Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


Total Project Value:
€ 248 093,75
from 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2021
S2R (Of H2020) co-funding:
€ 248 093,75
Sandra Gehenot
Complementary projects:
Project website:


Translate4Rail has several objectives:

  • Enable any driver to be safe when driving in a foreign country of which they do not know the language. This entails the capacity of the driver to exchange necessary standard information in written or voice messages with the traffic controller for a safe run of his train and a good information of the traffic controller in compliance with the Decision 2012/757/UE of the Commission of the 14th of November 2012.
  • Define specifications of a tool that enables the driver to communicate with the infrastructure manager traffic controller by GSM-R and to be understood. This definition must set the functional characteristics of the information tool and of the software of the voice recognition and the transfer of the voice messages to be sent to the traffic controller.
  • Define standard wordings to communicate about, inter alia: 
    • Usual information on the progress of the train (position, stoppings, authorisation of restarting, etc.). This involves also the reception and the emission of voice messages converted in the adequate language.
    • Usual information on the status of the tracks. 
    • Exceptional information on any events occurring on his own train.  
    • Exceptional information on a pass-by train. 
    • Exceptional information on infrastructure (level crossing, signalling, etc.) in case of unusual functioning. 
    • Emergency information in case of incidents or accidents. 
    • Harmonise all these set of information to allow a sound translation and transmission to the recipient.
  • Organise a tender for a tool fulfilling the specifications defined here above.
  • Test the tool across Europe with the support of RUs and IMs through pilots.
  • Check the safety of the proposals of the project to elaborate the necessary documentation to get authorisation to perform the pilot tests.
  • Define the training program for the drivers using the tool in order to get them used to the list of predefined messages.
  • Disseminate widely the results of the tests and the characteristics of the tool to the railway undertakings community and the Infrastructure managers’ community.
  • In summary the objectives of the project are to increase the reliability of trans-European rail freight transport by providing quick alternatives by different routes to maintain the service in case of incidents. At the same time the objective is to fluidify the border crossings and thus to enhance network capacity, travel safety and competitiveness.

Results and Publications

D1.1 Benchmark


D1.2 Enhanced list of pre-defined messages


D1.3 Tool Requirements


D2.1 Guidelines for implementation and description of the pilots


D2.2 Recommendation guideline for implementation and analysis of uptake perspectives


D4.1 Communication_ Dissemination and Exploitation plan including project logo_ website_ proj


All deliverables, results and publications herewith provided reflects only the author's view and the S2R JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 881779