TD 1.2 - Train Control and Monitoring System Demonstrator
Train control and monitoring system (TCMS) (TD 1.2). The development of a new-generation TCMS will allow current bottlenecks caused by physically coupled trains to be overcome. The new drive-by-data concept for train control, along with wireless information transmission, aims to make new control functions possible; it involves interaction between vehicles and consists, with high safety and reliability levels, through very simple physical architectures.
Implementation within IP1 projects
The main objective of this WP will be to work out a general specification of the next generation TCMS (Train Control Management System) and to generate a high level system architecture that is able to provide specific requirements as input to the different tasks of the other WPs.
The main objectives of WP1 are to:
- Provide a basis for collaboration and collecting required data
- Collect all TCMS relevant Use Cases
- Provide a functional (function based) architecture (meaning that TCMS functions are pictured as back boxes including their logical links)
- Collect and provide all functional (top level) requirements
- Collect and provide legal requirements, norms, standards, SIL Levels, …
- Include functions for future needs of the specification
- Reduce the overall cost of the TCMS system
- Increase reliability of the IT system (TCMS) and decrease LCCs
- Requirements as basic inputs for a flexible and scalable TCMS, which features single sources for common data and supports an open data exchange to coupled vehicles.
The research began within Roll2Rail, where members collaborate in the basic definition and selection of the wireless technologies (incl. physical medium, architecture, protocols, RAMS & (cyber)security analysis and testing in lab …) for the train to train, intra-consist, consist to consist and train to ground (T2G) communications and for several applications (TCMS, safety functions, CCTV – Closed Circuit Television -, infotainment).
These inputs from Roll2Rail and WP1 will be reviewed and considered. Members are expected to then develop technical solutions (HW & SW) oriented to the metro segment as well as for main line vehicles, which may include wireless routers, transmitters and receivers, adaptation of software communication layers for T2G related applications. Unitary test on real vehicles before integration in the metro and regional ITD is foreseen in a later call (TRL6/7).
The members will collaborate in the basic definition and selection of the wireless technologies (incl. physical medium, architecture, protocols, RAMS & (cyber) security analysis and testing in lab…) for the train to ground (T2G) communications and for several applications (TCMS, safety related functions, CCTV, infotainment...).
The partners will then develop technical solutions consisting of hardware and software, which may include wireless routers, transmitters and receivers, and adaptation of software communication layers for the complete T2G functionality.
Another goal of this WP is to continue the validation of the technologies and architectures for the wireless TCMS starting from the outcomes of Roll2Rail and taking the laboratory testing infrastructure to a real environment at first for the consist to consist application.
The objectives of this WP can be summarised as follows:
- Provide a ‘business case’ for drive-by-data
- One train-wide communication network for full TCMS support including the replacement of train lines, which supports the secure separation of data traffic belonging to different safety integrity classes in a manner acceptable by regulatory authorities.
- Connecting safety functions up to SIL4 and support of ‘fail-safe’ and ‘fault-tolerant’ principle.
- Provide an optimal train network for TCMS and OMTS (on-board multimedia and telematics) services, by considering quality of service aspects like determinism, real-time behaviour, demand-response-time, guaranteed bandwidth or jitter.
- Provide requirements on end devices (e.g. to approve network conformity and to ensure requested end-to-end demand response time) also as input for WP4 and WP5
- Provide a communication mean also for non-TCMS functions like signalling subsystems
- Support standard methodology & process of safety approval / authorization
The objective of functional distribution architecture is to standardise functional interfaces of functions and sub systems as well as define a generic functional distributed architecture for the next TCMS generation.
The objective of function standardisation and open coupling is to make possible the coupling of two or more consists supplied by any manufacturer and which could have different train functions. It would also allow the control-command and monitoring of a train made of different consists supplied by any manufacturers. In order to achieve this, it is intended to elaborate application profiles for each sub-system of the train and specify, design and develop a prototype of open coupling.
The application profile will define the standardised interfaces for each sub system of the train.
The main goal is to develop a simulation framework in which all subsystems of the train can be simulated, allowing remote and distributed testing including hardware in-the-loop through heterogeneous communication networks.
Specific goals have been defined in WP6:
- Specification and Definition of a standardised simulation framework
- Support virtual testing and homologation of the TCMS and its applications
- Allow local and remote homologation through heterogeneous networks and HW-in-the-loop.
