this work package are:

  • To ensure effective coordination of the project
  • To ensure efficient management of common consortium activities
  • To ensure effective overall administrative and financial management of the project

WP2 - Socio-Economic Impact

Societal objectives, technological and behavioural trends and the assessment of how the railways and the whole transport sector can interact, respond and also be a driver of change is important for policy makers about to commit investment in assets with such longevity as rail or infrastructure. How may potentially disruptive new technologies, that undoubtedly will accompany the 4th industrial revolution, impact the mobility patterns of people and what will the continuing globalisation mean for trade patterns and global supply chains? The aim of long term needs and outside perspective research outlined in the S2R MAAP is to identify future trends and liaise them with S2R, thus bringing a perspective leading to 2050 on the S2R activities. The objectives of WP 2 are to:
Evaluate the rail system’s as well as S2R’s possible contribution to achieve societal objectives;
Analyse the obstacles of the current railway system to attract more freight customers and to isolate the single and combined influence of different factors, which will be a quick-win starting point to customer attractiveness;
Present which customer requirements and future needs have to be taken into consideration in any further activities of the railway system to get a success story today and in the future.

WP3 - SPD Implementation

By using the future customer needs and expectations scenarios are defined to identify the System Platform Demonstrators (SPD) for S2R. Those scenarios are identified on the basis of the today’s equivalent scenario to estimate the effect on the modal split for passenger or freight rail transport. Use cases are selected for each market segment, high-speed/mainline passenger rail, regional passenger rail, urban/suburban passenger rail and rail freight, this will enable concrete results on societal effects of a broad range of S2R innovations. The following four applications will be analysed:
SPD application for high-speed/mainline passenger rail
SPD application for regional passenger rail
SPD application for urban/suburban passenger rail
SPD application for rail freight

WP4 - Quantitative KPI-Tree and SPD integrated assessment

A tree of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is modelled and an integrated assessment of the impact of Shift2Rail and especially the effect on the SPD scenarios will be performed. The KPI tool and methodology will be used to capture and monitor the impact of Shift²Rail, the socio-economic effects will present the challenges and chances of tomorrow and the System Platform Demonstrators will be the basis for the demonstration of the changes between today and after Shift2Rail. All the three together have the potential to become an indispensable decision support for railway undertakings infrastructure managers and railway operators.

WP5 - Standardisation

The technologies developed in the S2R projects shall be standardised in an efficient and fast process by a harmonised process. This WP will
  • Assess the standardisation potential of Shift2Rail expected outcomes
  • Propose and implement innovative and optimised standardisation processes
  • Provide guidelines, template and support to TD leaders for standard drafting
  • Monitor progress in standardisation activities in liaison with standardisation bodies and professional organisations.

WP6 - Smart Maintenance

Approaches and concepts for smart and condition-based maintenance are harmonized between the five IPs to achieve a maximum efficiency. WP6 is divided into three topics each with specific objective:
  • Smart maintenance concept for the whole railway system
  • Condition based maintenance for passenger trains
  • Integrated infrastructure & rolling stock data management for smart maintenances

WP7 - Integrated Mobility

I2M will provide a step change towards seamless fully-automated process integration of railway related services and other modes of transport. A first phase focusses on enhancing the system designed under X2RAIL-2 WP6 (Traffic Management System) with all necessary constituents needed to link Freight Operations to the overall process. In particular the works executed under this work program shall deliver:
  • Increase of transport capacity, reliability and reduced cost of Rail Freight Operations through application of advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environment developed in X2RAIL-2 WP6 to integrate Freight Operations
  • Growth of the Rail Freight Transportation segment using seamless information exchange routines between internal and external clients and services thus increasing Rail Freight Transportation Capacity
  • Decreased cost of Rail Freight Management processes applying advanced , high efficient and automated Business Logic and decision support tools
  • Increased overall line capacity and punctuality of Freight trains based on the introduction of high precision improved estimated time of arrival calculation logic and slot planning/management tools

WP8 - Human Capital

The railway staff using the S2R technologies need to be prepared and trained as well as the organisations need to be adopted for the faster evolution of technology in the future. The activities are expected to contribute to overcome the challenges imposed by demographic change and to balance the benefits and risks for the human capital in the system imposed by comprehensive and radical technological innovations. The following topics will be addressed:
  • Change in job profiles
  • Skills and qualifications
  • Establish a mapping of current skills and identify the prospects for quantitative and qualitative developments at 5 and 10 years
  • Creating agile organizations

WP9 - Dissemination

The objectives of this work package are:
  • To raise awareness about the societal and business dimensions of the S2R initiative among a wider public of concerned parties
  • To ensure dissemination of activities and results towards policy makers on EU and national levels, media and other interested stakeholders through appropriate communication channels.
  • To develop and implement a communication plan.
  • To liaise with and support general S2R and JU dissemination and information activities




Results and Publications

D2.3 Societal benefits


D3.1 System Platform Demonstrator use cases

Description of the data collection planning for the mode choice analysis to be conducted within WP3 for the use cases adopted in IMPACT-2. The work performed and reported in this deliverable will serve as a basis for the continued work with data collection and development of mode choice models for the SPD use cases.


