HYPERNEX will deliver 3 main outputs:
An Observatory (WP2) to clarify:
•Who does what in Europe that could be related to the Hyperloop, considering the vehicles, infrastructure, energy supply and management, communications, maglev technology and more.
•What are the minimum common understandings for Hyperloop in terms of inter-modality, urban development, long distance development, integration in existing infrastructures.
•Other actions that may compete with Hyperloop development.
Technical definitions (WP3) and description of innovations:
HYPERNEX will gather the technical information available, which will allow depicting different scenarios that may arise during the start-up process of new transportation technologies. This includes safety and operation vision considering:
a) what is possible to accept and adapt from rail knowledge;
b) what is the common technical core and challenges within an interoperability as a service concept: c) the identification of hazards, standardization roadmap and convergences with ongoing programs.
The concept of operation and standard operating procedures will focus on the integration in control and management for service providers. Transferability and roadmap beyond HYPERNEX (WP4). This WP will gather the capacity to contribute in certain aspects of the S2R MAAP and the definition of TMS for Hyperloop with relations to the smart grid and the autonomous vehicle.
The output will include all the guidelines and recommendations for standardization process of Hyperloop and include the transferability of results under existing R&D programs and synergies with other transport modes. It will also provide cross-fertilization of knowledge including non-railway modes, tackle the applicability of current regulations in Europe to Hyperloop certification scheme including roles for AsBo and NoBo and applicability of current standards to Hyperloop technical components.