- Complete train virtualisation based on electromechanical simulations
- Test design, deployment and monitoring toolbox development.
- ECN/ETB conformance testing definition and implementation
WP1 - Networking for Drive-By-Data
The goal of this WP1 is to undertake all steps to identify and mitigate technology, certification and market risks early in the development cycle of advanced integrated Ethernet-based TCMS systems and architectures with SIL4 functions and safety lines
WP2 - Functional Distribution Architecture
This WP will provide the “Functional Distribution” architecture concept for a mixed criticality embedded platform, offering an execution environment for multiple TCMS application functions with a virtual bus inside the end-system. This execution environment will ensure strict time/space partitioning, location transparency and abstraction from the underlying network protocols and HW. The architecture will include a standardized interface (API) supporting reconfiguration, scheduling of partitions, health monitoring, time management, inter-partition communication, input/output services and HW abstractions.
WP3 - Virtual Placement in the market
The objective of WP3 is to develop a distributed simulation and validation framework concept for integrated modular architectures in railways systems, which allows SIL & HIL testing along with the coupling of simulators and physical systems at different sites connected via internal LANs or the Internet.
WP1 - General Specification and updated requirements definition
The main objective of this WP will be the specification of new technologies needed for the rest of technical WPs of the project. Theses specification will define the technologies to be implemented and integrated in the urban and/or regional demonstrators.
From these technologies, some of the non-railway specific ones are expected to be implemented and provided by the complementary action (S2R-OC-IP1-01-2018).
The specific objectives of WP1 to:
- Specify the evolution of Wireless TCMS, including T2G, WLTB and WLCN.
- Define new Application Profiles for TCMS functions using the methodology defined in Connecta-1.
- Extend the FDF requirements defined in Connecta-1 with the experience obtained in the implementation phase within the WP3 of this project.
- Definition of functions for DMI for standardisation.
- Completion of Function Open Coupling regarding the input and output needed for DMI visualization.
WP2 - Deployment of transversal technologies and analysis of new technologies
The main goal of this WP is to implement the evolved T2G specify in WP1 and the Application Profiles which will run on top of the FDF deployed in demonstrators. For T2G implementation members of the project will implement new functions of the IEC 61375-2-6 not implemented in Connecta-1. Later on, members will be expected to participate together in interoperability tests to be carried out in the laboratory and the demonstrator. Additionally, in this WP, members will work together with the X2Rail-1 project in order to extend the IEC 61375-2-6 architecture to the “Adaptable Communication” concept coming from that project in order to allow reusing the radio carriers used by signalling applications by TCMS T2G applications.
The specific objective of WP2 are:
- Implement the rest of the functions of the IEC 61375-2-6 which have not been tested in Connecta-1.
- Implement the extended Network Selector function of IEC 61375-2-6 to be interoperable with the “Adaptable Communication” concept coming from the X2Rail-1 project (S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015).
- Implement alone and together with the complementary action (S2R-OC-IP1-01-2018) different Application profiles to run on top of the FDFs deployed in WP3.
WP3 - Technical specification and implementation of components for lab demonstrators
This WP shall specify the laboratory demonstrators for an urban and a regional train application based on technologies developed in Connecta-1 and Roll2Rail. These specifications shall consider:
- CTA1-WP2-Wireless TCMS, Train-to-ground communication and WLTB interoperability
- CTA1-WP3-Drive-by-Data, proof-of-concept for safe train inauguration with consists from two different partners (interoperability test)
- CTA1-WP3-Drive-by-Data, interconnecting safety functions (e.g. onboard signalling components and/or brake-by-wire) and non-safety functions with unique train communication network using the network technologies defined in CTA1.
- CTA1-WP4-Functional Distribution Architecture, functional interoperability based on a functional distribution framework and application profiles
- CTA1-WP4-Functional Open Coupling, deploying application profiles in train wide communication
- CTA1-WP6-Simulation Framework and Train Virtualization, use of virtualization and validation of tools and architectures
WP4 - Test definition for lab demonstrators
The main objective of this WP is the specification of test scenarios and test cases for demonstrating the correctness integration of technologies and architectures defined in Connecta-1and Roll2Rail. These test specifications will be done for both, the urban and the regional demonstrators.