* D3.2 SPD application


D3.3 SPD Result Analysis


D4.2 Initial estimation of the KPIs

The following deliverable shows the results of the first rough estimation of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) carried out with the simplified model fed by rough low-level KPIs of the Technical Demonstrators (TDs). This deliverable combined with the deliverable D4.1 “Initial quantitative KPI model“ documents the first version of the KPI model developed within IMPACT-2.


D4.3 Reviewed quantative KPI model


D4.4 First integrated SPD assessment


D4.5 Validated quantitative KPI model


D4.6 Iterative SPD integrated assessment


D4.7 Final SPD integrated assessment


D5.1 Global Roadmap Standardisation


D5.2 Detailed Roadmap Standardisation


D5.3 Guidelines Standardisation


D6.2 CBM Data structures


D6.3 Normative input for standardisation of CBM data structures


D6.4 CBM results for rail vehicles


* D6.5 CBM Smart Maintenance Concept


* D7.1 Requirements Specification for Freight related Topics integrated in Integration Layer


* D7.2 Use cases for advanced freight operation


D7.3 Requirements for Freight Operations


D8.3 Final report: Job profiles and Customer-oriented design of mobility


D8.4 Final skills and qualifications creating agile organizations


D9.1- Data Management Plan


D9.2 Communication and Exploitation Plan


* Please note that this/these deliverable(s) is/are undergoing S2R JU review and acceptance processes.

All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project's News & Events

Workshop on mode choice modelling

The IMPACT-2 project arranged a workshop on mode choice modelling that was conducted online on May 4th. The workshop contained two presentations combined with discussion sessions. Ida Kristoffersson, Research Leader at VTI, held the first presentation that showed preliminary results from IMPACT-2 mode choice modelling for the passenger use cases high-speed rail, regional rail and metro.

The preliminary results showed that Shift2Rail innovations has a large potential to increase rail demand, especially for high-speed and regional use cases in high-density areas. However, the results and discussion also highlighted that the competition from private automated and/or electric vehicles is likely to be strong. Rune Karlsson, VTI, held the second presentation about IMPACT-2 mode choice modelling for the rail freight use case. The results for rail freight showed even stronger potential impacts of Shift2Rail innovations on rail demand and here the model results suggest that competition from automated and/or electric lorries will be less strong. However, the discussion highlighted that rail capacity is limited and that it is difficult and expensive to change infrastructure such as platforms or tunnels. External experts from European Passengers’ Federation, Leeds University, FraunhoferInstitute and UNIFE participated in the workshop and contributed to a fruitful discussion which will be considered in the finalisation of the mode choice modelling work conducted within IMPACT-2.

Workshop Human Capital 11 March 2021

A human capital virtual workshop was held on 11th of March. The workshop discussed future demand of occupations in maintenance and rail line constructions. Findings from a Swedish use case was presented and its relevance on an EU level was discussed by invitees from DB, SNCF, TNO and the ERASMUS project Aston Rail. The latter is a project which deals with rail HC issues.

Results from in-depth interviews with selected experts at Trafikverket and at railway contractors were presented and discussed. The nature of the interview questions varied from referring to presumed future challenges for each organization in general to more concrete topics concerning, for example, the impact of technological development on the competence composition of personnel. Comments on the low attractivity of the railway sector received from the Swedish respondents were confirmed by DB and SNCF. All infrastructure managers identifies the extended upcoming period of transition between traditional to novel railway technology as a challenge. How to persuade future talent to study in detail outdated technology still in use on the railways?


Delivery of new smart maintenance concept & global safety framework!

See the link

Smart maintenance concept for maximising efficiency

As a result of the work coming from several different projects funded by Shift2Rail on smart maintenance, a holistic approach for maintenance in the whole railway system using the opportunities afforded by interaction as well as mutual monitoring, has been conceived.

Smart Maintenance (SM) relays on the ‘Internet of Things’ and ‘Computerized Analysis Technologies’ to optimise the maintenance of systems and thus improve safety, reliability, availability and reduce the overall cost of the railway system. This concept goes further than just condition based maintenance, as it integrates a system of system approach, following the evolution of the railway system and its stakeholders to achieve the benefits mentioned above.

Read full article here.

Shift2Rail Innovation Days

See the link

The Shift2Rail Innovation Days were held on 22 to 23 October 2020. This is an event that focuses on the European rail system and the innovations that can be introduced to improve and develop it.

Results from IMPACT-2 were presented during the Cross-cutting activities section. Find the recordings from the webinar on the this link.

Topics adressed:
- Customer Needs, Mode Choice & KPI Assessment
- Digitalisation of Freight
- Smart Maintenance
- Human Capital & Agile organisations

Workshop series in Market analysis, migration and KPIs for freight

The Shift2Rail projects FR8HUB and IMPACT II have finalised a serie of workshops hosted by Contraffic.

