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Total Project Value:
€ 299 953,75
from 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2022
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 299 953,75
Valeria Vittorini
Complementary projects:
Project website:


The overall objective of the RAILS research project is to investigate the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the rail sector and contribute to the definition of roadmaps for future research in next generation signalling systems, operational intelligence, and network management. RAILS will address the training of PhD students to support the research capacity in AI within the rail sector across Europe by involving research institutions in four different countries (Italy, UK, Netherlands, and Sweden), with a combined background in both computer science and transportation systems.

The RAILS project aims at developing roadmaps for fast uptake of Artificial Intelligence in the railway sector by identifying effective and suitable techniques and testing methods for AI and assessing impacts towards improving overall performance of the railway system as a whole.

RAILS will address the following key objectives:
1. Identification of the potential of AI for railways: develop a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of relevant state-of-the-art of AI approaches, innovation technologies and trends applicable to railways from the transport sector and other relevant sectors.
2. Adherence to current work in railways innovation: line-up the research activities with available results from relevant ongoing projects and initiatives in the railway sector including Shift2Rail projects and relevant European Technology Platforms (e.g., RRAC - The European Technology Platform on Rail Research, U-EIP - European ITS Platform).
3. Recognition of required innovation shifts: determine the gaps between AI potential, possible future scenarios and applications with the status-quo in the rail sector.
4. Development of methodological and experimental proof-of-concepts: pilot studies providing feasibility studies for the adoption of A.I and related techniques (e.g., Big Data Analytics) in: 1) safety and rail automation, 2) predictive maintenance and defect detection, 3) traffic planning and management.
5. Development of Benchmarks, Models and Simulations: validation of the technical soundness, deployment feasibility, and industrial applicability of the methodological and technological concepts developed in RAILS.
6. Transition pathways toward the rail system scenario: identification of the new research directions to improve reliability, maintainability, safety, cyber-physical security, and performance through the adoption of AI.
7. Involvement of relevant rail stakeholders: collaboration with industries and railway operators to meet a multi-facet objective:

  • to gain data, use cases, feedback and valuable inputs and insights;
  • to disseminate and exploit project results;
  • to promote the development of AI education, innovation and best practices in railway industrial and operational settings.
8. Training of young researchers and creation of a research network on AI in railways: RAILS will provide a comprehensive formative experience to PhD students undertaking challenging research through:
  • mobility across the academic institutions of the consortium and the guidance of leading senior scientists;
  • multi-disciplinary collaboration among researchers belonging to different scientific sectors across Europe.

Results and Publications

D1.1 Definition of a reference taxonomy of AI in railways


D1.2 Summary of existing relevant projects and state-of-the-art of AI application in railways


D1.3 Application Areas


D2.1 WP2 Report on case studies and analysis of transferability from other sectors


D2.2 WP2 Report on AI approaches and models


D2.3 WP2 Report on experimentation_ analysis and discussion of results


D2.4 WP2 Report on identification of future innovation


D3.1 WP3 Report on case studies and analysis of transferability from other sectors


D3.2 WP3 Report on AI approaches and models


D3.3 WP3 Report on experimentation_ analysis and discussion of results


D3.4 WP3 Report on identification of future innovation


D4.1 Report on case studies and analysis of transferability from other sectors


D4.2 WP4 Report on AI approaches and models


D4.3 WP4 Report on experimentation


D4.4 WP4 Report on identification of future innovation


D5.2 Report on Dissemination and Exploitation activities


D5.3 Report on identification of migration strategies


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 881782