The specific objectives of WP4 are:
- The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Wireless TCMS, including train-to-ground, WLTB and WLCN.
- The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Drive-by-data defined in Connecta-1.
- The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Functional Distributed Framework.
- The definition of test cases and lab setup to test the Application profiles for HVAC, BMS and/or Doors running on top of the Functional Distributed Framework.
- The definition of test cases and test scenarios for Functional Open Coupling functionality.
- The definition of test cases and test scenarios for Virtual Homologation Framework.
WP5 - Implementation and test execution in urban lab demonstrator
The WP will aim at integrating technologies developed in Connecta-1 and Roll2Rail in the urban demonstrator. This demonstrator should be the basis for the future validation and later deployment on real vehicles. It will ensure technical and functional interoperability of technologies and architectures from different suppliers defined in the following Connecta-1 work packages:
- Wireless Train Backbone and Train-to-Ground communications Drive-by-data
- Functional Distribution Framework
- Application Profiles
- Virtual Homologation Framework
WP6 - Implementation and test execution in regional lab demonstrator
This WP seeks to integrate technologies developed in Connecta-1 and Roll2Rail in a regional lab environment. This demonstrator should be the basis for the future validation and later deployment on real vehicles. It will ensure technical and functional interoperability of technologies and architectures from different suppliers defined in the following Connecta-1 work packages:
- Train-to-Ground communication
- Drive-by-data + integration of onboard signalling components and/or brake-by-wire
- Functional Distribution Framework + integration of 3rd party function (OC)
- Functional Open Coupling (optional)
- Application Profiles
- Wireless TCMS (regional with support of OC)
- Virtual Homologation Framework
WP1 - TSN-based Drive-by-Data
The goal of the Drive-by-Data network is to provide a robust, safe and secure communication system for the nextgeneration TCMS, including real-time, mission-critical and non-critical functions. The DbD network will be based on strict temporal and spatial partitioning provided by deterministic Ethernet to provide the necessary means for data communication for all subsystems in the train.
This WP1 implements the components (up to TRL5) for the Drive-by-Data network, based on the high-level requirements, concept and specification from Safe4RAIL and CONNECTA. Furthermore, WP1 covers the support to the demonstrators in the CFM project by providing the networking components and integration support during the preparation of the two demonstrators.
WP1 targets the following objectives:
- Development of Ethernet Train Backbone Nodes (ETBNs) for train-wide communication
- Development of safe train inauguration algorithms
- Development of Consist Switches (CS) for consist-wide communication.
- Development of required networking components for safety-related End Devices (ED) to connect them to the network, and their integration into the Functional Distribution Framework (COM Layer, drivers)
- Interoperability test specification and execution of the interoperability tests of the project’s ETBNs and CS.
- Provide support to the CFM project demonstrator objectives
WP2 - Future Wireless TCMS
The activity in WP2 will be focused on several aspects for enabling the future deployment of a wireless TCMS. The core activities of this WP will be the development of LTE equipment suitable for Wireless Train Backbone (WLTB), in particular supporting deterministic D2D multicast communications. The train inauguration, considered a representative example of train backbone functionalities, will be validated using these LTE equipment.
Several complementary topics will also be analyzed, such as the performance of LTE links in challenging railway environments, the integration of heterogeneous on-board wireless links, and the integration of DbD concept (WP1) with wireless technologies. Future aspects such as upcoming 5G technology and virtual coupling will also be covered.
Additionally, an extension to the wireless consist network will also be considered.
This WP will take as baseline the LTE laboratory tests of Roll2Rail project done with real railway channels. Besides, LTE devices will be integrated in the CFM demonstrators (up to TRL 4), as a result of WP2.
The following specific objectives can be identified for this WP:
- Development of LTE equipment suitable for wireless TCMS, including an impact analysis on ETBNs.
- ETB interoperability tests with wireless train inauguration in CFM demonstrators.