The first workshop looked in to specific measures for freight, business analytics and migration strategies and was held in Berlin in February 2020.

After bilateral meetings a final digital conference was held 22nd of February 2021 taking the analysis to the next step.

Presentation of market needs, KPIs and its contribution to the overall Shift2Rail objectives were presented among with strategies for implementation of technologies(migration).

For the upcoming Europes Rail programme a twofold input can be taken in to consideration with an Evolutionary approach and a Revolutionary approach of innovation strategies  with regards to freight.

All built upon using digitalisation as an enabler for automation and an intelligent –customer oriented railway.


The workshops was a collaborative initiative between the two projects FR8HUB (innovation programme 5) and IMPACT II (cross cutting activities) and can be considered as very successful with approx. 20 companies and experts involved such as Deutsche Bahn AG, DB Cargo, VBD, Knorr Bremse, Contraffic, KTH, Lindholmen Science Park, Trafikverket, Shift2Rail JU and CFW consortium

IMPACT-2 Analysing the effects of Shift2rail

See the link

IMPACT-2 assesses the effects of new technology solutions and developments formobility, society and the environment. Together, with other Shift2rail projects, we strive tostrengthen European industry in a sustainable way, create jobs and develop a railwaynetwork that meets the transport needs of tomorrow. 

See video about IMPACT-2

Impact-2 partners presented an abstract at RTDM (Rail Transport Demand Management) 2018 in Darmstadt, Germany.

See the link

For the first time, the symposium on Rail Transport Demand Management 2018 was hosted by an interdisciplinary committee from Technische Universität Darmstadt and German Rail. The first RTDM was held in Darmstadt, Germany the 24th and 25th of October 2018.

Impact-2 partners submitted the abstract "Passenger Demand in a Technical World" and presented during the second day:  

Session 4: Demand Control II

Passenger Demand in a Technical World
Svenja Hainz, Elodie Vannier, PhD Michael Meyer zu Hoerste, PhD Ida Kristoffersson 
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) (Germany), SNCF (France), VTI (Sweden)


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Jan Bergstrand

Project Coordinator

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Workshop on mode choice modelling

The IMPACT-2 project arranged a workshop on mode choice modelling that was conducted online on May 4th. The workshop contained two presentations combined with discussion sessions. Ida Kristoffersson, Research Leader at VTI, held the first presentation that showed preliminary results from IMPACT-2 mode choice modelling for the passenger use cases high-speed rail, regional rail and metro.

The preliminary results showed that Shift2Rail innovations has a large potential to increase rail demand, especially for high-speed and regional use cases in high-density areas. However, the results and discussion also highlighted that the competition from private automated and/or electric vehicles is likely to be strong. Rune Karlsson, VTI, held the second presentation about IMPACT-2 mode choice modelling for the rail freight use case. The results for rail freight showed even stronger potential impacts of Shift2Rail innovations on rail demand and here the model results suggest that competition from automated and/or electric lorries will be less strong. However, the discussion highlighted that rail capacity is limited and that it is difficult and expensive to change infrastructure such as platforms or tunnels. External experts from European Passengers’ Federation, Leeds University, FraunhoferInstitute and UNIFE participated in the workshop and contributed to a fruitful discussion which will be considered in the finalisation of the mode choice modelling work conducted within IMPACT-2.

Workshop Human Capital 11 March 2021

A human capital virtual workshop was held on 11th of March. The workshop discussed future demand of occupations in maintenance and rail line constructions. Findings from a Swedish use case was presented and its relevance on an EU level was discussed by invitees from DB, SNCF, TNO and the ERASMUS project Aston Rail. The latter is a project which deals with rail HC issues.

Results from in-depth interviews with selected experts at Trafikverket and at railway contractors were presented and discussed. The nature of the interview questions varied from referring to presumed future challenges for each organization in general to more concrete topics concerning, for example, the impact of technological development on the competence composition of personnel. Comments on the low attractivity of the railway sector received from the Swedish respondents were confirmed by DB and SNCF. All infrastructure managers identifies the extended upcoming period of transition between traditional to novel railway technology as a challenge. How to persuade future talent to study in detail outdated technology still in use on the railways?


Delivery of new smart maintenance concept & global safety framework!

Smart maintenance concept for maximising efficiency

As a result of the work coming from several different projects funded by Shift2Rail on smart maintenance, a holistic approach for maintenance in the whole railway system using the opportunities afforded by interaction as well as mutual monitoring, has been conceived.

Smart Maintenance (SM) relays on the ‘Internet of Things’ and ‘Computerized Analysis Technologies’ to optimise the maintenance of systems and thus improve safety, reliability, availability and reduce the overall cost of the railway system. This concept goes further than just condition based maintenance, as it integrates a system of system approach, following the evolution of the railway system and its stakeholders to achieve the benefits mentioned above.

Read full article here.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777513