TD 3.7 - Railway Integrated Measuring and Monitoring System (RIMMS) Demonstrator
The ‘Railway Integrated Measuring and Monitoring System (RIMMS)’ (TD 3.7) is to provide innovative tools and techniques for capturing information on the current status of assets, in a non-intrusive and fully integrated manner. To this end, the TD will focus on asset status data collection in close interaction with TD3.1 through TD3.5.
Implementation within IP3 projects
WP03 - RIMMS Satellites & Autonomous Intelligent Monitoring Systems
The WP3 objective is to carry out a feasibility study that will be done in strong cooperation with In2Track project,for autonomous measuring systems based on UAV’s, satellites or unmanned/robot vehicles to monitor railway infrastructure assets and the environmental condition near them. This will be carried out with the following activities:
- Describe the monitoring performances, determined for example in other industrial fields, of various measuring systems based on satellites, UAVs and robots implementation;
- Identify the most key assets, according to S2R KPI, to be monitored and their related parameters and items to be measured, for which these kind of measuring system are particularly relevant;
- Propose application cases for each of the measuring vehicles considered;
- Select the most relevant monitoring system for each of the key assets to be monitored with autonomous system;
- Identify post-processing methods required to monitor the relevant parameters;
- Identify gaps that need to be overcome: normative context and security issues, technology improvement;
- Finally, implement proof of concepts for drone and robotics monitoring systems.
- The work carried out in this work package is a first coordinate approach among European railway networks about these autonomous monitoring systems, leading to agreed use cases.
WP04 - RIMMS Track and Switch & Crossings Monitoring
The objectives of this WP are:
- To develop calibrated prototypes of integrated monitoring systems for track and Switches & Crossings which can be installed on inservice trains;
- To identify and to validate the technology to monitor lateral and other important parameters of track geometry;
- To develop vehicle movements modelling on S&C, complementary non-destructive testing methods and to extend recording capabilities and processes for switch maintenance parameters.
- To develop the technology to identify surface errors in the rail tread, which are important for degradation of track geometry and S&C’s;
- To check that the implemented technologies are able to provide input for root cause identification and prediction of degradation and
- To point out the benefit of monitoring for smart and intelligent maintenance and asset management.
WP05 - RIMMS Signalling & telecommunications
The objective of this WP is to develop a framework toolset to be used by any party to develop a converter proxy for diagnostic data into a format defined by this project as an open standard IF. Collection of data could be performed using either “embedded” or “remote” monitoring solutions. Using a proxy for gathering data will reduce the risk of violating the safety case of the connected existing legacy signalling system and thus enable fast deployment. Create an in-lab demonstration of the proxy converter to conduct a proof-of-concept of the framework.
The WP objective is to achieve an integrated solution for monitoring the trains and their impact on the infrastructure which must be standardized, easy to be installed, low cost and compliant with the maintenance process proposed by the S2R project.
WP1 - User requirements and technology
The first objective of this WP is to understand user requirements in relation with inspection and monitoring tasks of railway assets. Based on the collected information, we will analyse the state of the art for all technologies and regulations potentially relevant for the tasks to be accomplished. We will focus on the identification of the key technology challenges and bottlenecks. Ultimately, we will indicate for each demonstrator the solution achieving the best balance between data quality, cost, and safety. The results of this WP will be used as input to WP2.
WP2 - Multiscale-Monitoring methodology & tools
The WP objective is to design the overall MOMIT solution taking into account inputs coming from WP1. The WP will define the services and product to be developed in terms of technology to be used for which purpose, and to obtain which kind of information and which level of detail. A major attention will be put on the definition of operational workflows where the designed solution could be integrated.
WP3 - Automated Data Processing & Post Processing
Automated Data Processing & Post Processing (led by CTTC), whose objective, by elaborating the requirements identified in WP1 and the technical specification from WP2, is to select optimal Data processing and post-processing methods, as well as data fusion approaches, deriving algorithms and automated SW chain prototypes. A platform prototype, with a suite of tools providing functionalities, including visualisation, analytics and information extraction capabilities, interfaces to access data, will also be developed. The integration and testing procedure will take into account the feedback from the demonstration cases.
WP4 - Application cases demonstration
The WP objective is to define and implement the six Application Cases foreseen in the Project. The first part of the activity will be focused on the definition of the scenarios, receiving in input the requirements of WP1 and the technical specification of WP2. The second part deals with the implementation of the scenario specification for each of the six demonstrators, adopting data processing and post-processing methods developed in WP3.
WP06 - Benchmarks And Specifications
- Provide the approaches and the current status of the relevant S2R running projects;
- Provide the state of the art of relevant technologies and benchmark products for the subsequent developments of train monitoring system in WP7, sensor system for track geometry monitoring in WP8 and data collection for diagnostics from signalling components in WP9;
- Definition of requirement specifications for subsequent developments and test specifications for laboratory testing and pilots in the railway environments.