- Analysis of specific wireless issues, such as:
- Performance in challenging and busy railway environments, e.g. main stations
- Integration of on-board wireless systems, including signalling
- Evolution of DbD towards wireless technologies
- Extension to Wireless Consist Network
- Future wireless aspects:
- Analysis of 5G technology in wireless TCMS
- Wireless technologies for Virtual Coupling
WP3 - Functional Distribution Framework and Simulation Framework
The Functional Distribution Framework (FDF) aims to offer an execution environment for distributed TCMS applications up to SIL4 that ensures a strict spatial and temporal partitioning, location transparency and abstraction from the underlying network protocols and hardware. The Simulation Framework (SF) enables remote and distributed validation of all TCMS subsystems, supporting SIL & HIL testing at different sites connected via internal LANs or the Internet.
The objective in WP3 istwofold: (1) integration of an HVAC train subsystem function into CFM’sFDFs and (2) enabling the remote control and monitoring of an HVAC subsystem by means of CFM’s SF.
With regard to the integration into the FDF, an HVAC train function will be specified and implemented to be compliant with the high-level architecture resulting from CONNECTA and SAFE4RAIL and with the associated ApplicationProfile given by CONNECTA (up to TRL5). This will ensure interoperability of train applications withFDF instantiations, that is, ‘plug-n-play’ functionality and compatibility of this function among different HVAC vendors.
On the other hand, this Work Package will be also responsible for ensuring the right integration of HVAC into FDF and SF, so that a system validation can be performed by CFM members. To achieve it, WP3 will carefully analyse CFM’s demo specification and design the needed adaptations in the HVAC system for the two demonstrators in the CFM project. During the latest 6 months of the project, this WP will provide support to the CFM project towards a successful integration of the HVAC system into both demonstrators.
The outcome from this WP will be a HVAC function integrated into the CFM’stwoFunctional DistributionFrameworks and enabling a HVAC system to be remotely controlled within CFM’s Simulation Framework. The use of standardized functional interfaces provided by FDF and standardized application interfaces (Application Profile) will contribute to the evolution towards the standardization and interoperability of TCMS
WP1 - Deployment of high TRL
TThe main objective of this WP is the deployment of NG-TCMS solutions with a TRL up to TRL6/7. This includes the definition of actions to be performed to reach an higher TRL as well as to ensure interoperability and certification with the definition of conformance tests and the safety case definition. The respective documents will serve as input for WP2 and WP3 as well as for the standardisation.
The components the deployment of which is to be made are listed below:
- HW architecture prepared for SIL4
- Safe Train Inauguration
- SDTv4
- Next Generation TCN architecture over TSN
- Wireless Train Backbone
- Wireless Consist Network
- Mobile Communication Gateway (T2G)
- Functional Open Coupling
- Subsystem functions according to Application Profiles (BMS, Doors, HVAC…)
WP2 - Urban High TRL Demonstrators Management
The scope of this WP is the management of High TRL demonstrator which will be divided in:
- Preparation of High TRL solutions tests in urban lab environments.
- Test of High TRL solutions in urban lab environments.
- Preparation of High TRL solutions tests in a real train unit from Euskotren operator.
- Test of High TRL solutions in depot and field tests.
- Re-commission the Euskotren’s train unit to its original state.
With the exception of Wireless Train Backbone, technologies related to NG-TCMS (FDF, DbD, MCG, Application Profiles) will be tested and validated in real train unit. Wireless Train Backbone is dependent on the wireless technology maturity which for the moment does not allow achieving TRL6/7; therefore its deployment will continue (e.g. providing redundancy support) in laboratory.
WP3 - Regional High TRL Demonstrators Management
The main objective of this WP is the management of High TRL demonstrator which will be divided in:
- Preparation of High TRL solutions tests in relevant lab environments
- Test of High TRL solutions in relevant lab environments
- Preparation of High TRL solutions tests in field
- Test of High TRL solutions in field
To safe time and budget all tests not necessarily needing a real train environment will be done in laboratory with the help of the Virtual Certification Framework on a demonstrator with simulated relevant environment (sub-systems, conventional train control, coupled consists). Field tests on a real train will be done only for the technologies that can’t be comprehensively tested in a simulated environment e.g. Wireless Consist Network. Test objects are the HW components CCU, IO, ETBN, CS, WLCN and the technologies FDF, SDTv4, Safe Train Inauguration, FOC, Application Profiles and Virtual Certification Framework.
