Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


Total Project Value:
€ 250 000,00
from 01/12/2020 to 28/02/2022
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 250 000,00
Luisa Martinez Muneta
Complementary projects:


HYPERNEX addresses the need for a catalyst to accelerate the development of the fifth mean of transport, hyperloop, in Europe. 

Since the the modern hyperloop proof of concept was coined in a white paper in 2013, and with the creation of Shift2Rail in 2014, many activities touching innovation in guided transport have arisen in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Technologies dealing with innovative control systems for vehicle to vehicle interaction, with communication and positioning systems (incl. in tunnel environments), advanced magnetic levitation, with innovative light materials, with energy storage and regeneration solutions have been investigated in a fragmented and competitive manner. The challenge is to channel all these disperse innovations and technical solutions in a coherent framework that would potentially support a possible European implementation or migration of concepts towards other innovations in guided transport modes and to support interoperability with the Single European Railway Area (SERA).

A convergence of R&D entities, industry players, regulators and society needs to be aligned with hyperloop developers. While regulators and standardization bodies need to understand the operation and specification of the new transport mode, the industry and R&D ecosystem need a better understanding on how they can provide value to enhance hyperloop technical development. 

HYPERNEX will cover the ignition of this work, bringing the relevant information into a monolithic asset, creating a ground of understanding among hyperloop developers and providing also the inertia to make the movement sustainable and durable in the coming years.

HYPERNEX will deliver 3 main outputs:

An Observatory (WP2) to clarify:

•Who does what in Europe that could be related to the Hyperloop, considering the vehicles, infrastructure, energy supply and management, communications, maglev technology and more.

•What are the minimum common understandings for Hyperloop in terms of inter-modality, urban development, long distance development, integration in existing infrastructures.

•Other actions that may compete with Hyperloop development.

Technical definitions (WP3) and description of innovations: 
HYPERNEX will gather the technical information available, which will allow depicting different scenarios that may arise during the start-up process of new transportation technologies. This includes safety and operation vision considering: 

a) what is possible to accept and adapt from rail knowledge; 
b) what is the common technical core and challenges within an interoperability as a service concept: c) the identification of hazards, standardization roadmap and convergences with ongoing programs. 

The concept of operation and standard operating procedures will focus on the integration in control and management for service providers. Transferability and roadmap beyond HYPERNEX (WP4). 
This WP will gather the capacity to contribute in certain aspects of the S2R MAAP and the definition of TMS for Hyperloop with relations to the smart grid and the autonomous vehicle. 

The output will include all the guidelines and recommendations for standardization process of Hyperloop and include the transferability of results under existing R&D programs and synergies with other transport modes. It will also provide cross-fertilization of knowledge including non-railway modes, tackle the applicability of current regulations in Europe to Hyperloop certification scheme including roles for AsBo and NoBo and applicability of current standards to Hyperloop technical components.

Results and Publications

D1.1 Quality assurance plan


D1.2 Report of activity


D2.1 Observatory results


D3.1 Technical definitions


D4.1 Transferability and roadmap beyond HYPERNEX


D5.1 Plan for the dissemination, exploitation, and knowledge transfer of the project’s results


D5.3 Final report


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 101015145