WP07 - Train Monitoring Solutions
This Work Package aims at the development of an integral autonomous wayside monitoring station for detecting the prioritised rolling stock failures, by integrating the following technologies and solutions:
- Risk assessment methods to generate a priority list of the critical rolling stock components in terms of effects on infrastructure, where the monitoring actions should focus
- RFID technologies for the unique identification of rolling stock to ensure the correct assignment of the detected failures to the monitored vehicles
- Computer vision techniques to automatically capture images of the prioritised rolling stock components
- Big data solutions for the storage and management of images
- Image recognition for automatic detections of the prioritised detects at the early stage to not only reduce the costs of inspections and maintenance, but also provide users with the capability to make predictive, condition-based maintenance decisions rather than having to rely solely on visual inspection, allowing a better planning of short and long term proactive maintenance actions.
The potential RFID read/write applications will be investigated by defining different scenarios, in conjunction with the developed monitoring system.
A reference image database of failures of rolling stock components will be created, taking into account big data management solutions, to gain knowledge on failures. Besides, the effects of rolling stock failures on infrastructure will be quantified by the proposed risk assessment methods and the analytical models. This information will be fed into the asset management system to help advice maintenance needs.
WP08 - Sensor System to Support Track Geometry
This Work Package aims at the development of an on-board sensor system able to measure the transversal position of the wheel in relation to the rail in order to support track geometry measurements, including the following specific objectives:
- Select and assess the relevant candidate sensors for measurements according to the required features;
- Proof that the selected sensor could be operated under a large set of weather and environmental conditions (dust, rain, snow, etc.) and be active on in-service trains at 60-200 km/h in a simulated environment;
- Setup of a data acquisition system with easy and safe installation process on different typologies of bogies;
- Setup of energy supply system for the equipment taking into account the intended period of application aligned with existing rolling stock maintenance schemes
- Process data into a specific format that is compliant with the track geometry monitoring system developed in the complementary project and define communication interface in collaboration.
WP09 - Data Collection from Fail-safe Systems
The objective of this work package is to design and propose a set of acquisition and data collection schemes for safetycritical systems. These schemes must be developed for the on board systems and for the trackside, although the approach can be slightly different for both locations.
These set of monitoring, inspection and data collection systems shall be designed in a way that does not thread the safety critical functionalities of the “under inspection” equipment of data and does not jeopardize the performance of the system.
The proposed solution will be a mixed hardware and software platform capable to be integrated within the equipment to be monitored. Special care should be paid to the following on-board systems for train diagnostics: brakes and steering. The expected results will be:
- The specification of requirements for the acquisition and data collection systems suitable to manage the safety requirements of the safety-critical systems
- Development and validation in real environment of the above proposed acquisition systems (pilot test with an expected TRL of 5)
WP10 - Validation and Demonstration
This Work Package will validate the complete functionality of the developed train monitoring system in WP7, the sensor system for track geometry monitoring in WP8 and the data collection system in WP9 in a TRL 5/6 environment. The information collected from the pilots will be used to provide feedback on the technical performance and any bugs of the integrated technologies (i.e. installation, initial deployment, operation and communication). This validation exercise will produce input also for preparing documentation such as technical documentation, manual and user guides. Finally, the impact of the development systems on infrastructure maintenance will be evaluated, which paves the way for the system integration in S2R TD 3.7 and providing the data/information required to S2R TD 3.6 and S2R TD 3.8.
WP04 - Italian Urban Metro System IAMS: design and deployment
Starting from the findings of IN2SMART and in synergy with WP3, the objectives of WP4 are Tuning the generic architecture and functions for urban metro; Design and deploy a field installation covering mainly TD 3.7. The data collected will be the main input for the tactical and operational levels demonstrator in WP5; Design and implementation of Data Analytics platform and Decision Support framework covering TD 3.6 and TD 3.8.
The final goal will be minimising maintenance costs, optimising the use of resources while maximising network availability and reliability.
WP4 will be based on IN2SMART WP2 requirements and global functional system architecture for a IAMS ant its further evolution in IN2SMART2 WP3, IN2RAIL and IN2SMART developments towards a CDM and its further evolution in IN2SMART2 WP3. Other inputs will be IN2SMART signalling proxy developed in WP5; IN2SMART Weight in Motion, dynamic impact and wheel defects fiber optics based technologies, models and algorithms developed in WP6; IN2SMART data analytics algorithms of WP8 and IN2SMART decision support methodologies of WP9.
Therefore, WP4 will focus on: Definition of system requirements to be validated in WP5 and synthesised at WP3; Installation plan definition for on-board signalling devices, wayside signalling devices, vehicles’ parameters, data processing system; Equipment procurement and installation of monitoring and data collections systems; Data analytics design and first implementation of nowcasting, anomaly detection and forecasting; Decision Support framework design and links with data analytics; First setup and data collection of monitoring systems; Equipment procurement and installation of data processing system; First setup of data processing system.