WP4 - New functionalities for NG-TCMS
This WP leads with new specifications for the NG-TCMS in order to complement the already offered services regarding T2G and cybersecurity. More specifically, the WP has the following objectives:
- Specification of additional functions for T2G communications not covered by the IEC 61375-2-6, such as the CCTV
- Specification of the full interface based on SIP for the interoperability with the Adaptable Communication System
- Benchmarking activity of such activity outcome with regard the current IEC 61375 series and other upcoming standards from different industries
- Preparation to the handle the up-coming problems of cybersecurity
WP5 - Integration of NG-TCMS with other on-board systems
This WP mainly deals with the definition of interfaces between the TCMS with other on-board systems and operator-oriented requirements for handling vehicles during the lifetime. Main topics are:
- Integration of ATO functionalities (up to GoA4) in form of Application Profiles and the FOC interface definition: A major requirement for a possible adoption of the CONNECTA concept in the market is the availability of standardised Application Profiles for each subsystem of the train. Therefore, the definition of Application Profiles for further subsystems will continue. Furthermore, the work on the standardisation of the inter-consist communication (Functional Open Coupling) will continue.
- Interoperability with CCS systems (OCORA), IT systems (ITxPT), Autonomous Functions (Doors) will be studied. Interoperability will be considered at inter-consist level as well for multiple units.
- Data availability: The availability of data - e.g. for CBM reasons - will be shown. For this purpose, a test device will be created.
- Exchangeability of subsystems: A study will show if the exchangeability of subsystems is possible for operators without involvement of the original train / TCMS manufacturer and what are the implications regarding certification.
WP01 - Next generation TCMS
The activity in WP1 will be focused on developing the Drive-by-Data network equipment to enable a robust, safe and secure communication system for the next-generation TCMS, including real-time, mission-critical and non-critical functions. This WP1 implements the components (up to TRL7) for the Drive-by-Data network, based on the requirements, concept and specification from previous projects (i.e. Safe4RAIL, CONNECTA Safe4RAIL-2, CONNECTA-2). Furthermore, WP1 covers the developing of FDF environment and tools. WP1 targets the following objectives:
• Regarding the DbD: - Development of Ethernet Train Backbone Nodes (ETBNs) for train-wide communication from a prototype to real products with a TRL 6/7. - Development of safe train inauguration algorithms from a prototype to real products with a TRL 6/7. - Development of Consist Switches (CS) for consist-wide communication. from a prototype to real products with a TRL 6/7. - Development of required networking components for safety-related End Devices (ED) to connect them to the network, and their integration into theFunctional DistributionFramework (COM Layer, drivers) from a prototype to real products with a TRL 6/7. - Development of the Time Sensitive Network Configuration Tool with a TRL 6/7.
• Regarding FDF aspects - The integration of an HVAC subsystem on top of the FDF. - Performance of conformance tests for the FDF against the defined interfaces. - Integration of the HVAC subsystem and the FDF on a SIL-4 CCU hardware. - Provide tools for developing SIL4 functions on top of the FDF. - Support a SIL4 application development provided by the complementary CFM
WP02 - Next generation wireless TCMS
The activity of WP2 will be focused on the developments related to the wireless domain. The main goals of WP2 will be the following ones:
1. To carry out a study to select the most optimal antenna locations for the WLTB, WLCN and Train-to-Ground (T2G) links. This study will include simulations as well as validations in trains.
2. To develop high-TRL devices and antennas for the Wireless Train Backbone (WLTB), for both TCMS and OMTS traffics. Different types of devices will be provided for each type of traffic, due to their different requirements.
3. To develop high-TRL devices and antennas for the Wireless Consist Network (WLCN). In this case, a single type of device will be able to cover both TCMS and OMTS traffics.
WP03 - Building tools, safety & security assessment, and Test integration
The next generation of TCMS shall support safety-critical and security functionalities offering at the same time easier certification procedures and self-configuration. In WP3 the fulfilment of these goals shall be evaluated concentrating on the most relevant aspects already identified. In this WP3 is about: To perform independent safety and cybersecurity studies for DbD, FDF and Wireless TCMS. To elaborate a methodology to develop SIL4 functions for the FDF to support a SIL4 application development provided by the complementary CFM. To study the achievement of very low latencies by controlling the FDF execution based on a tool-based calculation of Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) transmission slots. To support the demonstration, and validation and verification of the sSafe4RAIL-3 development devices and technologies in the complementary CFM project.