WP05 - Italian Urban Metro System IAMS: In field validation
The objective of WP5 is to fine tune installation, integrate analytics platform and DSS framework, and validate a demonstrator at the tactical and operational levels covering all TDs (3.6, 3.7 and 3.8) aimed at minimising maintenance costs, optimising the use of resources while maximising network availability and reliability. WP5 will be based on WP4 results and continuous interaction with WP3.
Therefore, WP5 will focus on: Fine tuning and optimisation of monitoring and data collection systems installed in WP4; Deployment of a complete IAMS architecture and CDM data exchange in line with WP3; Implementation and testing of data analytic methods with a focus on nowcasting, anomaly and prediction of asset status based on multiple data sources for the same asset (looking at several different assets); Implementation and testing of Decision Support Methodologies and algorithms including scheduling (of teams and machinery) optimisation, integration of logistics aspects such as spare parts, multimodal transportation and dynamic HMIs adaptable to user needs; Overall system validation in line with WP3 defined methodology and KPIs.
WP06 - Digital twin for railway asset management: Application to the French and Spanish railway network
The objective of the WP proposed is to create digital twins of new track sections and a new catenary system section of the railway infrastructure, and to develop processes to register and digitalise their evolution as it is being built (called the “As Built Records”, or “ABR”). The use case will deliver a demonstrator at a TRL level of 7, i.e. a digital twin and the “as built records” of real works performed on the French and Spanish Railway Network.
The demonstrator will be carried out in 2022 on 2 segments of the SNCF-R railway according to the planning of the worksite scheduled in 2021, respectively, for the catenary: line Paris Nord – Lille, UIC class 3, segment between station “Gannes” and “Ailly Sur Noye”; for the track: line Arras – Dunkerque, UIC class 4, segment between station “Lens” and “Bethune”. It is expected to perform a Proof of the concept in 2020 before implementing the demonstrator in 2022. The level of TRL of the demonstrator is expected to reach 7. Additionally, a construction phase demonstrator will be carried out in Spain, in order to develop a streamlined methodology for the digitalisation of new assets not designed using BIM methodology.
WP07 - Anomaly detection for rail fastener systems
The objective for this WP is to develop a demonstrator at the operational level covering the TDs 3.6 and 3.7 aimed at minimising maintenance costs, optimising the use of resources while maximising network availability and reliability. More in detail, the UC will integrate (and whenever needed refine/further develop) the following IN2SMART developments: TD3.6: Analytics platform architecture data analytics algorithms for fastener anomaly detection; TD3.7: on-board mounted equipment for data collection on rail fasteners.
The WP is an expansion in size and technological challenges of technology developed and validated in the IN2SMART project using a state-of-the art eddy-current sensor mounted on the vehicle. The sensor is optimised to measure the surface of any conductive material below the sensor. The measurement is analysed by computing an algorithm developed to extract any anomaly for the rail fastener systems.
This WP will also develop a decision support data access system in accordance with the objectives for TD 3.8 by develop a cloud-based front end for operators to access appropriate decision support data for maintenance planning on the rail fasteners systems. The outcome of the WP will be tested and validated on site using in-service trains thus reaching TRL 6-7.
WP08 - Remote Condition Monitoring Maintenance Reduction Interventions and Decisions: Design and Deployment
The overall objective is to improve the quality of asset management decision making by identifying the asset alarms generated by outside factors, such as weather and maintenance activity to enable Operators to prioritise their workload and respond to alarms. This will ensure that serious issues are not lost in the ‘noise’ generated by a large number of simultaneous anomalous alarms and generate a better record of the performance of an asset, ensuring that Whole Life Costing Models utilise a fairer assessment of the reliability of assets, and providing additional knowledge for maintenance optimisation algorithms.
The objective of this work package is a development (in size and technological challenges) of a platform for the prototypes developed for Thales Use Cases from IN2SMART WP8 (Anomaly Detection and Compensation for Weather Effects) and WP9 (Remote Condition Monitoring Intervention Decision Support), related to TD3.6 and TD3.8 respectively. This platform will be loaded with historical data and validated against a subset of the data. The work will link with X2RAIL-2 WP6 as the data will be available in the Integration Layer and accessible via the Core Operator Workstation HMI. The work will also include the Points Fault Classifier Algorithm identified in WP6 of the Transforming Transport GA 731932 project. The work package will cover: The environment of Network Rail, specifically the Transpennine Route. The route section is a 122Km route from Manchester to York via Leeds in the North of England. The specific assets to be used on this route are to be determined with Network Rail but there are 304Km of track and 236 switches and crossings available; Performing big data analysis of historical data including raw points and track circuit data, weather data and all possession and fault management systems logs; Working with Infrastructure Managers to perform a big data analysis on the available data to develop the additional ‘Asset Inter-dependencies’ and ‘Alarms Due to Maintenance’ to create the inputs for the Fault Tree Model; Using historical and a live Weather data interfaces to associate weather stations to asset location.
WP09 - Remote Condition Monitoring Maintenance Reduction Interventions and Decisions: In Field Validation
The overall objective is to enhance the Platform, as specified and tested in WP8, to create a Real World demonstrator (TRL 6) through connection to live data collection sources for a minimum period of 12 months.
The scope of the Prototype is at the operational level (IAMP) covering all TDs (3.6, 3.7 and 3.8) and is aimed at reducing the number of Track Circuits alarms that are raised anomalously due to weather effects and reducing the number of alarms raised due to maintenance work. These outputs will be available in the S2R Integration Layer and displayed as asset status information, prioritised lists, alarm views and KPI views within the Core Operator Workstation (X2RAIL2 WP6). The data is also available via the Integration Layer for use in the Tactical Level (AMP, SAMP) by providing additional asset knowledge for maintenance optimisation algorithms. The work package shall cover the following work on the platform: Load with historical data and the algorithms tested and validated against the full historical data; Connect to live data sources for raw points and track circuit data, weather data and all possession and fault management systems; Combine the previously processed historical data with the live data feeds to collect data for up to 12 Months, with regular monitoring and analysis of the results to provide additional and improved asset knowledge for the maintenance optimisation algorithms; For the identified section of Network Rail infrastructure, the team responsible for scheduling, fault finding, and maintenance will be engaged with, with the aim to understanding and quantifying the potential impact this prototype may have in the real world.
WP10 - SMART maintenance on rail freight corridor Rhine-Alpine
This WP will continue the work of IN2SMART and will include results of the OC Asset4Rails. The goal is to demonstrate condition-based maintenance and asset management on real sections of the Rhine-Alpine Rail Freight Corridor (RFC1).
WP 10 focuses on: Creation of a digital description of the track (digital twin) in terms of design, components, condition (historical /actual), defects, maintenance, behaviour, load, environment and models; Monitoring and inspection of the track and S&Cs; Development and application of data analytics for anomaly detection, quality management, identification and classification of defects, root cause analysis and prediction of degradation; Development and application of decision support tools for LCC and RAMS based decision including maintenance, renewal and improvements; Maintenance execution including lean tamping and combined maintenance activities; Comparison and assessment of different maintenance or asset management strategies.
WP11 - Integrated Asset Management for Civils
The objective of WP11 is to extend one use case developed and validated in IN2SMART (D8.2 Section 4.3 Anomalies in Track Geometry Degradation) in addition to another developed through Transforming Transport GA 731932 (Track Interface Tamping), with the aim of integrating these UC components into a decision support system at operational, tactical and strategic levels for civils assets: Machine Learning models of track geometry degradation and tamping effectiveness have been deployed in a TRL 3 “Tamping Planning Concept”. This displays the current track geometry condition and by employing predictive models identifies priority tamping operations in a 1-2-year time window. The IN2SMART2 Tactical Demonstrator would support identification of the most appropriate maintenance action for track geometry (tamp/stone-blow) and enable the formulation of prioritised plans. Crucial drivers around network access will be explored. The Demonstrator will align with industry KPIs classed as“Good-Track-Geometry” (GTG) and “Poor-Track-Geometry” (PTG). The objective is a maintenance plan that sustains track geometry condition metrics;IN2SMART also developed a life cycle engineering (LCE) prognosis tool providing short/medium forecasts (12 - 50 years) maintenance and reinvestment/replacement measures and costs for the existing bridges of Wiener Linien (WL). Different maintenance strategies, preventive maintenance versus “do minimum”, were analysed and evaluated. The IN2SMART2 Strategic Demonstrator will include more in-depth budget analysis and calibrate degradation models. Key objectives will be: To establish the optimum intervention plan for a given budget (‘design to cost’); better integration of the tool with established WL information systems.
WP14 - Track maintenance decision support tool for a Swedish heavy haul railway line
The main objective of this work package is to develop a decision support tool for railway track maintenance. These objectives can be divided into the following sub-objectives: To collect, measure and detect the track status and precursors of track degradation based on work IN2SMART WP3, WP4, WP6 and WP8; To integrate the prediction model of the behaviour of track degradation for segments developed in IN2SMART WP8 with predictive models with the possibility to including isolated defects; To implement and adopt the integrated RAMS, LCC and Risk framework for generating maintenance plans for maintenance schedules, previously developed in IN2SMART WP9; To define specifications and requirements for an Integrated Maintenance Decision Support Platform and to incorporate the human factor guidelines developed in IN2SMART WP2.